Games Search

001 Game CreatorWindows
007: Agent Under FireGameCubeJames Bond
007: Everything or NothingGameCubeJames Bond
007: Everything or NothingGame Boy AdvanceJames Bond
007: From Russia with LoveGameCubeJames Bond
007: NightfireGameCubeJames Bond
007: NightfireGame Boy AdvanceJames Bond
007: The World Is Not EnoughNintendo 64James Bond
10 Second NinjaWindows10 Second Ninja
10 Second Ninja XWindows10 Second Ninja
100 Christmas CatsWindows100 Cats
100 Doors: Escape from SchoolWindowsLogic Puzzle Games
100% Orange JuiceWindows100% Orange Juice
1080 SnowboardingNintendo 64
11-11 Memories RetoldWindows
112 OperatorWindows
12 is Better Than 6Windows
19: NeunzehnFamicom Disk System
1942Game Boy Color19XX
1943: The Battle of MidwayNES19XX
2 Games in One!: Dr. Mario + Puzzle LeagueGame Boy AdvanceDr. Mario, Mario, Panel de Pon, Puzzle League
2 Games in One!: Gauntlet + RampartGame Boy AdvanceGauntlet
2 Games in One!: Marble Madness + KlaxGame Boy AdvanceMarble Madness
2 Games in One!: Paperboy + RampageGame Boy AdvancePaperboy, Rampage
2 Games in One!: Spy Hunter + Super SprintGame Boy AdvanceSpy Hunter
20 Minutes Till DawnWindows
200% Mixed Juice!Windows100% Orange Juice
2020 Super BaseballSNES
2064: Read Only MemoriesWindows
2901 FreelancerWindows2901
2901//DRUM_DREAM Vol2Windows2901
3 Count BoutWindows
3 Games in One!: Centipede + Breakout + WarlordsGame Boy AdvanceBreakout, Centipede
3 Games in One!: Millipede + Super Breakout + Lunar LanderGame Boy AdvanceBreakout, Centipede
3 Games in One!: Pong + Asteroids + Yars' RevengeGame Boy AdvanceAsteroids, Pong, Yars' Revenge
3 out of 10, EP 1: "Welcome To Shovelworks"Windows3 out of 10
3 out of 10, EP 3: "Pivot Like A Champion"Windows3 out of 10
3 out of 10, EP 4: "Thank You For Being An Asset"Windows3 out of 10
3 out of 10, EP 5: "The Rig Is Up!"Windows3 out of 10
3 out of 10: EP 2 - "Foundation 101"Windows3 out of 10
3 out of 10: Season TwoWindows3 out of 10
30 Minutes to Die AlphaWindows
33 RoundsWindows
3D Ultra Minigolf AdventuresWindows
3-D WorldRunnerNESTobidase Daisakusen
4 ElementsWindows4 Elements
7 Days to DieWindows
8 EyesNES
8-Bit BayonettaWindowsBayonetta
8Doors: Arum's Afterlife AdventureWindowsNEOWIZ
9 Years of ShadowsWindows
911 OperatorWindows
A Bad Day For A HangoverWindows
A Blind LegendWindows
A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on BloboloniaNESA Boy and His Blob
A Case of DistrustWindows
A Forgetful LoopWindows
A Game About Digging A HoleWindows
A Game Of Thrones: The Board GameWindows
A Good Snowman Is Hard To BuildWindows
A Guidebook Of BabelWindows
A Hat in TimeWindows
A Juggler's TaleWindows
A Knight's QuestWindows
A Magical High School GirlWindows
A Nightmare on Elm StreetNES
A Normal Lost PhoneWindows
A Plague Tale: InnocenceWindowsA Plague Tale
A Short HikeWindows
A Snake's TaleWindows
A Story About My UncleWindows
A Tiny Sticker TaleWindows
A Total War Saga: TroyWindowsTotal War, Total War Saga
A Virus Named TomWindows
A.D. 2044Windows
A.S.P.: Air Strike PatrolSNES
AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for GravityWindowsAaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!!
Abadox: The Deadly Inner WarNES
Abandon ShipWindows
Absolute DriftWindows
Acceleration of Suguri 2WindowsSUGURI
Ace Attorney Investigations CollectionWindowsAce Attorney
Ace of SpadesWindows
Aces of the Luftwaffe: SquadronWindows
Across the GroovesWindows
Action HenkWindows
Activision AnthologyGame Boy AdvanceVideo Game Anthology
Actraiser 2SNESActRaiser
Adam WolfeWindows
Addams Family ValuesSNESThe Addams Family
Advance Guardian HeroesGame Boy AdvanceGuardian Heroes
Advance WarsGame Boy AdvanceAdvance Wars, Famicom Wars
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole RisingGame Boy AdvanceAdvance Wars, Famicom Wars
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons : Eye of the BeholderSNESDungeons & Dragons, Eye of the Beholder
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of RadianceNESDungeons & Dragons, Pool of Radiance
AdVenture CapitalistWindows
Adventure IslandNESAdventure Island
Adventure IslandGame BoyAdventure Island
Adventure Island 3NESAdventure Island
Adventure Island IINESAdventure Island
Adventure Island II: Aliens in ParadiseGame BoyAdventure Island
Adventures in the Magic KingdomNES
Adventures of ChrisWindowsScott Adams Classic Adventures
Adventures of LoloNESAdventures of Lolo
Adventures of LoloGame BoyAdventures of Lolo
Adventures of Lolo 2NESAdventures of Lolo
Adventures of Lolo 3NESAdventures of Lolo
Adventures of ShuggyWindows
Aegis DefendersWindows
AER: Memories of OldWindows
Aerial_Knight's Never YieldWindows
Aero FightersSNESAero Fighters
Aero the Acro-BatSNESAero the Acro-Bat
Aero the Acro-Bat 2SNESAero the Acro-Bat
Aero the Acro-Bat: Rascal Rival RevengeGame Boy AdvanceAero the Acro-Bat
AerobizSNESKoei Executive
Aerobiz SupersonicSNESKoei Executive
AeroFighters AssaultNintendo 64Aero Fighters
AerostarGame Boy
After The End: The HarvestWindows
Against All OddsWindows
Agatha KnifeWindowsPsychotic Adventures
Age of Empires II HDWindowsAge of Empires
Age of Empires III HDWindowsAge of Empires
Age of Steel: RechargeWindows
Age of Wonders IIIWindowsAge of Wonders
Agent AwesomeWindows
Ages of Conflict: World War SimulatorWindows
Aidyn Chronicles: The First MageNintendo 64
Aim LabWindows
Air FortressNES
Airforce Delta StormGame Boy AdvanceAirforce Delta
ajXI Cosmic ClimbGame Boy
Akalabeth: World of DoomWindowsUltima
Akka ArrhWindows
Akumajou DraculaNESCastlevania
AK-xolotl: TogetherWindows
Al Unser Jr. Turbo RacingNES
AladdinGame Boy ColorAladdin
AladdinGame Boy AdvanceAladdin
AladdinGame BoyAladdin
Alan WakeWindowsAlan Wake
Alan Wake's American NightmareWindowsAlan Wake
Alba: A Wildlife AdventureWindows
Alchemy GardenWindows
Alder's Blood PrologueWindows
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DXWindowsAlex Kidd
Alfred ChickenGame Boy
Algo BotWindows
Alice in WonderlandGame Boy Color
Alien 3SNESAlien
Alien 3NESAlien
Alien Breed 2: AssaultWindowsAlien Breed
Alien Breed 3: DescentWindowsAlien Breed
Alien Breed: ImpactWindowsAlien Breed
Alien HominidGameCubeAlien Hominid
Alien HominidGame Boy AdvanceAlien Hominid
Alien Life LabWindows
Alien SwarmWindowsAlien Swarm
Alien Vs PredatorSNESAlien, Aliens versus Predator
Alien: IsolationWindowsAlien
Aliens: Thanatos EncounterGame Boy ColorAlien
All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.Famicom Disk SystemMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Bros.
AlleywayGame Boy
All-Star Baseball 2000Nintendo 64All-Star Baseball
All-Star Baseball 2001Nintendo 64All-Star Baseball
All-Star Baseball 99Nintendo 64All-Star Baseball
All-Star Baseball 99Game BoyAll-Star Baseball
ALLTYNEX SecondWindows
Alone in the Dark: The New NightmareGame Boy ColorAlone in the Dark
Alone on MarsWindows
Along the EdgeWindows
Alpha Mission IIWindowsAlpha Mission
Alpha ProtocolWindows
Altered Beast: Guardian of the RealmsGame Boy AdvanceAltered Beast
Alwa's AwakeningWindowsAlwa
Amanda the AdventurerWindows
Amazing Adventures Around the WorldWindowsAmazing Adventures
Amazing Adventures: The Lost TombWindowsAmazing Adventures
Amazing PenguinGame Boy
A-Mazing TaterGame BoyPuzzle Boy
American Bass ChallengeGame Boy AdvanceBlack Bass
American FugitiveWindows
American Truck SimulatorWindowsEuro Truck Simulator
Amnesia: A Machine for PigsWindowsAmnesia
Amnesia: MemoriesWindowsAmnesia (Idea Factory)
Amnesia: RebirthWindowsAmnesia
Amnesia: The Dark DescentWindowsAmnesia
Among the SleepWindows
Among UsWindows
An Airport GameWindows
Ancestors: The Humankind OdysseyWindows
Ancient EnemyWindows
And Yet It MovesWindows
Angelo and Deemon: One Hell of a QuestWindows
Angry Video Game Nerd AdventuresWindowsAVGN Adventures
Angry Video Game Nerd I & II DeluxeWindowsAVGN Adventures
Animal CrossingGameCubeAnimal Crossing
Anna's QuestWindows
Anomaly 2WindowsAnomaly: Warzone Earth
Anomaly: KoreaWindowsAnomaly: Warzone Earth
Anomaly: Warzone EarthWindowsAnomaly: Warzone Earth
Another Lost Phone: Laura's StoryWindows
Another PerspectiveWindows
Ape OutWindows
Aperture Desk JobWindowsPortal
Apex LegendsWindowsTitanfall
AppGameKit ClassicWindows
Arcade Classic 1: Asteroids & Missile CommandGame BoyArcade Classic
Arcade Classic 2: Centipede & MillipedeGame BoyArcade Classic
Arcade Classic 3: Galaga & GalaxianGame BoyArcade Classic
Arcade Classic 4: Defender & JoustGame BoyArcade Classic
Arcade Classics: Super Breakout & BattlezoneGame BoyBattlezone, Breakout
Arcade MoonlanderWindows
Arcade ParadiseWindows
Arcade SpiritsWindows
Arcade Spirits: The New ChallengersWindowsArcade Spirits
Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1SNESArcade's Greatest Hits
Arch Rivals: A Basketbrawl!NES
Archer Maclean's Super DropzoneSNES
Architect Life: A House Design Simulator DemoWindows
Ardy LightfootSNES
Are You Smarter Than A 5th GraderWindows
ARK: Survival EvolvedWindowsArk
ARK: Survival Of The FittestWindows
Arkanoid: Doh It AgainSNESArkanoid
Arkista's RingNES
Arle No Bouken: Mahou No JewelGame Boy ColorMadou Monogatari
Arlo The RabbitWindowsArlo the Rabbit
Arma 2WindowsArmA
Arma 2: Operation ArrowheadWindowsArmA
Arma: Cold War AssaultWindowsArmA
Armor Of HeroesWindows
Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M.Game Boy Color
Army MenGame Boy ColorArmy Men
Army Men 2Game Boy ColorArmy Men
Army Men 3DPlayStationArmy Men
Army Men Air Combat: The Elite MissionsGameCubeArmy Men
Army Men: Air CombatNintendo 64Army Men
Army Men: Air CombatGame Boy ColorArmy Men
Army Men: RTSGameCubeArmy Men
Army Men: Sarge's HeroesNintendo 64Army Men, Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2Nintendo 64Army Men, Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2Game Boy ColorArmy Men, Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
Army Men: Sarge's WarGameCubeArmy Men
Art of FightingSNESArt of Fighting
Art of Fighting 2WindowsArt of Fighting
Art of Fighting 3: The Path of The WarriorWindowsArt of Fighting
Art of RallyWindows
ArtRage Studio ProWindows
Arumana no KisekiFamicom Disk System
As Far as the EyeWindows
Ashes of the Singularity: EscalationWindowsAshes of the Singularity
Ashes to AshesWindows
Ashwalkers: A Survival JourneyWindows
Assassin's CreedWindowsAssassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed BrotherhoodWindowsAssassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: ChinaWindowsAssassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed Chronicles
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: IndiaWindowsAssassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed Chronicles
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: RussiaWindowsAssassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed Chronicles
Assassin's Creed IIWindowsAssassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed IIIWindowsAssassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed IV: Black FlagWindowsAssassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed OriginsWindowsAssassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed RevelationsWindowsAssassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed SyndicateWindows
Assassin's Creed: UnityWindowsAssassin's Creed
Assetto CorsaWindows
AsterixGame BoyAsterix
Asterix & ObelixSNESAsterix
Asterix & ObelixGame Boy ColorAsterix
Asterix & ObelixGame BoyAsterix
Asterix: Sur La Trace D'idefixGame Boy ColorAsterix
AsteroidsGame Boy ColorAsteroids
AsteroidsGame BoyAsteroids
Asteroids: RechargedWindowsAsteroids
Astrea Six Sided OraclesWindows
Astro Boy: Omega FactorGame Boy AdvanceAstro Boy
Astro ColonyWindows
Astro Duel 2WindowsAstro Duel
AstroPop DeluxeWindows
Atari Anniversary AdvanceGame Boy Advance
Atlas FallenWindows
Atom Zombie SmasherWindows
Atomic PunkGame Boy
Attic PanicWindows
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-OdanWindows
Autobahn Police SimulatorWindowsAutobahn Police Simulator
AVA: Dark HistoryWindows
Avadon: The Black FortressWindowsAvadon
Aven ColonyWindows
Avenging SpiritGame Boy
Aveyond 3-1: Lord of TwilightWindowsAveyond
Aveyond 3-2: Gates of NightWindowsAveyond
Aviary AttorneyWindows
AVICII InvectorWindows
Avoid It!Windows
Awesome Mix TapeWindows
Axiom VergeWindowsAxiom Verge
Axis Game Factory's AGFPRO 3.0Windows
Ayakashi No ShiroGame Boy
Azure DreamsGame Boy Color
Baba is YouWindows
Babysitter BloodbathWindows
Back to BedWindows
Back to the Future: Ep 1 - It's About TimeWindowsBack to the Future
Back to the Future: Ep 2 - Get Tannen!WindowsBack to the Future
Back to the Future: Ep 3 - Citizen BrownWindowsBack to the Future
Back to the Future: Ep 4 - Double VisionsWindowsBack to the Future
Back to the Future: Ep 5 - OUTATIMEWindowsBack to the Future
Back to the Future: The GameWindowsBack to the Future
Bad DudesNESBad Dudes
Bad HotelWindows
Bad News BaseballNES
BAFL: Brakes Are For LosersWindows
Balconing Simulator 2020Windows
Baldur's GateWindowsBaldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate 3WindowsBaldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate IIWindowsBaldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate: Dark AllianceGameCubeBaldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate: Dark AllianceGame Boy Advance
BallisticGame Boy Color
Ballistic: Ecks Vs. SeverGame Boy AdvanceEcks vs. Sever
Balloon FightNESBalloon Fight
Balloon Fight GBGame Boy ColorBalloon Fight
Balloon KidGame BoyBalloon Fight
Balloony's AdventureWindows
Banana HellWindows
Bandit Kings of Ancient ChinaNES
Bang Bang RacingWindowsBang Bang Racing
Banishing RacerGame Boy
Banjo-KazooieNintendo 64Banjo-Kazooie
Banjo-KazooieXbox 360Banjo-Kazooie
Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's RevengeGame Boy AdvanceBanjo-Kazooie
Banjo-PilotGame Boy AdvanceBanjo-Kazooie
Banjo-TooieNintendo 64Banjo-Kazooie
Banners of RuinWindows
Barker Bill's Trick ShootingNES
Barrier XWindows
Bartlow's Dread MachineWindows
Baseball AdvanceGame Boy Advance
Baseball Simulator 1.000NESBaseball Simulator
Baseball StarsNESBaseball Stars
Baseball Stars 2WindowsBaseball Stars
Baseball Stars IINESBaseball Stars
Bases LoadedNESBases Loaded
Bases LoadedGame Boy
Bases Loaded 3NESBases Loaded
Bases Loaded 4NESBases Loaded
Bases Loaded II: Second SeasonNESBases Loaded
Bassin's Black BassSNESBlack Bass
Baten Kaitos OriginsGameCubeBaten Kaitos
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost OceanGameCubeBaten Kaitos
Batman BeginsGame Boy AdvanceBatman, DC Universe
Batman ReturnsSNESBatman, DC Universe
Batman ReturnsNESBatman, DC Universe
Batman: Arkham AsylumPlayStation 3Batman, Batman: Arkham, DC Universe
Batman: Arkham AsylumWindowsBatman, Batman: Arkham, DC Universe
Batman: Arkham CityWindowsBatman, Batman: Arkham, DC Universe
Batman: Arkham KnightWindowsBatman, Batman: Arkham, DC Universe
Batman: Chaos in GothamGame Boy ColorBatman, DC Universe
Batman: Return of the JokerNESBatman, DC Universe
Batman: Return of the JokerGame BoyBatman, DC Universe
Batman: Rise of Sin TzuGame Boy AdvanceBatman, DC Universe
Batman: The Animated SeriesGame BoyBatman, DC Universe
Batman: The Enemy WithinWindowsBatman, Batman: The Telltale Series, DC Universe
Batman: The Telltale SeriesWindowsBatman, Batman: The Telltale Series, DC Universe
Batman: The Video GameNESBatman, DC Universe
Batman: The Video GameGame BoyBatman, DC Universe
Batman: VengeanceGame Boy AdvanceBatman, DC Universe
BATS: Bloodsucker Anti-Terror SquadWindows
Battalion WarsGameCubeBattalion Wars
Battle Arena ToshindenGame BoyBattle Arena Toshinden
Battle B-DamanGame Boy AdvanceBattle B-Daman
Battle B-Daman: Fire Spirits!Game Boy AdvanceBattle B-Daman
Battle CarsSNES
Battle Chef BrigadeWindows
Battle ClashSNES
Battle HunterPlayStation
Battle Realms + Winter of the WolfWindowsBattle Realms
Battle Unit ZeothGame Boy
BattleBlock TheaterWindows
Battlefield 1WindowsBattlefield
Battlefield 1942WindowsBattlefield
Battlefield 3WindowsBattlefield
Battlefield 4WindowsBattlefield
Battlefield VWindowsBattlefield
Battlefield: Bad Company 2WindowsBattlefield
BattleshipGame Boy Color
BattleshipGame Boy
Battlestar Galactica DeadlockWindowsBattlestar Galactica
Battlestations: MidwayWindowsBattlestations
BattletanxGame Boy ColorBattleTanx
BattleTanxNintendo 64BattleTanx
BattleTanx: Global AssaultNintendo 64BattleTanx
BattletoadsGame BoyBattletoads
Battletoads & Double DragonSNESBattletoads, Double Dragon
Battletoads & Double DragonNESBattletoads, Double Dragon
Battletoads & Double DragonGame BoyBattletoads, Double Dragon
Battletoads in BattlemaniacsSNESBattletoads
Battletoads in Ragnarok's WorldGame BoyBattletoads
Battlevoid: HarbingerWindows
Battlezone: Rise of the Black DogsNintendo 64Battlezone
Bear and BreakfastWindows
Bear With MeWindows
Beasts of Maravilla IslandWindows
Beat HazardWindowsBeat Hazard
Beatbuddy: Tale of the GuardiansWindows
Beautiful DesolationWindows
Beavis and Butt-HeadSNESBeavis and Butt-head
Beavis and Butt-HeadGame BoyBeavis and Butt-head
Beetle Adventure Racing!Nintendo 64
Before I ForgetWindows
Behind the Frame: The Finest SceneryWindows
Behold the KickmenWindows
Beholder 2WindowsBeholder
Beholder 3WindowsBeholder
Bejeweled 2 DeluxeWindowsBejeweled
Bejeweled 3WindowsBejeweled
Bejeweled DeluxeWindows
Bejeweled TwistWindowsBejeweled
Ben There, Dan That!WindowsBen & Dan
Beneath a Steel SkyWindowsBeneath a Steel Sky
Between the StarsWindows
Between Two CastlesWindows
Beyblade G-RevolutionGame Boy AdvanceBeyblade
Beyond BlueWindows
Beyond DivinityWindowsDivinity
Beyond Good & EvilGameCubeBeyond Good & Evil
Beyond Good & EvilWindowsBeyond Good & Evil
Beyond Good and EvilWindowsBeyond Good & Evil
Beyond The WireWindows
BFF or DieWindows
Big Money! DeluxeWindows
Big Sky TrooperSNES
Big Thinkers 1st GradeWindowsBig Thinkers
Big Thinkers KindergartenWindows
Biing!: Sex, Intrigue and ScalpelsWindows
Biker Mice from MarsSNESBiker Mice from Mars
Bill Elliott's NASCAR ChallengeNESNASCAR
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Fast TracksGame BoyNASCAR
Binary DomainWindows
Bio MenaceWindows
Bionic BattlerGame Boy
Bionic CommandoNESBionic Commando
Bionic CommandoGame BoyBionic Commando
Bionic CommandoWindowsBionic Commando
Bionic Commando: Elite ForcesGame Boy ColorBionic Commando
Bionic DuesWindows
BioShock 2WindowsBioshock
BioShock InfiniteWindowsBioshock
bit Generations: BoundishGame Boy Advancebit Generations
bit Generations: ColorisGame Boy Advancebit Generations
bit Generations: DialhexGame Boy Advancebit Generations
bit Generations: DigidriveGame Boy Advancebit Generations
bit Generations: DotstreamGame Boy Advancebit Generations
bit Generations: OrbitalGame Boy Advancebit Generations
bit Generations: SoundvoyagerGame Boy Advancebit Generations
Bit Rat: SingularityWindows
BIT.TRIP BeatWindowsBit.Trip
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm AlienWindowsBit.Trip
BIT.TRIP RunnerWindowsBit.Trip
Black Bass: Lure FishingGame BoyBlack Bass
Black BookWindows
Black DesertWindows
Black Lake PrototypeWindows
Black Widow: RechargedWindows
Blacksad: Under the SkinWindows
BlackthorneGame Boy Advance
BladeGame Boy ColorBlade
Blade AssaultWindows
Blade of DarknessWindows
Blades of SteelNESBlades of Steel
Blades of SteelGame BoyBlades of Steel
Blades of ThunderGame Boy Advance
Blair WitchWindows
Blast Brigade vs. the Evil Legion of Dr. CreadWindows
Blast CorpsNintendo 64
Blast Zone! TournamentWindows
Blaster MasterNESBlaster Master
Blaster Master BoyGame BoyBlaster Master
Blaster Master: Enemy BelowGame Boy ColorBlaster Master
Blazeon: The Bio-Cyborg ChallengeSNES
Blazing ChromeWindows
Blazing SailsWindows
Blazing StarWindows
Bleed 2WindowsBleed
Blender Bros.Game Boy Advance
Block Kuzushi GBGame Boy
Blocks That MatterWindows
Blood WestWindows
Bloodstained: Ritual of the NightWindowsBloodstained
Bloody HellWindows
Bloons TD 6WindowsBloons TD
Blue FireWindows
Blush BlushWindows
bob's gameWindows
Body HarvestNintendo 64
Boktai 2: Solar Boy DjangoGame Boy AdvanceBoktai
Boktai: The Sun Is in Your HandGame Boy AdvanceBoktai
Bomb JackGame BoyBomb Jack
Bomb Rush CyberfunkWindows
Bomber CrewWindows
Bomberman 64Nintendo 64Bomberman, Bomberman 64
Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!Nintendo 64Bomberman, Bomberman 64
Bomberman GBGame BoyBomberman, Bomberman GB
Bomberman GB 3Game BoyBomberman, Bomberman GB
Bomberman GenerationGameCubeBomberman
Bomberman HeroNintendo 64Bomberman
Bomberman IINESBomberman
Bomberman JettersGameCubeBomberman, Bomberman Jetters
Bomberman Max 2: Blue AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceBomberman Max
Bomberman Max 2: Red AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceBomberman Max
Bomberman Max: Blue ChampionGame Boy ColorBomberman, Bomberman Max
Bomberman Max: Red ChallengerGame Boy ColorBomberman, Bomberman Max
Bomberman QuestGame Boy ColorBomberman
Bomberman TournamentGame Boy AdvanceBomberman Story
Bonk's AdventureNESBonk
Bonk's AdventureGame BoyBonk
Bonk's RevengeGame BoyBonk
Boogerman: A Pick and Flick AdventureSNES
Book of DemonsWindows
Book of Mario: Thousands of DoorsGameCubeMario, Paper Mario
Bookworm Adventures DeluxeWindowsBookworm
BookWorm Adventures Volume 2WindowsBookworm
BookWorm DeluxeWindowsBookworm
Boomerang FuWindows
Borderlands 2WindowsBorderlands
Borderlands 3WindowsBorderlands
Borderlands: The Pre-SequelWindowsBorderlands
Boulder DashNESBoulder Dash
Boulder DashGame BoyBoulder Dash
Boulder Dash EXGame Boy AdvanceBoulder Dash
Box: The GameWindows
Boxing Legends of the RingSNES
BoxxleGame BoyBoxxle
Boxxle IIGame BoyBoxxle
Boyfriend DungeonWindows
Brain DrainGame Boy
Brain LordSNES
Bramble The Mountain KingWindows
Bravery and GreedWindows
Brawl BrothersSNESRushing Beat
Breach & ClearWindowsBreach & Clear
Breakthru!Game Boy
Breath of Death VIIWindows
Breath of FireSNESBreath of Fire
Breath of FireGame Boy AdvanceBreath of Fire
Breath of Fire IISNESBreath of Fire
Breath of Fire IIGame Boy AdvanceBreath of Fire
BreederFamicom Disk System
Bridge ConstructorWindowsBridge Constructor
Bridge Constructor: MedievalWindowsBridge Constructor
Bridge Constructor: PlaygroundWindowsBridge Constructor
Bridge Constructor: The Walking DeadWindowsBridge Constructor
Bridge to Another World: Secrets of the NutcrackerWindows
Bring Back The SunWindows
Broadsword: Age of ChivalryWindows
Broccoli BobWindows
Broken AgeWindows
Broken SwordWindowsBroken Sword
Broken Sword 1 - Shadow of the Templars: Director's CutWindowsBroken Sword
Broken Sword 2: the Smoking Mirror: RemasteredWindowsBroken Sword
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the TemplarsGame Boy AdvanceBroken Sword
Brothers: A Tale of Two SonsWindows
Bruce Lee: Return of the LegendGame Boy AdvanceBruce Lee
Brütal LegendWindows
BS Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga - Dai-1-wa - Palace KanrakuBS SatellaviewFire Emblem
BS Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga - Dai-2-wa - Akai Ryuu KishiBS SatellaviewFire Emblem
BS Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga - Dai-3-wa - Seigi no TouzokudanBS SatellaviewFire Emblem
BS Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga - Dai-4-wa - Hajimari no TokiBS SatellaviewFire Emblem
BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets - Dai-1-HanashiBS SatellaviewThe Legend of Zelda
BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets - Dai-2-HanashiBS SatellaviewThe Legend of Zelda
BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets - Dai-3-HanashiBS SatellaviewThe Legend of Zelda
BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets - Dai-4-HanashiBS SatellaviewThe Legend of Zelda
Bubble BobbleNESBubble Bobble
Bubble BobbleGame BoyBubble Bobble
Bubble Bobble Part 2NESBubble Bobble
Bubble Bobble Part 2Game BoyBubble Bobble
Bubble Bobble: Old & NewGame Boy AdvanceBubble Bobble
Bubble GhostGame Boy
Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred KindSNESBubsy
Bucket BrawlWindows
Bucky O'HareNES
Bug Fables: The Everlasting SaplingWindows
Bugs Bunny in Crazy Castle 4Game Boy ColorCrazy Castle
Bugs Bunny: Crazy Castle 3Game Boy ColorCrazy Castle
Bugs Bunny: Rabbit RampageSNESLooney Tunes
Builders of Egypt: PrologueWindows
Bullet BeatWindows
Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA PlayoffsSNESNBA, NBA Playoffs
Bunker Builder Simulator: PrologueWindows
Burai FighterNES
Burai Fighter DeluxeGame Boy
Burger ZombiesWindows
Burgertime DeluxeGame BoyBurgerTime
Burnout 2: Point of ImpactGameCubeBurnout
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate BoxWindowsBurnout
Bus Simulator 21: Next StopWindowsBus Simulator
Bust-A-MoveSNESBubble Bobble, Puzzle Bobble
Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade EditionNintendo 64Bust-a-Move
Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade EditionGame BoyBust-a-Move, Puzzle Bobble
Bust-A-Move 3 DXGame BoyBust-a-Move, Puzzle Bobble
Bust-A-Move 4Game Boy ColorBust-a-Move, Puzzle Bobble
Bust-A-Move '99Nintendo 64Bust-a-Move, Puzzle Bobble
Bust-A-Move MillenniumGame Boy ColorBust-a-Move, Puzzle Bobble
Buster Bros.Game BoyBuster Bros.
Byte FamilyWindows
Caelus TridentWindows
Caesar IIIWindowsCaesar
Caesar IVWindowsCaesar
Cakey's Twisted BakeryWindows
Call of CthulhuWindowsCall of Cthulhu
Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfareWindowsCall of Duty, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: WWIIWindowsCall of Duty
Call of Duty: WWII (Multiplayer)WindowsCall of Duty
Call of JuarezWindowsCall Of Juarez
Call of Juarez GunslingerWindowsCall Of Juarez
Call of Juarez: Bound in BloodWindowsCall Of Juarez
Call of the SeaWindows
Call of the Wild: The AnglerWindows
Call to ArmsWindows
Cannon FodderSNES
Cannon FodderGame Boy ColorCannon Fodder
Capcom Classics Mini MixGame Boy AdvanceCapcom Classics
Capcom's Gold Medal Challenge '92NES
Captain America and the AvengersSNESAvengers, Captain America, Marvel
Captain America and the AvengersNESAvengers, Captain America, Marvel
Captain CommandoSNES
Captain SkyhawkNES
Captain Toad: Treasure TrackerSwitchMario
Car Battler JoeGame Boy Advance
Car Mechanic Simulator 2018WindowsCar Mechanic Simulator
Car Mechanic Simulator 2021WindowsCar Mechanic Simulator
Card SharkWindows
Cardboard TownWindowsRDI Strategy Games
Cardinal ChainsWindows
Carmageddon TDR 2000WindowsCarmageddon
Cassette BeastsWindowsCassette Beasts
Castle BreakWindows
Castle CrashersWindowsCastle Crashers
Castle on the CoastWindows
Castle QuestGame Boy
CastlevaniaNintendo 64Castlevania
Castlevania Anniversary CollectionWindows
Castlevania II: Belmont's RevengeGame BoyCastlevania
Castlevania II: Simon's QuestNESCastlevania
Castlevania III: Dracula's CurseNESCastlevania
Castlevania LegendsGame BoyCastlevania
Castlevania: Aria of SorrowGame Boy AdvanceCastlevania
Castlevania: Circle of the MoonGame Boy AdvanceCastlevania
Castlevania: Dracula XSNESCastlevania
Castlevania: Harmony of DissonanceGame Boy AdvanceCastlevania
Castlevania: Legacy of DarknessNintendo 64Castlevania
Castlevania: Symphony of the NightPlayStationCastlevania
Castlevania: The AdventureGame BoyCastlevania
Cat DefenseWindows
Cat QuestWindowsCat Quest
Cat Quest IIWindowsCat Quest
Catacomb SnatchWindows
Catherine ClassicWindowsCatherine
Catlateral DamageWindows
Catlateral Damage: RemeowsteredWindows
CatrapGame Boy
Cave NoireGame Boy
Cave Story+WindowsCave Story
Cave Story's Secret SantaWindowsCave Story
CentipedeGame Boy ColorCentipede
Centipede RechargedWindows
Central FugitiveWindows
Chained EchoesWindows
Chainsaw WarriorWindowsChainsaw Warrior
Chalvo 55: Super Puzzle ActionGame BoyChalvo
Chameleon TwistNintendo 64Chameleon Twist
Chameleon Twist 2Nintendo 64Chameleon Twist
Championship PoolNES
Championship PoolGame Boy
Championship RallyNES
Charlie Blast's TerritoryNintendo 64
Chase H.Q.Game BoyChase H.Q.
Chasm: The RiftWindows
Cheap GolfWindows
Chenso ClubWindows
Cherry Tree High Comedy ClubWindowsCherry Tree High
Cherry Tree High I! My! Girls!WindowsCherry Tree High
Chess UltraWindows
ChessmasterGame Boy ColorChessmaster
Chibi-Robo! Plug into Adventure!GameCubeChibi-Robo!
Chicken AssassinWindows
Child of LightWindows
Children of MortaWindows
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue RangersNESChip 'n Dale
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers 2NESChip 'n Dale
Chip's ChallengeWindowsChip's Challenge
Chip's Challenge 2WindowsChip's Challenge
Chivalry 2WindowsChivalry
Chivalry: Medieval WarfareWindowsChivalry
Chop Chop Princess!Windows
Choplifter IIGame BoyChoplifter
Choplifter IIIGame BoyChoplifter
Choplifter III: Rescue-SurviveSNESChoplifter
Christmas Fables: The Magic SnowflakeWindows
Christmas NightWindows
Chroma SquadWindows
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers EditionWindowsChrono
Chrono TriggerSNESChrono
Chrono TriggerWindowsChrono
Chuchu Rocket!Game Boy Advance
Chuzzle DeluxeWindows
Cima: The EnemyGame Boy Advance
Circus ElectriqueWindows
Cities: SkylinesWindowsCities: Skylines
City ConnectionNES
City Legends: Trapped in MirrorWindows
City of BrassWindows
City of GangstersWindows
Clash at DemonheadNES
Clash ForceWindows
Classic Bubble BobbleGame Boy ColorBubble Bobble
Classic ConcentrationNES
Classic MarathonWindowsClassic Marathon
Classic Marathon 2WindowsClassic Marathon
Classic Marathon InfinityWindowsClassic Marathon
Classic Nes Series: BombermanGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Classic NES Series: CastlevaniaGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Classic NES Series: Donkey KongGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Classic NES Series: Dr. MarioGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Classic NES Series: ExcitebikeGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Classic NES Series: Ice ClimberGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Classic NES Series: Legend of ZeldaGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Classic NES Series: MetroidGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Classic NES Series: Pac-ManGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros.Game Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Classic NES Series: XeviousGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Classic NES Series: Zelda II: The Adventure of LinkGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series
Clay FighterSNESClayFighter
Clay Fighter 2: Judgment ClaySNESClayFighter
Clay Fighter: Sculptor's CutNintendo 64ClayFighter
Clay Fighter: Tournament EditionSNESClayFighter
ClaymatesSNESInterplay Clay Animation Series
Cleopatra no MahouFamicom Disk System
Clicker HeroesWindows
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Free EditionWindows
Close to the SunWindows
Cloudberry KingdomWindows
Clouds & Sheep 2WindowsClouds & Sheep
Clu Clu LandNESClu Clu Land
Cobra TriangleNES
Code Name: ViperNES
Coin CryptWindows
Collateral Thinking DXWindowsCollateral Thinking
College SlamSNESNBA Jam
College SlamGame BoyNBA Jam
Coloring Book for Adults 2Windows
Colt CanyonWindows
Columns CrownGame Boy AdvanceColumns
Combo PostageWindows
Comix ZoneGame Boy Advance
Comix ZoneGenesisSega Vintage Collection
Comix ZoneGenesisSega Vintage Collection
Command & ConquerNintendo 64Command & Conquer
Command & Conquer Remastered CollectionWindowsCommand & Conquer
Command & Conquer: GeneralsWindowsCommand & Conquer, Command & Conquer: Generals
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - UprisingWindowsCommand & Conquer, Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Commander: Conquest of the AmericasWindowsCommander: Conquest of the Americas
Company of HeroesWindowsCompany of Heroes
Company of Heroes 2WindowsCompany of Heroes
Company of Heroes: Opposing FrontsWindowsCompany of Heroes
Company of Heroes: Tales of ValorWindowsCompany of Heroes
Condemned: Criminal OriginsWindowsCondemned
ConflictCraft 2WindowsConflictCraft
Congo's CaperSNESJoe & Mac
Conker's Bad Fur DayNintendo 64Conker
Conker's Pocket TalesGame Boy ColorConker
Conquest of the Crystal PalaceNES
Consortium RemasteredWindowsConsortium iDGi1
Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EXGame Boy AdvanceContra
Contra ForceNESContra
Contra III: The Alien WarsSNESContra
Contra: The Alien WarsGame BoyContra
Contract With The DevilWindows
Control Craft 2WindowsControl Craft
Control Craft 3WindowsControl Craft
Cook, Serve, Delicious!WindowsCook, Serve, Delicious!
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!WindowsCook, Serve, Delicious!
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!WindowsCook, Serve, Delicious!
Cooking SimulatorWindowsCooking Simulator
Cool BallGame Boy
Cool SpotSNESSpot
Cool SpotGame BoySpot
Copy KittyWindows
Cortex CommandWindows
Cosmic Coliseum: PrologueWindows
Cosmic ExpressWindows
Cosmo TankGame Boy
Costume QuestWindowsCostume Quest
Costume Quest 2WindowsCostume Quest
Counter-Strike: Condition ZeroWindowsCounter-Strike
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted ScenesWindowsCounter-Strike
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveWindowsCounter-Strike
Counter-Strike: SourceWindowsCounter-Strike
Cowboy KidNES
Crash BandicootPlayStationCrash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes BackPlayStationCrash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot 2: N-TrancedGame Boy AdvanceCrash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot 3: WarpedPlayStationCrash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyWindowsCrash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's RampageGame Boy AdvanceCrash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot: The Huge AdventureGame Boy AdvanceCrash Bandicoot
Crash 'n' the Boys: Street ChallengeNES
Crash Nitro KartGame Boy AdvanceCrash Bandicoot, Crash Racing
Crash Team RacingPlayStationCrash Bandicoot, Crash Racing
Crayon PhysicsWindows
Crazy Space PirateWindows
Crazy TaxiWindowsCrazy Taxi
Crazy Taxi: Catch a RideGame Boy AdvanceCrazy Taxi
Creature in the WellWindows
Crime Boss: Rockay CityWindows
Crime CitiesWindows
Criminal Archives 2: Alphabetic MurdersWindows
Crimzon Clover: World IgnitionWindows
Cris TalesWindows
Critical MassWindows
Croaking AroundWindows
CrocGame Boy ColorCroc
Croc 2Game Boy ColorCroc
Crossed SwordsWindowsCrossed Swords
Crossing SoulsWindows
Cruis'n ExoticaNintendo 64Cruis'n
Cruis'n ExoticaGame Boy ColorCruis'n
Cruis'n USANintendo 64Cruis'n
Cruis'n WorldNintendo 64Cruis'n
Crusader Kings IIWindowsCrusader Kings
Crusader: No RemorseWindowsCrusader
Crush CrushWindows
Crying SunsWindows
Crypt of the NecroDancerWindowsNecroDancer
Crypto Against All OddsWindows
Crysis 2WindowsCrysis
CrystalisGame Boy Color
Crystals of TimeWindows
CT Special ForcesGame Boy AdvanceCT Special Forces
CT Special Forces 2: Back in the TrenchesGame Boy AdvanceCT Special Forces
CT Special Forces 3: BioterrorGame Boy AdvanceCT Special Forces
CT Special Forces: Fire for EffectWindowsCT Special Forces
Cthulhu Saves the WorldWindows
Cult of the WindWindows
Cultist SimulatorWindows
Cursed SightWindows
Cursed to GolfWindows
Custom RoboGameCubeCustom Robo
Cut & RunWindows
Cyber HookWindows
Cyber Stadium Series: Base WarsNES
CybernatorSNESAssault Suits
Cyberpunk 2077Windows
Cygni: All Guns BlazingWindows
CyraidGame Boy
Dadish 2WindowsDadish
Dadish 3WindowsDadish
Dadish 3DWindowsDadish
Daedalian OpusGame Boy
Daemon X MachinaWindows
Daffy DuckGame BoyLooney Tunes
Daffy Duck: Fowl PlayGame Boy ColorLooney Tunes
Daffy Duck: The Marvin MissionsSNESLooney Tunes
DaikatanaGame Boy ColorDaikatana
Daiku No Gen-San Kachikachi No Tonkachi Ga KachiGame Boy ColorHammerin' Harry
DaisenryakuGame BoyDaisenryaku
Dakar Desert RallyWindows
Dance Dance Revolution Mario MixGameCubeDance Dance Revolution, Mario
Dandy: Zeuon no FukkatsuFamicom Disk System
Danger CrewWindows
Dangeresque: The Roomisode TriungulateWindowsHomestar Runner
Dangerous BulletsWindowsVolens Nolens Games
Dangerous Lands: Magic and RPGWindowsDangerous Lands
Danny Sullivan's Indy HeatNES
Darius TwinSNESDarius
Dark and DarkerWindows
Dark ArenaGame Boy Advance
Dark City: International IntrigueWindows
Dark DeityWindows
Dark HopeWindows
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Multi-PlayerWindowsMight and Magic
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Single PlayerWindowsMight & Magic Franchise
Dark SectorWindows
Dark SkyWindows
Dark SoulsWindowsDark Souls
Dark Souls IIIWindowsFRANCHISE
Darkest DungeonWindowsDarkest Dungeon
Darksiders IIWindowsDarksiders
Darksiders IIIWindowsDarksiders
Darkwing DuckNESDarkwing Duck
Darkwing DuckGame BoyDarkwing Duck
Dashy SquareWindows
DaVinci ResolveWindows
Day of DefeatWindowsDay Of Defeat
Day of Defeat: SourceWindowsDay Of Defeat
Daymare: 1998Windows
Daze Before ChristmasSNES
Dead AgeWindowsDead Age
Dead BitsWindows
Dead by DaylightWindows
Dead CellsWindows
Dead DropWindows
Dead Heat ScrambleGame Boy
Dead Hungry DinerWindows
Dead in BermudaWindows
Dead In VinlandWindows
Dead IslandWindowsDead Island
Dead Island: RiptideWindowsDead Island Franchise
Dead Rising 2WindowsDead Rising
Dead Rising 2: Off the RecordWindowsDead Rising
Dead SpaceWindowsDead Space
Dead Space 2WindowsDead Space
Dead Space 3WindowsDead Space
Dead ZoneFamicom Disk System
Deadly Sin 2WindowsDeadly Sin
Deadly TowersNES
Dear EstherWindows
Death and TaxesWindows
Death ComingWindows
Death FungeonWindows
Death Ray MantaWindows
Death Roads: Tournament PrologueWindows
Death SquaredWindows
Death StrandingWindows
Death Stranding: Digital SoundtrackWindows
Deathmatch ClassicWindows
Death's DoorWindows
Death's Gambit: AfterlifeWindows
Deceive IncWindows
Deep Despair 2WindowsDeep Despair
Deep Dungeon II: Yuushi no MonshouFamicom Disk SystemDeep Dungeon
Deep Dungeon: Madou SenkiFamicom Disk SystemDeep Dungeon
Deep Rock GalacticWindows
Deep Sky DerelictsWindows
Defence Alliance 2WindowsDefence Alliance
Defend the RookWindows
Defender IINESDefender
Defense Grid: The AwakeningWindowsDefense Grid
Defy GravityWindows
Deja VuWindowsDeja Vu
Déjà VuNESDeja Vu
Deja Vu I & II The Casebooks of Ace HardingGame Boy ColorMacVenture
Deliver Us MarsWindows
Delores: A Thimbleweed Park Mini-AdventureWindowsThimbleweed Park™
DemiKids Dark VersionGame Boy AdvanceDevil Children
DemiKids Light VersionGame Boy AdvanceDevil Children
Demolition ManSNES
Demolition, Inc.Windows
Demon Hunter 2: New ChapterWindowsDemon Hunter
Demon SwordNES
Demon TurfWindowsDemon Turf
Demon's CrestSNESGargoyle's Quest
Demon's TiltWindows
Denki Blocks!Game Boy Advance
Deponia: DoomsdayWindowsDeponia
Deponia: The Complete JourneyWindowsDeponia
Desert ChildWindows
Desert CommanderNES
Desert Strike AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceStrike
Desert Strike: Return to the GulfSNESStrike
Desert Strike: Return to the GulfGame BoyStrike
Desert ThunderWindows
Desktop DungeonsWindows
Despotism 3kWindows
Destiny 2WindowsDestiny
Destiny of an EmperorNESDestiny of an Emperor
Destruction Derby 64Nintendo 64Destruction Derby
Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel LisbonWindows
Deus ExWindowsDeus Ex
Deus Ex: Human RevolutionWindowsDeus Ex
Deus Ex: Human Revolution: The Missing LinkWindowsDeus Ex
Deus Ex: Invisible WarWindowsDeus Ex
Deus Ex: Mankind DividedWindowsDeus Ex
Deus Ex: The FallWindowsDeus Ex
Devil May Cry HD CollectionWindowsDevil May Cry
Devil WorldNES
Devious DungeonWindowsDevious Dungeon
Dexter Stardust: Adventures in Outer SpaceWindows
DexterityGame Boy
Dexter's Laboratory: Robot RampageGame Boy Color
Diddy Kong RacingNintendo 64Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong
Die YoungWindows
Die Young: PrologueWindows
Dig DugGame BoyDig Dug
Dig Dug II: Trouble in ParadiseNESDig Dug
Digger T. Rock: The Legend of the Lost CityNES
Diggles: The Myth of FenrisWindows
Digimon RacingGame Boy AdvanceDigimon
Digimon: Battle SpiritGame Boy AdvanceDigimon, Digimon: Battle Spirit
Digimon: Battle Spirit 2Game Boy AdvanceDigimon, Digimon: Battle Spirit
Dink SmallwoodWindows
Dino D-DayWindows
Dino Run DXWindows
Dinotopia: The Timestone PiratesGame Boy AdvanceDinotopia
DiRT 3Windows
DiRT RallyWindowsDirt
DiRT ShowdownWindowsDirt
Dirty Pair: Project EdenFamicom Disk SystemDirty Pair
Disco ElysiumWindows
Dishonored: Death of the OutsiderWindowsDishonored
Disney SpeedstormWindowsDisney
Distant SpaceWindowsDistant Space
Distant Space 2Windows
Divide by SheepWindows
Divided SkiesWindows
Divine DivinityWindowsDivinity
Divine KnockoutWindows
Divinity II: Developer's CutWindowsDivinity
Divinity: Original SinWindowsDivinity
Divinity: Original Sin 2WindowsDivinity
DK: King of SwingGame Boy AdvanceDK, Donkey Kong
DmC: Devil May CryWindowsDevil May Cry
DNF DuelWindowsDungeon & Fighter
Do Not Feed the MonkeysWindows
Dodo PeakWindows
Dokapon: Monster HunterGame Boy AdvanceDokapon
Doki Doki Literature ClubWindowsDoki Doki Literature Club
Dome KeeperWindowsDome Keeper
Donald Duck AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceDonald Duck
Donald Duck: Goin' QuackersGame Boy ColorDonald Duck
Donkey KongNESDonkey Kong, Game & Watch: Multi Screen, Mario
Donkey Kong 3NESDonkey Kong, Mario
Donkey Kong 64Nintendo 64Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong '94Game BoyDonkey Kong
Donkey Kong CountrySNESDonkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong CountryGame Boy ColorDonkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong CountryGame Boy AdvanceDonkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2Game Boy AdvanceDonkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong QuestSNESDonkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 3Game Boy AdvanceDonkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!SNESDonkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country: Competition CartridgeSNESDonkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Jr.NESDonkey Kong, Mario
Donkey Kong LandGame BoyDonkey Kong, Donkey Kong Land
Donkey Kong Land 2Game BoyDonkey Kong, Donkey Kong Land
Donkey Kong Land IIIGame Boy ColorDonkey Kong Land
Donkey Kong Land IIIGame BoyDonkey Kong, Donkey Kong Land
Donkey Kong: Original EditionNESDonkey Kong, Mario
Donkey KongaGameCubeDonkey Kong, Donkey Konga
Donkey Konga 2GameCubeDonkey Kong, Donkey Konga
Don't StarveWindowsDon't Starve
Don't Starve TogetherWindowsDon't Starve
Doodle DevilWindowsDoodle God
Doodle GodWindowsDoodle God
Doodle God: 8-bit ManiaWindowsDoodle God
Doodle KingdomWindowsDoodle God
Doodle MafiaWindowsDoodle God
DoomGame Boy AdvanceDoom
Doom + Doom IIWindowsDoom
Doom 3WindowsDoom
Doom 3: BFG EditionWindowsDoom
Doom 64Nintendo 64Doom
Doom 64WindowsDoom
Doom IIGame Boy AdvanceDoom
Doom Troopers: Mutant ChroniclesSNES
Doomdark's RevengeWindowsLords of Midnight
Doomsday: Last SurvivorsWindows
Doors: ParadoxWindows
Dota 2WindowsDota
Double DragonNESDouble Dragon
Double DragonGame BoyDouble Dragon
Double Dragon 3: The Arcade GameGame BoyDouble Dragon
Double Dragon AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceDouble Dragon
Double Dragon IIGame BoyDouble Dragon
Double Dragon II: The RevengeNESDouble Dragon
Double Dragon III: The Rosetta StoneNESDouble Dragon
Double Dragon III: The Sacred StonesNESDouble Dragon
Double Dragon TrilogyWindowsDouble Dragon
Double DribbleNESDouble Dribble
Double Dribble: 5 on 5Game BoyDouble Dribble
Double Kick HeroesWindows
Doug and LilyWindows
Doug's Big GameGame Boy Color
Dr. FrankenGame BoyDr. Franken
Dr. Franken IIGame BoyDr. Franken
Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind HeistWindows
Dr. MarioNESDr. Mario
Dr. MarioGame Boy ColorDr. Mario, Mario
Dr. MarioGame BoyDr. Mario
Dr. Mario 64Nintendo 64Dr. Mario, Mario
Dracula 3: The Path of the DragonWindowsDracula: Resurrection
Dragon Age IIWindowsDragon Age
Dragon Age: InquisitionWindowsDragon Age
Dragon Age: OriginsWindowsDragon Age
Dragon Age: The VeilguardWindowsDragon Age
Dragon Ball GT: TransformationGame Boy AdvanceDragon Ball, Dragon Ball GT: Transformation
Dragon Ball XenoverseWindowsDragon Ball, Dragon Ball: Xenoverse
Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Saiyajin Zetsumetsu KeikakuNESDragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza!!NESDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z: Gokuden
Dragon Ball Z III: Ressen JinzouningenNESDragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z: BudokaiGameCubeDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai
Dragon Ball Z: Buu's FuryGame Boy AdvanceDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku
Dragon Ball Z: Collectible Card GameGame Boy AdvanceDragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z: Hyper DimensionSNESDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z: Butouden
Dragon Ball Z: Kyoushuu! SaiyajinNESDragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super WarriorsGame Boy ColorDragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z: Super ButoudenSNESDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z: Butouden, Dragon Ball Z: Super Butouden
Dragon Ball Z: Super Butouden 3SNESDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z: Butouden, Dragon Ball Z: Super Butouden
Dragon Ball Z: Super Gokuu Den: Totsugeki HenSNESDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z: Gokuden
Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya DensetsuSNESDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z: Gokuden
Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic WarriorsGame Boy AdvanceDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of GokuGame Boy AdvanceDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku IIGame Boy AdvanceDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku
Dragon Ball: Advanced AdventureGame Boy AdvanceDragon Ball
Dragon Ball: Daimaou FukkatsuNESDragon Ball
Dragon Ball: Shenron no NazoNESDragon Ball
Dragon DanceGame Boy Color
Dragon FighterNES
Dragon Quest I & IISNESDragon Quest
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of SalvationSNESDragon Quest
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly BrideSNESDragon Quest
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of RevelationSNESDragon Quest
Dragon Spirit: The New LegendNES
Dragon ViewSNESDrakkhen
Dragon WarriorNESDragon Quest
Dragon Warrior I & IIGame Boy ColorDragon Quest
Dragon Warrior IINESDragon Quest
Dragon Warrior IIINESDragon Quest
Dragon Warrior IIIGame Boy ColorDragon Quest
Dragon Warrior IVNESDragon Quest
Dragon Warrior MonstersGame Boy ColorDragon Quest, Dragon Quest Monsters
Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi's JourneyGame Boy ColorDragon Quest, Dragon Quest Monsters
Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's AdventureGame Boy ColorDragon Quest, Dragon Quest Monsters
Dragon: The Bruce Lee StorySNES
Dragon's LairGame Boy ColorDragon's Lair
Draw a Stickman: EpicWindowsDraw a Stickman
Drawful 2WindowsThe Jackbox Party Pack
Drawn: Trail of ShadowsWindowsDrawn
DreadOut 2WindowsDreadOut
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating SimulatorWindows
Dreamlight ValleyWindowsDisney
Driftland: The Magic RevivalWindowsDriftland
Drill DozerGame Boy Advance
Driv3rGame Boy AdvanceDriver
Driver 2 AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceDriver
Driver: You Are the WheelmanGame Boy ColorDriver
Drome RacersGame Boy Advance
Drones, The Human ConditionWindows
Drop HuntWindows
Drunken Fight SimulatorWindows
Dual BladesGame Boy Advance
Duck DodgersNintendo 64Looney Tunes
Duck HuntNESLight Gun Series
Duck ParadoxWindows
DuckTalesGame BoyDuckTales
Ducktales 2Game BoyDuckTales
DuckTales 2NESDuckTales
DuckTales RemasteredWindowsDuckTales
Duel Masters: Kaijudo ShowdownGame Boy AdvanceDuel Masters
Duel Masters: Sempai LegendsGame Boy AdvanceDuel Masters
Duel Masters: Shadow of the CodeGame Boy AdvanceDuel Masters
Duke NukemGame Boy ColorDuke Nukem
Duke Nukem 3DWindowsDuke Nukem
Duke Nukem 64Nintendo 64Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceDuke Nukem
Duke Nukem: Zero HourNintendo 64Duke Nukem
Dungeon DefendersWindowsDungeon Defenders
Dungeon HeartsWindows
Dungeon KeeperWindowsDungeon Keeper
Dungeon Magic: Sword of the ElementsNES
Dungeon MasterSNES
Dungeon of the EndlessWindows
Dungeon RushersWindows
Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the BeholderGame Boy AdvanceDungeons & Dragons
Dungeons 2WindowsDungeons
Dungeons 3WindowsDungeons
Dungeons of DredmorWindows
Dust and AliensWindows
Dust: An Elysian TailWindows
Dustforce DXWindows
Dusty Diamond's All-Star SoftballNES
Dwarf FortressWindowsSlaves to Armok
Dying LightWindowsDying Light
Dying Light: The FollowingWindowsDying Light
Dynamite JackWindows
Dynasty Warriors AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceDynasty Warriors
Dynomite! DeluxeWindows
E.V.O.: Search for EdenSNESE.V.O.
E.Y.E: Divine CybermancyWindows
Eador: GenesisWindowsEador
Earth 2150: Lost SoulsWindowsEarth 2140
Earth BoundNESEarthBound
Earth Defense ForceSNESEarth Defense Force
Earthworm JimSNESEarthworm Jim
Earthworm JimGame Boy AdvanceEarthworm Jim
Earthworm JimGame BoyEarthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2SNESEarthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2Game Boy AdvanceEarthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 3DNintendo 64Earthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim: Menace 2 the GalaxyGame Boy ColorEarthworm Jim
East Trade Tycoon: InheritanceWindows
Eastern Europe Truck SimulatorWindows
Eastern ExorcistWindows
Eat GirlWindows
Echo of the WildsWindows
Ecks Vs SeverGame Boy Advance
ECW Hardcore RevolutionNintendo 64ECW
ECW Hardcore RevolutionGame Boy ColorECW
Edgar: Bokbok in BoulzacWindows
Edge Of EternityWindowsEdge Of Eternity
Eets MunchiesWindowsEets
Egg ManiaGame Boy Advance
EggerlandFamicom Disk SystemEggerland
El GanchoWindows
El HijoWindowsEl Hijo - A Wild West Tale
Elden RingWindows
ElectricianFamicom Disk System
Electrician SimulatorWindows
Elevator ActionNESElevator Action
Elevator ActionGame BoyElevator Action
Eliminator Boat DuelNES
Elite DangerousWindowsElite
Elite SoccerSNES
Emily is AwayWindowsEmily is Away
Emily is Away <3WindowsEmily is Away
Empire of EmpiresWindows
Empyrion: Galactic SurvivalWindows
En Garde!Windows
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the KnightsWindowsEnder
ENDLESS LegendWindowsAmplitudeStudios
Endless SpaceWindowsEndless Space
Endless ZoneWindows
Endling: Extinction is ForeverWindows
Endzone: A World ApartWindows
Enemy MindWindows
English Country TuneWindows
Enter the GungeonWindowsGungeon
Epistory: Typing ChroniclesWindows
Escape AcademyWindows
Escape from Monkey IslandWindowsMonkey Island
Escape From TethysWindows
Escape Machine City: AirborneWindows
Escape Rosecliff IslandWindowsEscape
Eschalon: Book IWindowsEschalon Trilogy
Eschalon: Book IIWindowsEschalon Trilogy
Esper DreamFamicom Disk SystemEsper Dream
Eternal ThreadsWindows
Eufloria HDWindowsEufloria
Euro Truck Simulator 2WindowsEuro Truck Simulator
Eurofighter TyphoonWindows
Europa Universalis IIWindowsEuropa Universalis
Europa Universalis IVWindowsEuropa Universalis
Evan's RemainsWindows
Everdream ValleyWindows
Everyday ShooterWindows
Evil Dead: The GameWindowsEvil Dead
Evil GeniusWindowsEvil Genius
Excitebike 64Nintendo 64Excitebike
Eximius: Seize the FrontlineWindows
Exit Limbo: OpeningWindows
Expeditions: RomeWindowsExpeditions
Extra InningsSNESHakunetsu Pro Yakyuu Ganba League
Extreme Burger DefenseWindows
Extreme ExorcismWindows
Extreme Racing on HighwayWindows
Extreme-GNintendo 64Extreme-G
Extreme-G XG2Nintendo 64Extreme-G
F.E.A.R. 2: Project OriginWindowsF.E.A.R.
F.E.A.R. 3WindowsF.E.A.R.
F.E.A.R.: Extraction PointWindowsF.E.A.R.
F.E.A.R.: Perseus MandateWindowsF.E.A.R.
F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow TorchWindows
F1 2015WindowsF1
F1 2018WindowsF1
F1 Manager 2024WindowsF1 Manager
F1 Pole PositionSNESHuman Grand Prix
F1 Pole PositionGame BoyF1
F1 Pole Position 2SNESHuman Grand Prix
F-1 RaceGame BoyF1
F1 ROC: Race of ChampionsSNESF1 ROC
F-1 World Grand PrixNintendo 64F-1 World Grand Prix
F-1 World Grand Prix IINintendo 64F-1 World Grand Prix
F-117A: Stealth FighterNES
F-15 Strike EagleNESF-15 Strike Eagle
F-15 Strike EagleGame BoyF-15 Strike Eagle
F1-Roc II Race of ChampionsSNESF1 ROC
Fable IIIWindowsFable
Faceball 2000SNESFaceball
Faceball 2000Game BoyFaceball
Faceball 3000Adobe FlashFaceball
Facility 47Windows
Factory TownWindowsFactory Town
Fae FarmWindows
Fae TacticsWindows
Faerie SolitaireWindows
Faerie Solitaire RemasteredWindows
Fahrenheit: Indigo ProphecyWindows
Fairy Bloom FreesiaWindows
Fake IllusionsWindows
Fall GuysWindows
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary HeroesWindowsElemental
Falling WordsWindows
Fallout 2WindowsFallout
Fallout 3WindowsFallout
Fallout 4WindowsFallout
Fallout TacticsWindowsFallout
Fallout: LondonWindowsFallout
Fallout: New VegasWindowsFallout
Famicom Detective Club Part II: The Girl who Stands BehindSNESFamicom Detective Club
Famicom Grand Prix II: 3D Hot RallyFamicom Disk SystemFamicom Grand Prix
Famicom Grand Prix: F1 RaceFamicom Disk SystemFamicom Grand Prix
Famicom Mini: Balloon FightGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Clu Clu LandGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Dig DugGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri DouchuuGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Hikari Shinwa Palutena No KagamiGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Makai MuraGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: MappyGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Mario Bros.Game Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Nazo No Murasame JouGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Star SoldierGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros. 2Game Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Takahashi Meijin No Bouken-JimaGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Twin BeeGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom Mini: Wrecking CrewGame Boy AdvanceClassic NES Series, Famicom Mini
Famicom WarsNESFamicom Wars
Family FeudSNESFamily Feud
Family FeudNESFamily Feud
Family FeudGame Boy Advance
Family Mysteries: Poisonous PromisesWindowsFamily Mysteries
Fantastic ContraptionAdobe FlashFantastic Contraption
Fantastic Contraption 2Adobe FlashFantastic Contraption
Fantasy BlacksmithWindows
Fantasy GeneralWindowsPanzer General
Far CryWindowsFar Cry
Far Cry 2WindowsFar Cry
Far Cry 3WindowsFar Cry
Far Cry 3: Blood DragonWindowsFar Cry
Far Cry 4WindowsFar Cry
Faraway 2: Jungle EscapeWindowsFaraway
Faraway 3: Arctic EscapeWindowsFaraway
Faria: A World of Mystery & Danger!NES
Farmer's DynastyWindowsDynasty
Farming Simulator 19WindowsFarming Simulator
Farming Simulator 22WindowsFarming Simulator
Fatal FurySNESFatal Fury
Fatal Fury 2SNESFatal Fury
Fatal Fury SpecialSNESFatal Fury
Fatal Fury SpecialWindowsFatal Fury
Fate of KaiWindows
Fatty Bear's Birthday SurpriseWindowsFatty Bear
fault - milestone oneWindowsfault
fault - milestone two side: aboveWindowsfault
Fearless FantasyWindows
Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown DeluxeWindowsFeeding Frenzy
Felix the CatNESFelix the Cat
Felix the CatGame Boy
Felix the ReaperWindows
Fell Seal: Arbiter's MarkWindows
Ferrari Grand Prix ChallengeNESFerrari
Ferrari Grand Prix ChallengeGame BoyFerrari
Fester's QuestNESThe Addams Family
Fibbage XLWindowsThe Jackbox Party Pack
Field of Glory IIWindowsField of Glory
Fieldrunners 2WindowsFieldrunners
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o' FunWindows
FIFA 13WindowsFIFA
FIFA 2000Game Boy ColorFIFA
FIFA '97Game BoyFIFA
FIFA 98: Road to World CupNintendo 64FIFA
FIFA '98: Road to World CupGame BoyFIFA
FIFA 99Nintendo 64FIFA
FIFA International SoccerSNESFIFA
FIFA Soccer 07Game Boy AdvanceFIFA
FIFA Soccer 64Nintendo 64FIFA
FIFA: Road to World Cup 98SNESFIFA
Fighter Destiny 2Nintendo 64Fighters Destiny
Fighters DestinyNintendo 64Fighters Destiny
Fighter's HistorySNESFighter's History
Fighting Force 64Nintendo 64Fighting Force
Fighting Simulator 2 in 1: Flying WarriorsGame BoyFlying Dragon
Figment 2: Creed ValleyWindowsFigment
Final FantasyWindowsFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters
Final FantasyNESFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy AdventureGame BoyMana
Final Fantasy Crystal ChroniclesGameCubeFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of SoulsGame Boy AdvanceFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy IIWindowsFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters
Final Fantasy IINESFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy IIIWindowsFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters
Final Fantasy IIINESFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy IVWindowsFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters
Final Fantasy IVSNESFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy IV: The After YearsWindowsFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy IXWindowsFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy LegendGame BoySaGa
Final Fantasy Legend IIGame BoySaGa
Final Fantasy Legend IIIGame BoySaGa
Final Fantasy Mystic QuestSNESFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy TacticsPlayStationFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ivalice Alliance
Final Fantasy Tactics AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ivalice Alliance
Final Fantasy VWindowsFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters
Final Fantasy VSNESFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy V AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy VIWindowsFinal Fantasy, Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters
Final Fantasy VISNESFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy VI AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy VIIWindowsCompilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy VII RebirthWindowsCompilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy VII Remake IntergradeWindowsCompilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy VII: Advent ChildrenNESCompilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy VII: Ever CrisisWindowsCompilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy VIII RemasteredWindowsFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HDWindowsFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac AgeWindowsFinal Fantasy, Ivalice Alliance
Final Fantasy XIIIPlayStation 3Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy XIIIWindowsFabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy XIVWindowsFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy XVI DemoWindowsFinal Fantasy
Final FightSNESFinal Fight
Final Fight 2SNESFinal Fight
Final Fight 3SNESFinal Fight
Final Fight GuySNESFinal Fight
Final Fight OneGame Boy AdvanceFinal Fight
Find YouWindows
Fire EmblemGame Boy AdvanceFire Emblem
Fire Emblem: Fuuin No TsurugiGame Boy AdvanceFire Emblem
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy WarSNESFire Emblem
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the EmblemSNESFire Emblem
Fire Emblem: Path of RadianceGameCubeFire Emblem
Fire Emblem: The Sacred StonesGame Boy AdvanceFire Emblem
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776SNESFire Emblem
Fire FighterGame Boy
Fire 'n IceNESSolomon's Key
Fire Pro WrestlingGame Boy AdvanceFire Pro Wrestling
Fire Pro Wrestling 2Game Boy AdvanceFire Pro Wrestling
Firepower 2000SNESSWIV
First Class TroubleWindows
Fish DudeGame Boy
Fishing PlanetWindows
Fishing: North AtlanticWindows
Fists of ResistanceWindows
Flashback: The Quest for IdentitySNESFlashback
Flex: Figure ReferenceWindows
Flight Control HDWindowsFlight Control
Flight of the Amazon QueenWindows
Flight of the IcarusWindowsGuns of Icarus
Flight of the IntruderNES
Fling to the FinishWindows
FlipullGame Boy
Floating PointWindows
Flop RocketWindows
Floppy KnightsWindows
Fluffy HordeWindows
Fly Flew FlownWindows
Fly in the HouseWindows
Flying DragonNintendo 64Flying Dragon
Flying Dragon: The Secret ScrollNESFlying Dragon
Flying WarriorsNESFlying Dragon
Football Manager 2021WindowsFootball Manager
Football Manager 2021 TouchWindowsFootball Manager
Football Manager 2022WindowsFootball Manager
Football Manager 2024WindowsFootball Manager
FootLOL: Epic Fail LeagueWindows
For HonorWindows
For The KingWindowsFor the King
Force of Nature 2: PrologueWindows
Forced ShowdownWindowsForced
Fork Parker's Holiday Profit HikeWindows
Forklift RacerWindows
Formula 1 SensationNESF1
Formula One: Built to WinNESF1
Forsaken 64Nintendo 64
Fort TriumphWindows
Fortified ZoneGame BoyIkari no Yousai
FortressGame Boy Advance
Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental StoneWindows
Four Kings One WarWindows
Fowl SpaceWindows
Fractal: Make Blooms Not WarWindows
Fractured MindsWindows
Frankenstein: The Monster ReturnsNES
Frasier FantasyGame Boy Color
Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted SchoolhouseWindowsFreddi Fish
Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch ShellWindowsFreddi Fish
Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny GulchWindowsFreddi Fish
Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral CoveWindowsFreddi Fish
Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze MadnessWindowsFreddi Fish
Freddi Fish and Luther's Water WorriesWindowsFreddi Fish
Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp SeedsWindowsFreddi Fish
Frederic: Evil Strikes BackWindowsFrederic
Frederic: Resurrection of MusicWindowsFrederic
Freedom ForceNES
Freedom PlanetWindowsFreedom Planet
Freedom Planet 2WindowsFreedom Planet
Freespace 2WindowsFreespace
Freeway MutantWindows
Freshly FrostedWindows
Friday the 13thNESFriday the 13th
Frog ClimbersWindows
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible WizardWindowsFrog Detective
Frog Detective: The Haunted IslandWindowsFrog Detective
FroggerGame Boy ColorExtreme Chain Games, Frogger
FroggerGame BoyFrogger
Frogger 2Game Boy ColorFrogger
Frogger Advance: The Great QuestGame Boy AdvanceFrogger
Frogger BeyondGameCubeFrogger
Frogger: Ancient ShadowGameCubeFrogger
Frogger's Adventures 2: The Lost WandGame Boy AdvanceFrogger, Frogger's Adventures
Frogger's Adventures: Temple of the FrogGame Boy AdvanceFrogger, Frogger's Adventures
Frogger's Adventures: The RescueGameCubeFrogger
Frogger's Journey: The Forgotten RelicGame Boy AdvanceFrogger
From SpaceWindows
Frozen CortexWindows
Frozen SynapseWindowsFrozen Synapse
FTL: Faster Than LightWindowsFTL: Faster Than Light
Full ThrottleWindows
Fun with Ragdolls: The GameWindows
F-Zero ClimaxGame Boy AdvanceF-Zero
F-Zero GXGameCubeF-Zero
F-Zero XNintendo 64F-Zero
F-Zero: GP LegendGame Boy AdvanceF-Zero
F-Zero: Maximum VelocityGame Boy AdvanceF-Zero
G.I. Joe: A Real American HeroNESG.I. Joe
G.I. Joe: The Atlantis FactorNESG.I. Joe
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast WithinWindowsGabriel Knight
Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the DamnedWindowsGabriel Knight
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the FathersWindowsGabriel Knight
Gadget RacersGame Boy AdvanceChoro Q, Road Trip
Galactic Bar Fight VRWindows
Galactic Civilizations IIWindowsGalactic Civilizations
Galactic Civilizations IIIWindowsGalactic Civilizations
Galactic GrinderWindows
Galaga: Demons of DeathNESGalaga
Galaga: Destination EarthGame Boy ColorGalaga
Galaxy 5000NES
Galaxy of Pen and PaperWindows
Galcon FusionWindowsGalcon
Galcon LegendsWindowsGalcon
Gall Force: Eternal StoryFamicom Disk System
Game & Watch GalleryGame BoyGame & Watch Gallery
Game & Watch Gallery 2Game Boy ColorGame & Watch Gallery
Game & Watch Gallery 3Game Boy ColorGame & Watch Gallery
Game & Watch Gallery 4Game Boy AdvanceGame & Watch Gallery
Game Boy Wars 2Game Boy ColorFamicom Wars, Game Boy Wars
Game Boy Wars 3Game Boy ColorFamicom Wars, Game Boy Wars
Game Boy Wars TurboGame BoyFamicom Wars, Game Boy Wars
Game Character HubWindows
Game Dev TycoonWindows
Game Master EngineWindows
Game Tycoon 1.5Windows
GameGuru ClassicWindows
GameMaker: StudioWindows
Gamera: Daikaijuu Kuuchuu KessenGame Boy
Gang of FourWindows
Garden Life: A Cozy SimulatorWindows
Garden StoryWindows
Garfield and His Nine LivesGame Boy AdvanceGarfield
Garfield Kart: Furious RacingWindowsGarfield Kart
Gargoyle's QuestGame BoyGargoyle's Quest
Gargoyle's Quest IINESGargoyle's Quest
Gargoyles RemasteredWindows
GarouWindowsFatal Fury
Garry's ModWindows
Gas Station SimulatorWindows
Gauntlet IINESGauntlet
Gauntlet IIGame BoyGauntlet
Gauntlet LegendsNintendo 64Gauntlet
Gauntlet: Dark LegacyGameCubeGauntlet
Gauntlet: Dark LegacyGame Boy AdvanceGauntlet
Gear WorksGame Boy
Gears 5WindowsGears of War
Gekido Advance: Kintaro's RevengeGame Boy AdvanceGekido
Gem SmashersGame Boy Advance
Gems of Destiny: Homeless DwarfWindows
Geneforge 1-MutagenWindowsGeneforge
Generation ZeroWindows
Genesis Alpha OneWindows
Genesis Alpha One Deluxe EditionWindows
Genesis NoirWindowsFellow Traveller
Genghis KhanNES
Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray WolfSNESGenghis Khan
Genshin ImpactWindows
Geometry DashWindowsGeometry Dash
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions EvolvedWindowsGeometry Wars
Geometry Wars: Retro EvolvedWindowsGeometry Wars
Getting Over It with Bennett FoddyWindows
Gex 3: Deep Cover GeckoNintendo 64Gex
Gex 3: Deep Pocket GeckoGame Boy ColorGex
Gex 64: Enter the GeckoNintendo 64Gex
Gex: Enter the GeckoGame Boy ColorGex
Ghost LionNES
Ghost MasterWindows
Ghost of a TaleWindows
Ghost PilotsWindows
Ghost RiderGame Boy AdvanceMarvel
Ghost SongWindows
Ghostbusters IIGame BoyGhostbusters
Ghostbusters: Spirits UnleashedWindowsGhostbusters
Ghostbusters: The Video GameWindowsGhostbusters
Ghostrunner 2WindowsGhostrunner
Ghosts'n GoblinsNESGhosts 'n Goblins
Ghosts'n GoblinsGame Boy ColorGhosts 'n Goblins
Ghostwire TokyoWindows
Ghoul PatrolSNESZombies Ate My Neighbors
Ghoul SchoolNES
Giana Sisters: Twisted DreamsWindowsGiana Sisters
Giants: Citizen KabutoWindows
Gigantic: Rampage EditionWindows
Ginga Denshou: Galaxy OdysseyFamicom Disk System
Glass Masquerade: OriginsWindowsGlass Masquerade
Glittermitten GroveWindowsFrog Fractions
Gloomy Tales: One Way TicketWindows
Glorkian Warrior: The Trials Of GlorkWindows
GloverNintendo 64Glover
Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~Windows
Goal! TwoNESGoal!
Goat of DutyWindows
Goat SimulatorWindowsGoat Simulator
Goat Simulator 3WindowsGoat Simulator
Goats on a BridgeWindows
God Medicine: Fantasy Sekai No TanjouGame Boy
Godlike BurgerWindows
God's TriggerWindows
Gods Will FallWindows
Godzilla: Domination!Game Boy AdvanceGodzilla
Godzilla: Monster of Monsters!NESGodzilla
Goemon's Great AdventureNintendo 64Ganbare Goemon
Golazo! Soccer LeagueWindows
Golden Axed: A Cancelled PrototypeWindowsGolden Axe
Golden LightWindows
Golden Nugget 64Nintendo 64
Golden SunGame Boy AdvanceGolden Sun
Golden Sun: The Lost AgeGame Boy AdvanceGolden Sun
GoldenEye 007Nintendo 64James Bond
GoldenEye: Rogue AgentGameCubeJames Bond
GolfGame BoyMario Golf
Golf Grand SlamNES
Golf PeaksWindows
Golf With Your FriendsWindows
Golgo 13: Top Secret EpisodeNESGolgo 13
Gone HomeWindows
Gone ViralWindows
Goof TroopSNES
Gotham City ImpostorsWindowsBatman
Grab the BottleWindows
Gradius GalaxiesGame Boy AdvanceGradius
Gradius IIISNESGradius
Gradius: The Interstellar AssaultGame BoyGradius
Gran SagaWindows
Grand Emprise: PrologueWindows
Grand Theft AutoGame Boy ColorGrand Theft Auto
Grand Theft AutoWindowsGrand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto 2Game Boy ColorGrand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto 2WindowsGrand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceGrand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto IIIWindowsGrand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto IVWindowsGrand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto VWindowsGrand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto VPlayStation 3Grand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto V (Legacy)WindowsGrand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasWindowsGrand Theft Auto
Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityWindowsGrand Theft Auto
Grandia: Parallel TrippersGame Boy ColorGrandia
Grapple Force RenaWindows
Gratuitous Space BattlesWindows
Gravitar RechargedWindows
Gravity BadgersWindows
Gravity CircuitWindows
Gravity DenWindows
Gravity WarsWindows
Greak: Memories of AzurWindowsTeam17
Great GreedGame Boy
Greed CorpWindowsMistbound
Gremlins 2: The New BatchNESGremlins
Gremlins, Inc.Windows
Grid (2019)WindowsGRID
Grid 2WindowsGRID
Grid LegendsWindowsGRID
Grim DawnWindows
Grim FandangoWindowsGrim Fandango
Grimoire: ManastormWindows
GT Advance 2: Rally RacingGame Boy AdvanceGT Advance
GT Advance 3: Pro Concept RacingGame Boy AdvanceGT Advance
GT Advance: Championship RacingGame Boy AdvanceGT Advance
Guacamelee! 2WindowsGuacamelee!
Guardians of Middle-earthWindowsThe Lord of the Rings
Guerrilla WarNES
Guild of AscensionWindows
Guild of DungeoneeringWindows
Guilty Gear X: Advance EditionGame Boy AdvanceGuilty Gear
Gumby Vs. the AstrobotsGame Boy Advance
Gun NacNES
Gun RoundsWindows
Gundam Breaker 4WindowsGundam Breaker
Gundam EvolutionWindows
Guns of Icarus OnlineWindowsGuns of Icarus
Guns of Icarus: AllianceWindows
Gunsmith SimulatorWindows
Gunstar Super HeroesGame Boy AdvanceGunstar Heroes
Gwent: the Witcher Card GameWindowsThe Witcher
GyromiteNESRobot Series
Hack GridWindowsDaisy's Puzzlers
Hack n SlashWindows
Hagane: The Final ConflictSNES
HAL WrestlingGame Boy
Halcyon 6Windows
Half-Life 2WindowsHalf-Life
Half-Life 2: DeathmatchWindowsHalf-Life
Half-Life 2: Episode OneWindowsHalf-Life
Half-Life 2: Episode TwoWindowsHalf-Life
Half-Life 2: Lost CoastWindowsHalf-Life
Half-Life 2: UpdateWindowsHalf-Life
Half-Life Deathmatch: SourceWindowsHalf-Life
Half-Life: Blue ShiftWindowsHalf-Life
Half-Life: Opposing ForceWindowsHalf-Life
Half-Life: SourceWindowsHalf-Life
Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate BoyWindowsHalf-Minute Hero
Half-Minute Hero: The Second ComingWindowsHalf-Minute Hero
Halloween ForeverWindows
Halloween RacerGame Boy Color
Halo 5: ForgeWindowsHalo
Halo InfiniteWindowsHalo
Halo: Spartan AssaultWindows
Halo: The Master Chief CollectionWindowsHalo
HAL's Hole in One GolfSNES
Hammer Heads DeluxeWindows
Hammerin' HarryNESHammerin' Harry
Hammerin' HarryGame BoyHammerin' Harry
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham GamesGame Boy AdvanceHamtaro
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham HeartbreakGame Boy AdvanceHamtaro
Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite!Game Boy ColorHamtaro
Hamtaro: Rainbow RescueGame Boy AdvanceHamtaro
Hand of Fate 2WindowsHand of Fate
Hands of TimeGame Boy Color
Hard PlaceWindows
Hard ResetWindowsHard Reset
Hard West 2WindowsHard West
Hardspace: ShipbreakerWindows
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsGameCubeHarry Potter
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsGame Boy ColorHarry Potter
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsGame Boy AdvanceHarry Potter
Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireGameCubeHarry Potter
Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireGame Boy AdvanceHarry Potter
Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixGame Boy AdvanceHarry Potter
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanGameCubeHarry Potter
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanGame Boy AdvanceHarry Potter
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneGameCubeHarry Potter
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneGame Boy ColorHarry Potter
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneGame Boy AdvanceHarry Potter
Harry Potter: Quidditch World CupGame Boy AdvanceHarry Potter
Harvest MoonSNESHarvest Moon (old)
Harvest Moon 2 GBCGame Boy ColorHarvest Moon (old), Harvest Moon GBC
Harvest Moon 3 GBCGame Boy ColorHarvest Moon (old), Harvest Moon GBC
Harvest Moon 64Nintendo 64Harvest Moon (old)
Harvest Moon GBGame BoyHarvest Moon (old)
Harvest Moon GBCGame Boy ColorHarvest Moon (old), Harvest Moon GBC
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral TownGame Boy AdvanceHarvest Moon (old)
Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral TownGame Boy AdvanceHarvest Moon (old)
Hatoful BoyfriendWindowsHatoful Boyfriend
HatrisGame Boy
Haunted Hotel: Personal NightmareWindowsHaunted Hotel
Haven ParkWindows
Headbangers: Rhythm RoyaleWindows
Healer's QuestWindows
Heave HoWindows
Heaven Dust 2Windows
Heavy BarrelNESHeavy Barrel
Heavy Weapon DeluxeWindows
Hebereke's PopoonSNESHebereke, Ufouria: The Saga
Hector: Ep 1WindowsHector
Hector: Ep 2WindowsHector
Hector: Ep 3WindowsHector
Heeey! Park-BoyWindows
Heiankyo AlienGame Boy
Hell DivisionWindows
Hell is Other DemonsWindows
Hell is OthersWindows
Hell Let LooseWindows
Hell PieWindows
Hell Yeah!WindowsHell Yeah!
Helldivers 2WindowsPlayStation Studios
Hello NeighborWindowsHello Neighbor
Heracles No Eikou: Ugokidashita KamigamiGame BoyGlory of Heracles
Hero GenerationsWindows
Hero of the Kingdom IIWindowsHero of the Kingdom
Heroes of Might & Magic III: HD EditionWindowsMight & Magic Franchise
Heroes of Might and MagicGame Boy ColorHeroes of Might and Magic, Might and Magic
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 CompleteWindowsHeroes of Might and Magic, Might and Magic
Heroes of Might and Magic IIGame Boy ColorHeroes of Might and Magic, Might and Magic
Heroine's Quest: The Herald of RagnarokWindows
Hero's HourWindows
Hexcite: The Shapes of VictoryGame Boy Color
HexenNintendo 64Heretic
Hey You, Pikachu!Nintendo 64Pokémon
Hidden FolksWindows
Hide and ShriekWindows
Hi-Fi RUSHWindows
High HellWindows
High SpeedNES
High Stakes GamblingGame Boy
Hit the IceGame Boy
Hitman 2: Silent AssassinWindowsHitman
Hitman: AbsolutionWindowsHitman
Hitman: Blood MoneyWindowsHitman
Hitman: Codename 47WindowsHitman
Hitman: ContractsWindowsHitman
Hitman: Sniper ChallengeWindows
Hitman: World of AssassinationWindowsHitman
Hive Jump 2: SurvivorsWindowsHive Jump
Hogan's AlleyNESHogan's Alley
Hole in One GolfGame Boy Color
Holiday Bonus GoldWindows
Hollow KnightWindowsHollow Knight
Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?!WindowsHoly Potatoes
Homestar Runner: Halloween Hide N' SeekWindowsHomestar Runner
Homeworld Remastered CollectionWindowsHomeworld
Homeworld: Deserts of KharakWindowsHomeworld
Honkai Impact 3rdWindowsHonkai
Honkai: Star RailWindowsHonkai
Hood Outlaws and LegendsWindows
HookGame Boy
Hope LakeWindows
Horizon Chase TurboWindows
Hostile Waters: Antaeus RisingWindows
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A FedoraWindows
Hot Wheels UnleashedWindowsHot Wheels
Hot Wheels: Turbo RacingNintendo 64Hot Wheels
Hotline MiamiPlayStation VitaHotline Miami
Hotline MiamiWindowsHotline Miami
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong NumberWindowsHotline Miami
Hotshot RacingWindows
House Flipper 2WindowsHouse Flipper
House of Golf 2Windows
Human Resource MachineWindows
Hundred DaysWindows
Hybrid HeavenNintendo 64
Hydro ThunderNintendo 64Thunder
Hydrophobia: ProphecyWindowsHydrophobia
Hyper FightersWindows
Hyper Light DrifterWindows
Hyper Lode RunnerGame BoyLode Runner
Hyper V-BallSNES
Hyperplex 3DWindows
Hypnagogia: Boundless DreamsWindowsHypnagogia
I Am BreadWindows
I am FishWindows
I Like the FlowersWindows
I Love Finding Cats & PupsWindowsI Love Finding
I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin' Good Dating SimulatorWindows
I Spy Challenger!Game Boy AdvanceI Spy
I Was a Teenage ExocolonistWindows
I, HopeWindows
I’m not a MonsterWindows
Ice ClimberNESIce Climber
Ice HockeyNES
Ice NineGame Boy Advance
Icewind DaleWindowsIcewind Dale
Idle Champions of the Forgotten RealmsWindowsDungeons & Dragons
If FoundWindowsAnnapurna Interactive
Iggle Pop! DeluxeWindows
Iggy's Reckin' BallsNintendo 64
Ikari No Yousai 2Game BoyIkari no Yousai
Illusion of GaiaSNES
Image FightNESImage Fight
Immortal RedneckWindows
Imperator: RomeWindows
In Other WatersWindows
In Sound MindWindows
In Your FaceGame Boy
Independant Video Video GameWindows
Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisWindowsIndiana Jones
Indiana Jones and the Infernal MachineNintendo 64Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones and the Infernal MachineGame Boy ColorIndiana Jones
Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeWindowsIndiana Jones
Indiana Jones' Greatest AdventuresSNESIndiana Jones
Indie Game: The MovieWindows
Indy Racing 2000Nintendo 64
Infinity NikkiWindows
Inindo: Way of the NinjaSNES
Injustice: Gods Among UsWindowsDC Universe, Injustice
Insaniquarium! DeluxeWindows
Insecticide Part 1Windows
International CricketNES
International Superstar SoccerSNESInternational Superstar Soccer
International Superstar SoccerGame Boy AdvanceInternational Superstar Soccer
International Superstar SoccerGame BoyInternational Superstar Soccer
International Superstar Soccer 2000Nintendo 64International Superstar Soccer
International Superstar Soccer 2000Game Boy ColorInternational Superstar Soccer
International Superstar Soccer 64Nintendo 64International Superstar Soccer
International Superstar Soccer '98Nintendo 64International Superstar Soccer
International Superstar Soccer 99Game Boy ColorInternational Superstar Soccer
International Superstar Soccer AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceInternational Superstar Soccer
International Superstar Soccer DeluxeSNESInternational Superstar Soccer
International Track & Field 2000Nintendo 64Track & Field
Internet Cafe SimulatorWindows
Into The BreachWindows
Intrusion 2Windows
InvaderGame Boy Advance
Invincible Presents: Atom EveWindows
Iratus: Lord of the DeadWindows
Iridion 3DGame Boy AdvanceIridion
Iridion IIGame Boy AdvanceIridion
Iris and the GiantWindows
Iron DangerWindows
Iron HarvestWindowsIron Harvest
Iron Man & X-O Manowar in Heavy MetalGame BoyIron Man, Marvel
Iron Tank: The Invasion of NormandyNESTANK
IronSword: Wizards & Warriors IINESWizards & Warriors
Ishido: The Way of StonesGame Boy
Islands of InsightWindows
Isle of JuraWindows
Isolated WarriorNES
It's Mr. PantsGame Boy Advance
Ittle DewWindowsIttle Dew
iVRy Driver for SteamVRWindows
Jack ClawWindows
Jack MoveWindows
Jack Nicklaus GolfSNESJack Nicklaus
Jack Nicklaus GolfGame BoyJack Nicklaus
Jackie Chan Adventures: Legend of the Dark HandGame Boy AdvanceJackie Chan
Jackie Chan's Action Kung FuNESJackie Chan
Jade EmpireWindows
Jagged AllianceWindowsJagged Alliance
James Bond 007Game BoyJames Bond
James Bond JrNESJames Bond
James Pond 3: Operation Starfi5hSNESJames Pond
James Pond: Codename RobocodGame Boy AdvanceJames Pond
Jay and Silent Bob: Mall BrawlWindows
Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The Christmas ChroniclesWindowsJazz Jackrabbit
Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The Secret FilesWindowsJazz Jackrabbit
Jazz Jackrabbit AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceJazz Jackrabbit
Jelly BoySNES
Jeopardy!Nintendo 64Jeopardy!
Jet Force GeminiNintendo 64
Jet Grind RadioGame Boy AdvanceJet Set Radio
Jet Set RadioPlayStation 3Jet Set Radio
Jet Set RadioWindowsJet Set Radio
Jill of the Jungle: The Complete TrilogyWindowsJill of the Jungle
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis TourSNESGreat Courts
Jimmy Connors TennisNESJimmy Connors
Jimmy Connors TennisGame BoyJimmy Connors
Jitsu SquadWindows
Joe & MacSNESJoe & Mac
Joe & MacNESJoe & Mac
Joe & MacGame BoyJoe & Mac
Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the TropicsSNESJoe & Mac
Joe DangerWindowsJoe Danger
Joe Danger 2: The MovieWindowsJoe Danger
John Madden FootballSNESJohn Madden Football, Madden NFL
John Madden Football '93SNESJohn Madden Football, Madden NFL
Jones On FireWindows
Journey to SiliusNES
Journey to the Savage PlanetWindows
Judge DreddSNESJudge Dredd
Jumping KnightWindows
Jungle StrikeSNESStrike
Jungle StrikeGame BoyStrike
Jurassic ParkSNES
Jurassic ParkNES
Jurassic ParkGame Boy
Jurassic Park III: Park BuilderGame Boy Advance
Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos ContinuesSNES
Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos ContinuesGame Boy
Jurassic World EvolutionWindowsJurassic World Evolution
Jurassic World Evolution 2WindowsJurassic World Evolution
Just CauseWindowsJust Cause
Just Cause 2WindowsJust Cause
Just Cause 4WindowsJust Cause
Just DesertsWindows
Just Die AlreadyWindows
Justice League Heroes: The FlashGame Boy AdvanceDC Universe, Justice League, The Flash
Justice League Task ForceSNESDC Universe, Justice League
Kabuki: Quantum FighterNES
Kaeru No Tame Ni Kane Wa NaruGame Boy
Kaettekita Mario Bros.Famicom Disk SystemMario Bros.
Kalin no TsurugiFamicom Disk System
KamuiWindowsTale of ALLTYNEX
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog DaysWindowsKane & Lynch
Kane & Lynch: Dead MenWindowsKane & Lynch
Kao the KangarooWindowsKao the Kangaroo
Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2WindowsKao the Kangaroo
Karakuri Kengou Den: Musashi LordGame Boy
Kardboard KingsWindows
Kardboard Kings: Card Shop SimulatorWindows
Karnaaj RallyGame Boy Advance
Katamari Damacy RerollWindowsKatamari Damacy
Katana ZeroWindows
Kathy RainWindows
Keep Talking and Nobody ExplodesWindows
Keitai Denjuu Telefang: Power VersionGame Boy ColorTelefang
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the EarthWindows
Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League BaseballSNESKen Griffey Jr.
Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League BaseballGame BoyKen Griffey Jr.
Ken Griffey Jr.'s SlugfestNintendo 64Ken Griffey Jr.
Ken Griffey Jr.'S SlugfestGame Boy ColorKen Griffey Jr.
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning RunSNESKen Griffey Jr.
Kendo RageSNESMakeruna! Makendou
Kerbal Space ProgramWindows
Keyboard KillersWindows
Khan VS KahnWindowsKhan VS Kahn
Kick MasterNES
Kickle CubicleNES
Kid A Mnesia ExhibitionWindows
Kid DraculaNESKid Dracula
Kid DraculaGame BoyKid Dracula
Kid IcarusNESKid Icarus
Kid Icarus: Of Myths and MonstersGame BoyKid Icarus
Kid Klown in Crazy ChaseSNESKid Klown in Crazy Chase
Kid Klown in Night Mayor WorldNESCrazy Castle
Kid Niki: Radical NinjaNESKid Niki
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: Dai 2 Shoutai Shutsudou Seyo!Famicom Disk System
Kill 'Em AllWindows
Kill KnightWindows
Kill SwitchGame Boy Advance
Kill the SuperweaponWindows
Killer InstinctSNESKiller Instinct
Killer InstinctGame BoyKiller Instinct
Killer Instinct GoldNintendo 64Killer Instinct
Killer is DeadWindows
Killing FloorWindowsKilling Floor
Killing Floor 2WindowsKilling Floor
Kim Possible 2: Drakken's DemiseGame Boy AdvanceKim Possible
Kim Possible 3: Team PossibleGame Boy AdvanceKim Possible
Kim Possible: Revenge of Monkey FistGame Boy AdvanceKim Possible
Kind WordsWindowsKind Words
King Arthur: CollectionWindows
King Arthur's WorldSNES
King of Dragon PassWindows
King of DragonsSNES
King of SeasWindows
King Of The CastleWindows
King of the MonstersSNESKing of the Monsters
King of the MonstersWindowsKing of the Monsters
King of the Monsters 2SNESKing of the Monsters
King of the Monsters 2WindowsKing of the Monsters
Kingdom Come DeliveranceWindows
Kingdom CrusadeGame Boy
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of MemoriesGame Boy AdvanceKingdom Hearts
Kingdom RushWindowsKingdom Rush
Kingdom: New LandsWindowsKingdom
Kingdoms of Amalur: ReckoningWindowsKingdoms of Amalur
King's Bounty: The LegendWindowsKing's Bounty
Kings of the Beach: Professional Beach VolleyballNES
King's QuestWindowsKing's Quest
King's Quest CollectionWindows
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder!NESKing's Quest
Kininkou Maroku OniGame BoyOni
Kirby & the Amazing MirrorGame Boy AdvanceKirby
Kirby 64: The Crystal ShardsNintendo 64Kirby
Kirby Super StarSNESKirby
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream LandGame Boy AdvanceKirby
Kirby: Tilt 'N' TumbleGame Boy ColorKirby
Kirby's AdventureNESKirby
Kirby's AvalancheSNESKirby
Kirby's Block BallGame BoyKirby
Kirby's Dream CourseSNESKirby, Kirby's Dream Course
Kirby's Dream LandGame Boy ColorKirby
Kirby's Dream LandGame BoyKirby
Kirby's Dream Land 2Game BoyKirby
Kirby's Dream Land 3SNESKirby, Kirby's Dream Land
Kirby's Pinball LandGame BoyKirby
Kirby's Star StackerGame BoyKirby
Kirby's Super Star StackerSNESKirby, Kirby's Star Stacker
Kiwi Kraze: A Bird-Brained Adventure!NES
Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag BattleWindowsFu'un
KlaxGame Boy
Klonoa 2: Dream Champ TournamentGame Boy AdvanceKlonoa
Klonoa: Empire of DreamsGame Boy AdvanceKlonoa
Knife Edge: Nose GunnerNintendo 64
Knight Lore: Majou no Ookami OtokoFamicom Disk System
Knight MoveFamicom Disk System
Knight QuestGame Boy
Knightfall: A Daring JourneyWindows
Knights of Honor II: SovereignWindowsKnights of Honor
Knights of Pen and Paper +1WindowsKnights of Pen and Paper
Knights of Pen and Paper 2WindowsKnights of Pen and Paper
Knights of the RoundSNES
Knockout CityWindows
Knockout Kings 2000Nintendo 64Knockout Kings
Knytt UndergroundWindowsKnytt
Kobe Bryant in NBA CourtsideNintendo 64NBA, NBA Courtside
Konami Collector's Series: Arcade AdvancedGame Boy AdvanceKonami Collector's Series
Konami Hyper SoccerNES
Konami Krazy RacersGame Boy Advance
Kraken Academy!!Windows
Ku: Shroud of the MorriganWindows
Kung FuNESKung Fu
Kung FuryWindows
Kung-Fu HeroesNESSuper Chinese
Kung-Fu MasterGame BoyKung-Fu Master
Kunio-Kun No Dodge Ball: Zenin Shuugou!SNESKunio-Kun, Nekketsu High School, Super Dodge Ball
Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer LeagueNESKunio-Kun, Nekketsu High School
Kurukuru KururinGame Boy Advance
Kwirk: He's A-Maze-Ing!Game Boy
L.A. NoireWindows
L'Abbaye des MortsWindows
Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze DetectiveWindows
Labyrinthine DreamsWindows
Lady SiaGame Boy Advance
Lamborghini American ChallengeSNESCrazy Cars
Lamborghini American ChallengeGame BoyCrazy Cars
Lamp HeadWindows
Lara Croft and the Guardian of LightWindowsLara Croft, Tomb Raider
Lara Croft and the Temple of OsirisWindowsLara Croft, Tomb Raider
Laser InvasionNES
Last Call BBSWindows
Last Day of JuneWindows
Last DreamWindows
Last HorizonWindows
Last ResortWindows
Last WordWindows
Lawn Mowing SimulatorWindows
Layers of FearWindowsLayers of Fear
Layers of Fear 2WindowsLayers of Fear
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild WestWindows
Left 4 DeadWindowsLeft 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2WindowsLeft 4 Dead
Legacy of the WizardNESDragon Slayer
Legend of GrimrockWindowsLegend of Grimrock
Legend of KeepersWindows
Legend of Keepers: PrologueWindows
Legend of the River KingGame Boy ColorKawa no Nushi Tsuri
Legend of the River KingGame BoyKawa no Nushi Tsuri
Legend of the River King 2Game Boy ColorKawa no Nushi Tsuri
Legendary WingsNES
Legends of the Diamond: The Baseball Championship GameNES
Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal's RealmWindowsLegionwood
LEGO 2K DriveWindowsLEGO
LEGO BatmanWindowsBatman, DC Universe, LEGO, LEGO Batman
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super HeroesWindowsBatman, DC Universe, LEGO, LEGO Batman
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond GothamWindowsBatman, DC Universe, LEGO, LEGO Batman
LEGO BionicleGame Boy AdvanceBionicle, LEGO
LEGO Builder's JourneyWindowsLEGO
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original AdventuresWindowsLEGO, LEGO Indiana Jones
LEGO Marvel Super HeroesWindowsLEGO, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, Marvel
LEGO RacersNintendo 64LEGO, LEGO Racers
LEGO RacersGame Boy ColorLEGO, LEGO Racers
LEGO Racers 2Game Boy AdvanceLEGO, LEGO Racers
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original TrilogyGame Boy AdvanceLEGO, LEGO Star Wars, Star Wars
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone WarsWindowsLEGO, LEGO Star Wars, Star Wars
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker SagaWindowsLEGO Star Wars
LEGO Star Wars: The Video GameGame Boy AdvanceLEGO, LEGO Star Wars, Star Wars
LEGO The HobbitWindowsLEGO, LEGO Lord of the Rings, The Lord of the Rings
LEGO The Lord of the RingsWindowsLEGO, LEGO Lord of the Rings, The Lord of the Rings
Leisure Suit Larry 2: Looking For Love (In Several Wrong Places)WindowsLeisure Suit Larry
Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating PectoralsWindowsLeisure Suit Larry
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover WorkWindowsLeisure Suit Larry
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up Or Slip OutWindowsLeisure Suit Larry
Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for SailWindowsLeisure Suit Larry
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum LaudeWindowsLeisure Suit Larry
Leisure Suit Larry: The Land of the Lounge LizardsWindowsLeisure Suit Larry
Leisure Suit Larry: The Land of the Lounge Lizards: ReloadedWindowsLeisure Suit Larry
LemmingsGame BoyLemmings
Lemmings 2: The TribesSNESLemmings
Lemmings 2: The TribesGame BoyLemmings
Lenna's InceptionWindows
Lethal EnforcersSNESLethal Enforcers
Lethal LeagueWindowsLethal League
Lethal League: BlazeWindowsLethal League
Lethis: Path of ProgressWindows
Let's Explore The AirportWindowsBuzzy: Let's Explore
Let's Explore The FarmWindowsBuzzy: Let's Explore
Let's Explore The JungleWindowsBuzzy: Let's Explore
Liberty or DeathSNES
Lichdom: BattlemageWindows
Life ForceNESSalamander
Life is StrangeWindowsLife is Strange
Life is Strange 2WindowsLife is Strange
Lifeless PlanetWindowsLifeless Planet
Lightforce NinjaWindows
Lila's Sky ArkWindows
Lilo & StitchGame Boy AdvanceLilo & Stitch
Lilo & Stitch 2: Haemsterviel HavocGame Boy AdvanceLilo & Stitch
LISA: The FirstWindowsLISA
Lisa: The JoyfulWindowsLISA
Lisa: The PainfulWindowsLISA
Lit: Bend the LightWindows
Litil DivilWindows
Little Big WorkshopWindows
Little InfernoWindows
Little KiteWindowsLittle Kite
Little Kitty, Big CityWindows
Little League Baseball: Championship SeriesNESKoushien
Little MagicGame Boy Color
Little Master: Raikuban No DensetsuGame BoyLittle Master
Little MisfortuneWindows
Little Nemo: The Dream MasterNES
Little NightmaresWindowsLittle Nightmares
Little Ninja BrothersNESSuper Chinese
Little SamsonNES
Living Legends: Fallen SkyWindows
Lock N' ChaseGame Boy
Lode RunnerNESLode Runner
Lode Runner 3-DNintendo 64Lode Runner
Lone SurvivorWindows
Look InsideWindows
Looking for AliensWindows
Looney TunesGame Boy ColorLooney Tunes
Looney TunesGame BoyLooney Tunes
Looney Tunes B-BallSNESLooney Tunes
Looney Tunes Collector: Alert!Game Boy ColorLooney Tunes, Looney Tunes Collector
Looney Tunes: Carrot CrazyGame Boy ColorLooney Tunes
Looney Tunes: Twouble!Game Boy ColorLooney Tunes
Loop HeroWindows
LoopzGame Boy
Lord of DarknessSNESNobunaga's Ambition
LorelaiWindowsDevil Came Through Here
Lossless ScalingWindows
Lost CastleWindows
Lost DaughterWindows
Lost HorizonWindowsLost Horizon
Lost Horizon 2WindowsLost Horizon
Lost in HarmonyWindows
Lost KingdomsGameCubeLost Kingdoms
Lost Kingdoms IIGameCubeLost Kingdoms
Lost PotatoWindows
Lost RuinsWindows
Lost Vikings 2SNESThe Lost Vikings
LouveSystems' TrackMastersWindows
Love Thyself: A Horatio StoryWindows
Lovecraft's Untold StoriesWindows
Lovely PlanetWindowsLovely Planet
Lovers' SmilesWindowsLovers ' Smiles
Low G Man: The Low Gravity ManNES
Lucid: Parables of the UbermenschWindows
Lucky LukeSNESLucky Luke
Lucky LukeGame Boy ColorLucky Luke
Lucky LukeGame BoyLucky Luke
Lucky Luke: Desperado TrainGame Boy ColorLucky Luke
Lucky Luke: Wanted!Game Boy AdvanceLucky Luke
LucleGame Boy
Lufia & the Fortress of DoomSNESLufia
Lufia II Rise of the SinistralsSNESLufia
Lufia: The Legend ReturnsGame Boy ColorLufia
Lufia: The Ruins of LoreGame Boy AdvanceLufia
Lugaru HDWindowsLugaru
Luigi's MansionGameCubeLuigi, Luigi's Mansion, Mario
Lunar AxeWindows
Lunar LegendGame Boy AdvanceLunar
Lunar PoolNES
Lure of the TemptressWindows
LutterFamicom Disk System
Lysfanga: The Time Shift WarriorWindows
M.C. KidsNESMcDonald's
Mable and The WoodWindows
Macbat 64Windows
Mace: The Dark AgeNintendo 64
Mach RiderNESMach Rider
Machina of the Planet Tree -Planet Ruler-WindowsMachina of the Planet Tree
Machinika MuseumWindows
Madden 95Game BoyMadden NFL
Madden 96Game BoyMadden NFL
Madden 97Game BoyMadden NFL
Madden Football 64Nintendo 64John Madden Football, Madden NFL
Madden NFL 2000Nintendo 64Madden NFL
Madden NFL 2000Game Boy ColorMadden NFL
Madden NFL 2001Nintendo 64Madden NFL
Madden NFL 2001Game Boy ColorMadden NFL
Madden NFL 2002Nintendo 64Madden NFL
Madden NFL 2002Game Boy ColorMadden NFL
Madden NFL 21WindowsMadden NFL
Madden NFL 22WindowsMadden NFL
Madden NFL '94SNESMadden NFL
Madden NFL 95SNESMadden NFL
Madden NFL 96SNESMadden NFL
Madden NFL 97SNESMadden NFL
Madden NFL 98SNESMadden NFL
Madden NFL 99Nintendo 64Madden NFL
Mafia IIWindowsMafia
Mages of MystraliaWindowsMystralia
Magi NationGame Boy Color
Magic 2014WindowsMagic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers
Magic DuelsWindowsMagic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers
Magic SwordSNES
Magic: The Gathering ArenaWindowsMagic: The Gathering
Magical Battle FestaWindows
Magical Chase GB: Minarai Mahoutsukai Kenja No Tani EGame Boy Color
Magical DropGame Boy ColorMagical Drop
Magical QuestGame Boy AdvanceMagical Quest, Mickey Mouse
Magical Quest 2Game Boy AdvanceMagical Quest, Mickey Mouse
Magical Quest 3Game Boy AdvanceDonald Duck, Magical Quest, Mickey Mouse
Magical Tetris ChallengeNintendo 64Magical Quest, Mickey Mouse, Tetris
Magical Tetris ChallengeGame Boy ColorTetris
Magician LordWindows
Magicka: Wizard WarsWindowsMagicka
Magrunner: Dark PulseWindows
Maid of SkerWindows
Mail MoleWindows
Majesty 2WindowsMajesty
Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr.Nintendo 64Ken Griffey Jr., MLB
Major MayhemWindowsMajor Mayhem
Makaimura Gaiden: The Demon DarknessGame BoyGargoyle's Quest
Make WayWindows
Mana SparkWindows
Maniac MansionNESManiac Mansion
Maniac MansionWindowsManiac Mansion
Manic MinerGame Boy Advance
Manual SamuelWindows
Marble MadnessNESMarble Madness
Marble MadnessGame Boy
Mario & Luigi: Superstar SagaGame Boy AdvanceMario, Mario & Luigi
Mario Bros.NESMario
Mario GolfNintendo 64Mario, Mario Golf
Mario GolfGame Boy ColorMario, Mario Golf
Mario Golf: Advance TourGame Boy AdvanceMario, Mario Golf
Mario is Missing DeluxeMS-DOSMario
Mario Kart 64Nintendo 64Mario, Mario Kart
Mario Kart 8Wii UMario, Mario Kart
Mario Kart 8Wii UMario, Mario Kart
Mario Kart Fun 2022-11WiiMario, Mario Kart
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!GameCubeMario, Mario Kart
Mario Kart: Super CircuitGame Boy AdvanceMario, Mario Kart
Mario PaintSNESMario Paint, Super Mario
Mario PartyNintendo 64Mario, Mario Party
Mario Party 2Nintendo 64Mario, Mario Party
Mario Party 3Nintendo 64Mario, Mario Party
Mario Party 4GameCubeMario, Mario Party
Mario Party 5GameCubeMario, Mario Party
Mario Party 6GameCubeMario, Mario Party
Mario Party AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceMario, Mario Party
Mario Pinball LandGame Boy AdvanceMario
Mario Power TennisGameCubeMario, Mario Tennis
Mario Superstar BaseballGameCubeMario, Mario Baseball
Mario TennisNintendo 64Mario, Mario Tennis
Mario TennisGame Boy ColorMario, Mario Tennis
Mario Tennis: Power TourGame Boy AdvanceMario, Mario Tennis
Mario Vs. Donkey KongGame Boy AdvanceMario, Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Mario's PicrossGame BoyMario's Picross
Mark Davis' The Fishing MasterSNES
Mark of the NinjaWindows
Martian LawWindows
Maru's MissionGame BoyJajamaru
Marvel RivalsWindowsMarvel
Marvel SnapWindowsMarvel
Marvel Super Heroes in War of the GemsSNESMarvel
Marvel: Ultimate AllianceGame Boy AdvanceMarvel, Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Marvel's Guardians of the GalaxyWindowsMarvel
Marvel's Midnight SunsWindowsMarvel, Marvel's Midnight Suns
Marvin Strikes Back!Game Boy ColorLooney Tunes, Looney Tunes Collector
Marvin The HatterWindows
Mass EffectWindowsMass Effect
Mass Effect 2WindowsMass Effect
Master of MagicWindowsMaster of Magic
Masterplan TycoonWindows
Mat Hoffman's Pro BmxGame Boy ColorMat Hoffman's Pro BMX
Maui Mallard in Cold ShadowSNESDonald Duck
Maui Mallard in Cold ShadowGame Boy
Max PayneGame Boy AdvanceMax Payne
Max PayneWindowsMax Payne
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max PayneWindowsMax Payne
Max: The Curse of BrotherhoodWindowsMax
Mazes of FateGame Boy Advance
McPixel 3WindowsMcPixel
Mecarobot GolfSNES
Mech BuilderWindows
Mech PlatoonGame Boy Advance
Mechwarrior 3050SNESMechWarrior
Medabots Ax: Metabee Ver.Game Boy AdvanceMedabots, Medarot
Medabots Ax: Rokusho Ver.Game Boy AdvanceMedabots, Medarot
Medabots: MetabeeGame Boy AdvanceMedabots, Medarot
Medabots: RokushoGame Boy AdvanceMedabots, Medarot
Medal of HonorWindowsMedal of Honor
Medal of Honor (Multiplayer)WindowsMedal of Honor
Medal of Honor (Single Player)WindowsMedal of Honor
Medal of Honor: Allied AssaultWindowsMedal of Honor
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - BreakthroughWindowsMedal of Honor
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - SpearheadWindowsMedal of Honor
Medal of Honor: InfiltratorGame Boy AdvanceMedal of Honor
Medal of Honor: Pacific AssaultWindowsMedal of Honor
Medarot Kabuto VersionGame BoyMedabots
Medarot Kuwagata VersionGame BoyMedabots
Mediterranea InfernoWindows
Mega ManNESMega Man
Mega Man & BassGame Boy AdvanceMega Man
Mega Man 2NESMega Man
Mega Man 3NESMega Man
Mega Man 4NESMega Man
Mega Man 5NESMega Man
Mega Man 6NESMega Man
Mega Man 64Nintendo 64Mega Man
Mega Man 7SNESMega Man
Mega Man Battle Chip ChallengeGame Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle NetworkGame Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 2Game Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue VersionGame Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 3: White VersionGame Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 4: Blue MoonGame Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red SunGame Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team ColonelGame Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team ProtomanGame Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast FalzarGame Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast GregarGame Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 1WindowsMega Man
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Vol. 2WindowsMega Man
Mega Man IIGame BoyMega Man, Mega Man World
Mega Man IIIGame BoyMega Man, Mega Man World
Mega Man IVGame BoyMega Man, Mega Man World
Mega Man Legacy CollectionWindowsMega Man, Mega Man Legacy Collections
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2WindowsMega Man
Mega Man LegendsPlayStationMega Man, Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2PlayStationMega Man, Mega Man Legends
Mega Man MakerWindowsMega Man
Mega Man SoccerSNESMega Man
Mega Man VGame BoyMega Man, Mega Man World
Mega Man XSNESMega Man, Mega Man X
Mega Man X Legacy CollectionWindowsMega Man, Mega Man Legacy Collections, Mega Man X
Mega Man X2SNESMega Man, Mega Man X
Mega Man X3SNESMega Man, Mega Man X
Mega Man X4PlayStationMega Man, Mega Man X
Mega Man XtremeGame Boy ColorMega Man, Mega Man Xtreme
Mega Man Xtreme 2Game Boy ColorMega Man, Mega Man Xtreme
Mega Man ZeroGame Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero 2Game Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero 3Game Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero 4Game Boy AdvanceMega Man, Mega Man Zero
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeGame BoyMega Man, Mega Man World
Megabyte PunchWindows
MegalitGame Boy
Megami Tensei Gaiden: Another BibleGame BoyMegami Tensei, Megami Tensei Gaiden, Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible
Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible IIGame Boy ColorMegami Tensei, Megami Tensei Gaiden, Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible
Meikyuu Jiin DababaFamicom Disk System
Meitantei Conan: Karakuri Jiin Satsujin JikenGame Boy ColorDetective Conan
Meitantei Conan: Kigantou Hihou DensetsuGame Boy ColorDetective Conan
Melvor IdleWindows
Men of War: Assault Squad 2WindowsMen of War
Mendel PalaceNES
Mercenary ForceGame Boy
Mercenary KingsPlayStation Vita
Mercenary KingsWindows
Merry SnowballsWindows
Metal Combat: Falcon's RevengeSNESBattle Clash
Metal GearNESMetal Gear
Metal Gear 1 & 2 (MSX)WindowsMetal Gear
Metal Gear 1 & 2 (NES) + Bonus ContentWindowsMetal Gear
Metal Gear Rising: RevengeanceWindowsMetal Gear, Metal Gear Rising
Metal Gear SolidWindowsMetal Gear, Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear SolidPlayStationMetal Gear, Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of LibertyWindowsMetal Gear, Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake EaterWindowsMetal Gear, Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 3: SubsistencePlayStation 2Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesWindowsMetal Gear, Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom PainWindowsMetal Gear, Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid: Ghost BabelGame Boy ColorMetal Gear, Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin SnakesGameCubeMetal Gear, Metal Gear Solid
Metal MarinesSNES
Metal MastersGame Boy
Metal SlugWindowsMetal Slug
Metal Slug 2WindowsMetal Slug
Metal Slug 3WindowsMetal Slug
Metal Slug 4WindowsMetal Slug
Metal Slug AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceMetal Slug
Metal Slug XWindowsACA NEOGEO
Metal StormNES
Metal UnitWindows
Metal WalkerGame Boy Color
Metal WarriorsSNES
Metro 2033WindowsMetro
Metro: Last LightWindowsMetro
Metroid FusionGame Boy AdvanceMetroid
Metroid II: Return of SamusGame BoyMetroid
Metroid PrimeGameCubeMetroid, Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: EchoesGameCubeMetroid, Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime RemasteredSwitchMetroid, Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime TrilogyWiiMetroid, Metroid Prime
Metroid: Zero MissionGame Boy AdvanceMetroid
Miasma ChroniclesWindows
Mibibli's QuestWindows
Michael Andretti's World GPNES
Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy CitySNES
Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey MouseSNESMickey Mania, Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse: Magic Wands!Game BoyCrazy Castle, Mickey Mouse
Mickey MousecapadeNESMickey Mouse
Mickey's Dangerous ChaseGame BoyMickey Mouse
Mickey's Racing AdventureGame Boy ColorMickey Mouse
Mickey's Speedway USANintendo 64Mickey Mouse
Mickey's Speedway USAGame Boy ColorMickey Mouse
Mickey's Ultimate ChallengeSNESMickey Mouse
Mickey's Ultimate ChallengeGame BoyMickey Mouse
Micro DashWindows
Micro MachinesSNESMicro Machines
Micro MachinesGame Boy AdvanceMicro Machines
Micro MachinesGame BoyMicro Machines
Micro Machines 1 and 2: Twin TurboGame Boy ColorMicro Machines
Micro Machines 2: Turbo TournamentSNESMicro Machines
Micro Machines 2: Turbo TournamentGame BoyMicro Machines
Micro Machines 64 TurboNintendo 64Micro Machines
Micro Machines V3Game Boy ColorMicro Machines
Micro MagesWindows
Microsoft MinesweeperWindows
Microsoft Solitaire CollectionWindows
Middle-earth: Shadow of MordorWindowsMiddle-earth
Midnight Club IIWindowsMidnight Club
Midnight Fight ExpressWindows
Midnight Ghost HuntWindows
Midnight ProtocolWindowsIceberg Interactive
Mido and DiWindows
Midway Presents Arcade Hits: Joust & DefenderGame Boy ColorMidway Arcade
Midway Presents Arcade Hits: Moon Patrol & Spy HunterGame Boy ColorMidway Arcade
Midway's Greatest Arcade HitsGame Boy AdvanceMidway Arcade, Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits: Volume 1Nintendo 64Midway Arcade, Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits
Might & Magic: Chess RoyaleWindowsMight and Magic
Might & Magic: Clash of HeroesWindowsMight & Magic Franchise
Might & Magic: Heroes VIWindowsHeroes of Might and Magic, Might and Magic
Might & Magic: Secret of the Inner SanctumNESMight and Magic
Might and Magic IISNESMight and Magic
Might and Magic III: Isles of TerraSNESMight and Magic
Mighty Fight FederationWindows
Mighty Final FightNESFinal Fight
Mighty GunvoltWindowsMighty, Mighty Gunvolt
Mighty Morphin Power RangersSNESPower Rangers
Mighty Morphin Power RangersGame BoyPower Rangers
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting EditionSNESPower Rangers
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The MovieSNESPower Rangers
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The MovieGame BoyPower Rangers
Mighty No. 9WindowsMighty, Mighty No. 9
Mighty PartyWindows
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!NESPunch-Out!!
Milon's Secret CastleNESMilon
Milon's Secret CastleGame BoyMilon
Minabo: A Walk Through LifeWindows
Minami LaneWindows
Mind ScannersWindows
Minecraft LauncherWindowsMinecraft
Minecraft PreviewWindows
Minecraft: Bedrock EditionWindowsMinecraft
Minecraft: PlayStation 4 EditionPlayStation 4Minecraft
Miner 2049er Starring Bounty BobGame Boy
Mini MetroWindowsMini
Mini MotorwaysSwitchMini
Mini NinjasWindowsMini Ninjas
Mini ThiefWindows
Minion MastersWindowsForced
Minit Fun RacerWindowsMinit
Mirage: Arcane WarfareWindows
Mirror's EdgeWindowsMirror's Edge
Mischief MakersNintendo 64
Missile CommandGame Boy ColorMissile Command
Missile CommandGame BoyMissile Command
Missile Command: RechargedWindowsMissile Command
Mission: ImpossibleNESMission: Impossible
Mission: ImpossibleNintendo 64Mission: Impossible
Mission: Impossible - Operation SurmaGameCubeMission: Impossible
Mob FactoryWindows
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Battle AssaultGame Boy AdvanceGundam: Battle Assault
Model BuilderWindows
Mohawk & Headphone JackSNES
Mole ManiaGame Boy
Momotaro ThunderboltGame BoyMomotaro Thunderbolt
Monaco Grand PrixNintendo 64
Monday Night CombatWindowsMonday Night Combat
Monkey Island 2WindowsMonkey Island Franchise
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s RevengeWindowsMonkey Island
Monkey PuncherGame Boy Color
MonopolyGame Boy ColorMonopoly
MonopolyGame Boy AdvanceMonopoly
MonopolyGame BoyMonopoly
Monster CrownWindows
Monster ForceGame Boy Advance
Monster HouseGame Boy Advance
Monster Hunter: RiseWindowsMonster Hunter
Monster Hunter: WorldWindowsMonster Hunter
Monster in My PocketNES
Monster MaxGame Boy
Monster PartyNES
Monster PromWindowsMonster Prom
Monster Prom 2: Monster CampWindowsMonster Prom
Monster Prom 3: Monster RoadtripWindowsMonster Prom
Monster RancherPlayStationMonster Rancher
Monster Rancher 2PlayStationMonster Rancher
Monster Rancher AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceMonster Rancher
Monster Rancher Advance 2Game Boy AdvanceMonster Rancher
Monster Rancher Battle Card GBGame Boy ColorMonster Rancher
Monster Rancher ExplorerGame Boy ColorMonster Rancher
Monster TrainWindows
Monster Truck MadnessGame Boy AdvanceMonster Truck Madness
Monster Truck Madness 64Nintendo 64Monster Truck Madness
Monster Truck WarsGame Boy
Monsters Domain: PrologueWindows
Monsters, Inc.Game Boy Color
Monty on the RunFamicom Disk SystemMonty Mole
Moon HuntersWindows
Moonstone IslandWindowsMoonstone Island
Morbid: The Seven AcolytesWindows
Mortal KombatSNESMortal Kombat
Mortal KombatGame BoyMortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat (2014)WindowsMortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 3SNESMortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 3Game BoyMortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 4Nintendo 64Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 4Game Boy ColorMortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceMortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat Arcade KollectionWindowsMortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat IISNESMortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat IIGame BoyMortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-ZeroNintendo 64Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat TrilogyNintendo 64Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat TrilogyPlayStationMortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat: Deadly AllianceGame Boy AdvanceMortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat: Tournament EditionGame Boy AdvanceMortal Kombat
Mortal ShellWindows
Mother 3Game Boy AdvanceEarthBound
Motocross ChallengeGame Boy Advance
Motocross ChampionNES
Motocross ManiacsGame BoyMotocross Maniacs
Motocross Maniacs 2Game Boy ColorMotocross Maniacs
Motocross Maniacs AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceMotocross Maniacs
MotoGPGame Boy Advance
Motoracer AdvanceGame Boy Advance
Mount & BladeWindowsMount & Blade
Mount & Blade: WarbandWindowsMount & Blade
Mount & Blade: With Fire and SwordWindowsMount & Blade
Mount Your FriendsWindowsMount Your Friends
Mount Your Friends 3D: A Hard Man is Good to ClimbWindowsMount Your Friends
Mountain Taxi DriverWindows
Move or DieWindows
Moving OutWindowsMoving Out
Mr. Chin's Gourmet ParadiseGame Boy
Mr. Do!SNESMr. Do!
Mr. Do!Game BoyMr. Do!
Mr. DrillerGame Boy ColorMr. Driller
Mr. Driller 2Game Boy AdvanceMr. Driller
Mr. GimmickNESGimmick
Mr. NutzSNES
Mr. NutzGame Boy Color
Mr. NutzGame Boy Advance
Mr. NutzGame Boy
Mr. ShiftyWindows
Ms Holmes: The Case of the Dancing MenWindowsMs. Holmes
Ms. Pac-ManSNESMs. Pac-Man, Pac-Man
Ms. Pac-ManNESMs. Pac-Man
Ms. Pac-ManGame Boy ColorMs. Pac-Man, Pac-Man
Ms. Pac-ManGame BoyMs. Pac-Man, Pac-Man
Ms. Pac-Man - Maze MadnessNintendo 64Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Man
Ms. Pac-Man: Maze MadnessGame Boy AdvanceMs. Pac-Man, Pac-Man
MultiVersusWindowsWB Games
Murder by NumbersWindows
Murder MinersWindows
Murderous PursuitsWindows
Museum of Other RealitiesWindows
Mushroom Cats 2Windows
Mutant Year Zero Road to EdenWindows
Mutation NationWindows
MX vs. ATV ReflexWindowsMX
My Land!Windows
My Time At PortiaWindows
MySimsWiiMySims, The Sims
MysteriumGame Boy
Mystery Box: Hidden SecretsWindows
Mystery Case Files: Black CrownWindowsMystery Case Files
Mystery Case Files: The Dalimar LegacyWindowsMystery Case Files
Mystery P.I.: Lost in Los AngelesWindowsMystery P.I.
Mystery P.I.: The Lottery TicketWindowsMystery P.I.
Mystery P.I.: The New York FortuneWindowsMystery P.I.
Mystery PI: The Vegas HeistWindows
Mystical Ninja Starring GoemonNintendo 64Ganbare Goemon
Mystical Ninja Starring GoemonGame BoyGanbare Goemon
NagiQ 2: Treasure HuntWindowsNagiQ
NAIRI: Tower of ShirinWindows
Namco MuseumGame Boy AdvanceNamco Museum
Namco Museum 64Nintendo 64Namco Museum
Namco Museum: 50th AnniversaryGame Boy AdvanceNamco Museum
Namida no Soukoban SpecialFamicom Disk SystemSokoban
Nangoku Shounen Papuwa-Kun Ganmadan No YabouGame BoyPapuwa-kun
Nanotale: Typing ChroniclesWindowsEpistory: Typing Chronicles
Naraka: BladepointWindows
Narita BoyWindows
Naruto: Ninja CouncilGame Boy AdvanceNaruto, Naruto: Ninja Council
Naruto: Ninja Council 2Game Boy AdvanceNaruto, Naruto: Ninja Council
NASCAR 2000Game Boy ColorNASCAR
Natsume Championship WrestlingSNES
Natural Selection 2WindowsNatural Selection
Nazo no Murasame-jouFamicom Disk SystemThe Mysterious Murasame Castle
NBA 2K21WindowsNBA 2K
NBA 3 on 3 Featuring Kobe BryantGame Boy ColorNBA
NBA All-Star ChallengeGame BoyNBA, NBA All-Star Challenge
NBA All-Star Challenge 2Game BoyNBA, NBA All-Star Challenge
NBA Courtside 2 featuring Kobe BryantNintendo 64NBA, NBA Courtside
NBA HangtimeNintendo 64NBA
NBA HoopzGame Boy ColorNBA
NBA In the ZoneGame Boy ColorNBA, NBA In the Zone
NBA In the Zone 2000Nintendo 64NBA, NBA In the Zone
NBA In the Zone 2000Game Boy ColorNBA, NBA In the Zone
NBA JamGame BoyNBA, NBA Jam
NBA Jam 2000Nintendo 64NBA, NBA Jam
NBA Jam 2001Game Boy ColorNBA, NBA Jam
NBA Jam 2002Game Boy AdvanceNBA, NBA Jam
NBA Jam 99Nintendo 64NBA, NBA Jam
NBA Jam 99Game Boy ColorNBA, NBA Jam
NBA Jam: Tournament EditionSNESNBA, NBA Jam
NBA Jam: Tournament EditionGame BoyNBA, NBA Jam
NBA Live 2000Nintendo 64NBA, NBA Live
NBA Live 96Game BoyNBA, NBA Live
NBA Live 99Nintendo 64NBA, NBA Live
NBA Showtime: NBA on NBCNintendo 64NBA
NCAA BasketballSNESNCAA Basketball
Necromunda: Hired GunWindows
Nectaris GBGame BoyNectaris
Need for Speed Carbon: Own the CityGame Boy AdvanceNeed for Speed
Need for Speed III: Hot PursuitPlayStationNeed for Speed
Need for Speed WorldWindowsNeed for Speed
Need for Speed: HeatWindowsNeed for Speed
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010)WindowsNeed for Speed
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2GameCubeNeed for Speed
Need for Speed: Most WantedGame Boy AdvanceNeed for Speed
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012)WindowsNeed for Speed
Need for Speed: Porsche UnleashedGame Boy AdvanceNeed for Speed
Need for Speed: SHIFTWindowsNeed for Speed: Shift
Need for Speed: UndercoverWindowsNeed for Speed
Need for Speed: UndergroundGame Boy AdvanceNeed for Speed, Need for Speed: Underground
Need for Speed: Underground 2Game Boy AdvanceNeed for Speed, Need for Speed: Underground
Need for Spirit: Off-Road EditionWindows
NemesisGame BoyGradius
Neon AbyssWindows
Neon BeatsWindows
Neon DepthWindows
Neopets: The Darkest FaeriePlayStation 2Neopets
Nephise BeginsWindows
NES Open Tournament GolfNESMario Golf
NES Play Action FootballNESPlay Action Football
Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)Windows
Neverwinter NightsWindowsNeverwinter Nights
New Ghostbusters IINESGhostbusters
New HorizonsSNESUncharted Waters
New Super Mario Bros U DeluxeSwitchMario, New Super Mario Bros., Super Mario
New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi UWii UMario, New Super Mario Bros., Super Mario
New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi UWii ULuigi, Mario, New Super Mario Bros., Super Mario
Newfound CourageWindows
Next Up HeroWindows
NFL BlitzNintendo 64NFL Blitz
NFL Blitz 2000Nintendo 64NFL Blitz
NFL Blitz 2001Nintendo 64NFL Blitz
NFL Blitz 2001Game Boy ColorNFL Blitz
NFL Blitz: Special EditionNintendo 64NFL Blitz
NFL Quarterback ClubSNESNFL Quarterback Club
NFL Quarterback Club 96SNESNFL Quarterback Club
NFL Quarterback Club 96Game BoyNFL Quarterback Club
NFL Quarterback Club 98Nintendo 64NFL Quarterback Club
NFL Quarterback Club 99Nintendo 64NFL Quarterback Club
NHL 2000Game Boy ColorNHL
NHL 99Nintendo 64NHL
NHL Blades of Steel 2000Game Boy ColorBlades of Steel, NHL, NHL Blades of Steel
Nice Day for Fishing DemoWindows
Niche: A Genetics Survival GameWindows
Nigel Mansell's World Championship ChallengeNESNigel Mansell
Nigel Mansell's World Championship RacingSNESNigel Mansell
Nigel Mansell's World Championship RacingGame BoyNigel Mansell
Nightmare CreaturesNintendo 64Nightmare Creatures
NiGHTS into Dreams...WindowsNights
Nine Witches: Family DisruptionWindows
Ninja BoyGame BoyNinja Boy, Super Chinese Land
Ninja Boy 2Game BoyNinja Boy, Super Chinese Land
Ninja CommandoWindowsACA NEOGEO
Ninja CrusadersNES
Ninja Five-0Game Boy Advance
Ninja GaidenNESNinja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of ChaosNESNinja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of DoomNESNinja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden ShadowGame BoyNinja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden TrilogySNESNinja Gaiden
Ninja Master'sWindows
Ninja Pizza GirlWindows
Ninja StealthWindowsNinja Stealth
Ninja TaroGame BoyNinja-kun
NinjawarriorsSNESNinja Warriors
Nintendo Puzzle CollectionGameCubeDr. Mario, Panel de Pon, Puzzle Collection, Puzzle League, Yoshi, Yoshi's Cookie
Nintendo World CupNESNintendo World Cup
Nintendo World CupGame BoyNintendo World Cup
No DeliveryWindows
No Man's SkyWindows
No Straight RoadsWindows
Nobody Saves the WorldWindows
Nobunaga's AmbitionSNESNobunaga's Ambition
Nobunaga's AmbitionNESNobunaga's Ambition
Nobunaga's AmbitionGame BoyNobunaga's Ambition
Nobunaga's Ambition IINESNobunaga's Ambition
Nomads of DriftlandWindowsDriftland
Nonsense SoccerWindows
NoobowGame Boy
North and SouthNES
Nosferatu: The Wrath of MalachiWindows
NosgothWindowsLegacy of Kain
Nostradamus: The Last ProphecyWindows
Not TonightWindows
Nubarron: The Adventure of an Unlucky GnomeWindows
Nuclear DawnWindows
Nuclear Strike 64Nintendo 64
Nuclear ThroneWindows
Nushi Tsuri Adventure: Kite No BoukenGame Boy ColorNushi Tsuri
OBS StudioWindows
Octodad: Dadliest CatchWindowsOctodad
Odd RealmWindows
Oddworld AdventuresGame BoyOddworld
Oddworld Adventures 2Game Boy ColorOddworld
Oddworld: Abe's ExoddusWindowsOddworld
Oddworld: Abe's OddyseeWindowsOddworld
Oddworld: Munch's OddyseeGame Boy AdvanceOddworld
Oddworld: Munch's OddyseeWindowsOddworld
Oddworld: New 'n' TastyWindowsOddworld
Oddworld: New 'n' TastyPlayStation VitaOddworld
Oddworld: Stranger's WrathWindowsOddworld
Odysseus Kosmos & his Robot Quest: Episode 1Windows
Offspring Fling!Windows
Offworld Trading CompanyWindows
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly CaliberNintendo 64Ogre Battle
Ogre Battle: The March of the Black QueenSNESOgre Battle
Oh...Sir! The Insult SimulatorWindowsOh...Sir!
Oil RushWindows
Old Man's JourneyWindows
Old School MusicalWindows
Old WorldWindows
Ollie & Bollie's Outdoor EstateWindows
Olympic Summer GamesGame BoyOlympic Games
Olympic Winter Games: Lillehammer '94Game BoyOlympic Games
Omega StrikersWindows
Omikron: The Nomad SoulWindowsOmikron
On the BallSNES
Once HumanWindows
Once Upon a JesterWindows
One Bit ArenaWindows
One Deck DungeonWindows
One Drop BotWindows
One Hand ClappingWindows
One PieceGame Boy AdvanceOne Piece
One Step From EdenWindows
One Way HeroicsWindows
Onimusha TacticsGame Boy AdvanceOnimusha
Onsen MasterWindows
Operation CGame BoyContra
Operation Europe: Path to Victory 1939-45SNES
Operation Logic Bomb: The Ultimate Search & DestroySNESIkari no Yousai
Operation WolfNESOperation Wolf
Orcs Must Die! 2WindowsOrcs Must Die
Orcs Must Die! 3WindowsOrcs Must Die
Order of Battle: World War IIWindowsOrder of Battle
Ore no RyouriPlayStation
Organ TrailWindows
Orwell: Ignorance Is StrengthWindowsOrwell
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on YouWindowsOrwell
Our Life: Beginnings & AlwaysWindowsOur Life
Out of LineWindows
Out of the Park Baseball 14WindowsOut of the Park Baseball
Out of This WorldSNES
Out to LunchSNES
Outcast 1.1WindowsOutcast
Outcast: Second ContactWindowsOutcast
Outlast: WhistleblowerWindowsOutlast
Outliver: TribulationWindows
Over HorizonNES
Overcast: Walden and the WerewolfWindows
Overcooked! 2WindowsOvercooked
Overcooked: Gourmet EditionWindows
OverTopWindowsACA NEOGEO
P.N. 03GameCube
P.O.W.: Prisoners of WarNES
P.T.O. II : Pacific Theater of OperationsSNESPacific Theater of Operations
P.T.O.: Pacific Theater of OperationsSNESPacific Theater of Operations
Pac-AttackGame BoyPac-Man
Pac-In-TimeGame BoyPac-Man
Pac-ManGame Boy ColorPac-Man
Pac-ManGame BoyPac-Man
Pac-Man 2: The New AdventuresSNESPac-Man
Pac-Man Championship EditionNESPac-Man Championship Edition
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2WindowsPac-Man, Pac-Man Championship Edition
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+WindowsPac-Man, Pac-Man Championship Edition
Pac-Man CollectionGame Boy AdvancePac-Man
Pac-Man WorldGame Boy AdvancePac-Man, Pac-Man World
Pac-Man World 2Game Boy AdvancePac-Man, Pac-Man World
Painter MomopieGame BoyPainter Momopie
Pajama Sam 2: Thunder And Lightning Aren't So FrighteningWindowsPajama Sam
Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your FeetWindowsPajama Sam
Pajama Sam 4: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!WindowsPajama Sam
Pajama Sam in No Need to Hide When It's Dark OutsideWindowsPajama Sam
Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any DayWindowsPajama Sam
Pajama Sam's Lost & FoundWindowsPajama Sam
Pajama Sam's Sock WorksWindowsPajama Sam
Paladin's QuestSNES
Pale EchoesWindows
Panel AttackWindowsPanel de Pon, Puzzle League
Panel de PonSNESPanel de Pon, Puzzle League
Panel No Ninja: KesamaruGame Boy
Panic RestaurantNES
Paper BeastWindows
Paper MarioNintendo 64Mario, Paper Mario
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year DoorGameCubeMario, Paper Mario
PaperboyGame BoyPaperboy
Paperboy 2SNESPaperboy
Paperboy 2NESPaperboy
Paperboy 2Game BoyPaperboy
Papers, PleaseWindows
PaRappa the RapperPlayStationPaRappa the Rapper
Parasol Stars: Rainbow Islands IIGame BoyRainbow Islands
Parasol Stars: The Story of Bubble Bobble IIINESRainbow Islands
ParodiusGame BoyParodius
Particle MaceWindows
Partisans 1941Windows
Partition SectorWindows
Party HardWindowsParty Hard
Path of ExileWindowsPath of Exile
Path of GiantsWindows
Pathfinder: KingmakerWindowsPathfinder
Pathfinder: Wrath of the RighteousWindowsPathfinder
Pathologic 2Windows
Payday 2WindowsPayday
Payday: The HeistWindowsPayday
PC Building SimulatorWindows
Peaky Blinders: MastermindWindows
Pearls of Atlantis: The CoveWindows
Peggle DeluxeWindows
Peggle ExtremeWindowsPeggle
Peggle NightsWindowsPeggle
Peke to Poko no Daruman BustersGame Boy
Penguin WarsGame Boy
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 1WindowsPenny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 2WindowsPenny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3WindowsPenny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness
Penny Larceny: Gig Economy SupervillainWindows
Penny RacersNintendo 64Choro Q, Road Trip
Penta DragonGame Boy
Penumbra CollectionWindowsPenumbra
Penumbra: OvertureWindowsPenumbra
Perfect DarkNintendo 64Perfect Dark
Perfect DarkGame Boy ColorPerfect Dark
Persona 4 GoldenWindowsPersona, Shin Megami Tensei
Persona 5 StrikersWindowsPersona, Persona 5
PGA European TourGame BoyPGA Tour Golf
PGA Tour 96SNESPGA Tour Golf
PGA Tour 96Game BoyPGA Tour Golf
PhalanxGame Boy Advance
Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of FleshWindowsPhantasmagoria
Phantasy Star CollectionGame Boy AdvancePhantasy Star
Phantom 2040SNES
Phantom DustWindowsPhantom Dust
Phantom FighterNES
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney TrilogyWindowsAce Attorney
Picross 2Game BoyMario's Picross
Pikmin 2GameCubePikmin
Pillars of EternityWindowsPillars of Eternity
Pilotwings 64Nintendo 64Pilotwings
Pinball AdvanceGame Boy Advance
Pinball DreamsSNESPinball
Pinball DreamsGame BoyPinball
Pinball FantasiesSNESPinball
Pinball FantasiesGame BoyPinball
Pinball FXWindowsPinball FX
Pinball QuestNES
Pineapple on pizzaWindows
Pinobee: Wings of AdventureGame Boy AdvancePinobee
Pipe DreamNES
Pipe DreamGame Boy
Pippu: Bauble QuestWindows
Pirates of Black CoveWindowsPirates of Black Cove
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's ChestGame Boy AdvancePirates of the Caribbean
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black PearlGame Boy AdvancePirates of the Caribbean
Pitfall: the Lost ExpeditionGame Boy AdvancePitfall
Pitfall: The Mayan AdventureSNESPitfall
Pixel Puzzles 2: AnimeWindowsPixel Puzzles
Pixel Puzzles 2: ChristmasWindowsPixel Puzzles
Pixel Puzzles 2: PaintingsWindowsPixel Puzzles
Pixel Puzzles 2: SpaceWindowsPixel Puzzles
Pixel Puzzles Illustrations & AnimeWindowsPixel Puzzles
Pixel Puzzles UltimateWindowsPixel Puzzles
Pixel Puzzles: Traditional JigsawsWindowsPixel Puzzles
Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZWindowsPixel Puzzles
Pixel Puzzles: World War IIWindowsPixel Puzzles
PixelJunk EdenWindowsPixelJunk, PixelJunk Eden
PixelJunk Shooter UltimatePlayStation VitaPixelJunk, PixelJunk Shooter
Pizza FrenzyWindows
Pizza TowerWindows
Plague Inc: EvolvedWindowsPlague Inc.
Planescape: TormentWindowsTorment
Planet AlphaWindows
Planet Ancyra ChroniclesWindows
Planet MonstersGame Boy Advance
Planet of LanaWindows
Planet ZooWindows
Plants vs Zombies Game of the Year EditionWindowsPlants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. ZombiesWindows
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for NeighborvilleWindowsPlants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden WarfareWindowsPlants vs. Zombies
Platypus IIWindowsPlatypus
Plunder PanicWindowsIndie Game Fan
PngTuber MakerWindows
Pocket Billiards: Funk the 9-ballGame Boy Color
Pocket BombermanGame Boy ColorBomberman
Pocket Monsters MidoriGame BoyPokémon
Pocky & RockySNESPocky and Rocky
Pocky & Rocky 2SNESPocky and Rocky
Pocky & Rocky with BeckyGame Boy AdvancePocky and Rocky
Pokémon BlackNintendo DSPokémon
Pokémon Blue VersionGame BoyPokémon
Pokémon Card GB2: Great Rocket-Dan Sanjou!Game Boy ColorPokémon, Pokémon Trading Card Game
Pokémon Crystal VersionGame Boy ColorPokémon
Pokémon Emerald VersionGame Boy AdvancePokémon
Pokémon Firered VersionGame Boy AdvancePokémon
Pokémon Gold VersionGame Boy ColorPokémon
Pokémon Leafgreen VersionGame Boy AdvancePokémon
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue TeamGame Boy AdvanceMystery Dungeon, Pokémon, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Pokémon PicrossGame Boy ColorPokémon
Pokémon PinballGame Boy ColorPokémon, Pokémon Pinball
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & SapphireGame Boy AdvancePokémon, Pokémon Pinball
Pokémon Puzzle ChallengeGame Boy ColorPanel de Pon, Pokémon, Puzzle League
Pokémon Puzzle LeagueNintendo 64Panel de Pon, Pokémon, Puzzle League
Pokémon Red VersionGame BoyPokémon
Pokémon Ruby VersionGame Boy AdvancePokémon
Pokémon Sapphire VersionGame Boy AdvancePokémon
Pokémon Silver VersionGame Boy ColorPokémon
Pokémon SnapNintendo 64Pokémon, Pokémon Snap
Pokémon StadiumNintendo 64Pokémon, Pokémon Stadium
Pokémon Stadium 2Nintendo 64Pokémon, Pokémon Stadium
Pokémon Trading Card GameGame Boy ColorPokémon, Pokémon Trading Card Game
Pokemon Yellow VersionNESPokémon
Pokémon Yellow VersionGame BoyPokémon
Poker ClubWindows
Poker Night 2WindowsPoker Night
Poker Night at the InventoryWindowsPoker Night
Polarium AdvanceGame Boy AdvancePolarium
Police Quest CollectionWindowsPolice Quest
Poly BridgeWindows
Poopy PhilosophyWindows
Popeye 2Game BoyPopeye
Pop'n TwinbeeSNESTwinBee
Pop'n TwinbeeGame BoyTwinBee
Populous II: Trials of the Olympian GodsSNESPopulous
Portal 2WindowsPortal
Portal DogsWindows
Portal Stories: MelWindowsPortal
Portal with RTXWindowsPortal
Post Apocalyptic MayhemWindows
Postal 2WindowsPostal
Potatoman Seeks the TroofWindows
Potion CommotionWindows
Power BladeNESPower Blade
Power Blade 2NESPower Blade
Power DriveSNES
Power InstinctSNESPower Instinct
Power QuestGame Boy Color
Power RacerGame Boy
Power Rangers Zeo: Battle RacersSNESPower Rangers
Power Rangers: Lightspeed RescueGame Boy ColorPower Rangers
Power Rangers: Time ForceGame Boy ColorPower Rangers
Powers in the BasementWindows
Predator Hunting GroundsWindows
Prehistorik ManSNESPrehistorik
Prehistorik ManGame Boy AdvancePrehistorik
Press Any ButtonWindows
Priest Simulator: Vampire ShowWindowsPriest Simulator
Primal RageSNESPrimal Rage
Primal RageGame Boy
Prince of PersiaSNESPrince of Persia
Prince of PersiaNESPrince of Persia
Prince of PersiaGame Boy ColorPrince of Persia
Prince of PersiaGame BoyPrince of Persia
Prince of Persia (2008)WindowsPrince of Persia
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten SandsWindowsPrince of Persia
Prince of Persia: the Sands of TimeGame Boy AdvancePrince of Persia
Prince of Persia: The Sands of TimeWindowsPrince of Persia
Prince of Persia: The Two ThronesWindowsPrince of Persia
Prince of Persia: Warrior WithinWindowsPrince of Persia
Princess Remedy In A Heap of TroubleWindowsPrincess Remedy
Princess Tomato in the Salad KingdomNES
Prison ArchitectWindows
Pro Motion 6.5Windows
Pro Sport HockeySNES
Pro Sport HockeyNES
Pro WrestlingNES
Project HighriseWindows
Project LucieWindows
Project MercuryWindows
Project S-11Game Boy Color
Project WinterWindows
Projection: First LightWindows
Prototype 2WindowsPrototype
PUBG: BattlegroundsWindows
PulstarWindowsACA NEOGEO
Pumped BMX ProWindowsPumped BMX
Pumpkin JackWindows
Pure SniperWindows
Purrfect DateWindows
Putt-Putt & Fatty Bear's Activity PackWindowsFatty Bear, Putt-Putt
Putt-Putt and Pep's Balloon-O-RamaWindowsPutt-Putt
Putt-Putt and Pep's Dog on a StickWindowsPutt-Putt
Putt-Putt Enters The RaceWindowsPutt-Putt
Putt-Putt Goes to the MoonWindowsPutt-Putt
Putt-Putt Joins the CircusWindowsPutt-Putt
Putt-Putt Joins the ParadeWindowsPutt-Putt
Putt-Putt Saves The ZooWindowsPutt-Putt
Putt-Putt Travels Through TimeWindowsPutt-Putt
Putt-Putt: Pep's Birthday SurpriseWindowsPutt-Putt
Puyo PopGame Boy AdvancePuyo Puyo!
Puyo Pop FeverGame Boy AdvancePuyo Puyo!
Puyo Puyo TetrisWindowsPuyo Puyo!, Tetris
Puzzle AgentWindowsPuzzle Agent
Puzzle Agent 2WindowsPuzzle Agent
Puzzle BoysFamicom Disk SystemPuzzle Boy
Puzzle ChambersWindows
Puzzle DimensionWindows
Puzzle MasterGame Boy Color
Puzzler WorldWindowsPuzzler World
Puzzler World 2WindowsPuzzler World
Pyramids of RaGame Boy
Q*BertGame Boy ColorQ-bert
Q*BertGame BoyQ-bert
Q.U.B.E. 2WindowsQ.U.B.E.
Q-bert 3SNESQ-bert
QixGame Boy
Quadrilateral CowboyWindows
QuakeNintendo 64Quake
Quake 4WindowsQuake
Quake ChampionsWindowsQuake
Quake IIWindows
Quake IINintendo 64Quake
Quake II RTXWindowsQuake
QuarthGame Boy
Quest 64Nintendo 64Quest
Quest for Glory CollectionWindowsQuest for Glory
Quest Of Graal DXWindows
Quest: Brian's JourneyGame Boy ColorQuest
Quible SphereWindows
QuiplashWindowsThe Jackbox Party Pack
R.B.I. BaseballNESR.B.I. Baseball
R.B.I. Baseball 2NESR.B.I. Baseball
R.B.I. Baseball 3NESR.B.I. Baseball
R.C. Pro-AmNESR.C. Pro-Am
R.C. Pro-Am IINESR.C. Pro-Am
Rabbids Coding!WindowsRabbids
Race AmericaNES
Race Driver: GRIDWindowsGRID
Race Drivin'Game Boy
Race The SunWindows
Racing Gears AdvanceGame Boy Advance
Racket AttackNESMoero!!
Rad RacerNESRad Racer
Rad Racer IINESRad Racer
Radar MissionGame Boy
Rage 2WindowsRage
Raiden TradSNESRaiden
Railway EmpireWindowsRailway Empire
Rain WorldWindows
Rainbow IslandsNESBubble Bobble, Rainbow Islands
Rainbow SixNintendo 64Rainbow Six, Tom Clancy
Rainbow SixGame Boy ColorRainbow Six, Tom Clancy
Rainbow Six: Rogue SpearGame Boy AdvanceRainbow Six, Tom Clancy
Rainy SeasonWindows
Rally BikeNES
Rampage 2: Universal TourNintendo 64Rampage
Rampage: World TourNintendo 64Rampage
RampartGame Boy Color
RampartGame Boy
Ranma 1/2: Hard BattleSNESRanma 1/2
Rave Master: Special Attack Force!Game Boy AdvanceRave Master
Ravensword: ShadowlandsWindowsRavensword
Raw NerveWindows
Rawmen: Food Fighter ArenaWindows
RaymanGame Boy ColorRayman
Rayman 2Game Boy ColorRayman
Rayman 2: The Great EscapeNintendo 64Rayman
Rayman 3Game Boy AdvanceRayman
Rayman 3: Hoodlum HavocGameCubeRayman
Rayman AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceRayman
Rayman ForeverWindowsRayman
Rayman LegendsWindowsRayman
Rayman OriginsWindowsRayman
Rayman: Hoodlum's RevengeGame Boy AdvanceRayman
Rayman: Raving RabbidsGame Boy AdvanceRabbids, Rayman
Razor Freestyle ScooterGame Boy Color
Ready 2 Rumble BoxingNintendo 64Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2Nintendo 64Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The NewcomersWindowsFatal Fury
Real Horror StoriesWindows
Really Big SkyWindowsBig Sky
Realms of the HauntingWindows
Rebel CopsWindowsThis Is the Police
Rebel GalaxyWindowsRebel Galaxy
Rebelstar: Tactical CommandGame Boy AdvanceRebelstar
Rebop BlastersWindows
Recettear: An Item Shop's TaleWindows
Recipe for DisasterWindows
Red Faction: ArmageddonWindowsRed Faction
Red Faction: GuerrillaWindowsRed Faction
Red GateWindows
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of StalingradWindowsRed Orchestra
Red RiskWindows
Red WingsWindows
Redout 2Windows
ReDrawn: The Painted TowerWindows
RefleXWindowsTale of ALLTYNEX
Regions Of RuinWindows
Regular Human BasketballWindows
Remnant IIWindowsRemnant
Remnant RecordsWindows
Remnant: From the AshesWindowsRemnant
Remnants of IsolationWindows
Remnants of NaezithWindows
RenegadeNESKunio-Kun, Nekketsu High School, Renegade
Renegade OpsWindows
Renzo RacerWindows
Republic of JungleWindows
Requiem: Avenging AngelWindows
Rescue: The Embassy MissionNES
Resident Evil 2Nintendo 64Resident Evil
Resident Evil 4 (2005)WindowsResident Evil
Resident Evil GaidenGame Boy ColorResident Evil
Resident Evil RevelationsWindowsResident Evil
Retro City Rampage DXWindowsRetro City Rampage
Return of the NinjaGame Boy Color
Return of the PhantomWindows
Return to Mysterious IslandWindowsReturn to Mysterious Island
Return to Mysterious Island 2WindowsReturn to Mysterious Island
Revelations: The Demon SlayerGame Boy ColorMegami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible
Revenge of the 'GatorGame Boy
Revenge of the TitansWindows
Re-VoltNintendo 64
Revolution AceWindows
Revolver360: ReActorWindows
Rhythm TengokuGame Boy AdvanceRhythm Heaven
Rhythm ZoneWindows
Riddick Bowe BoxingSNES
Ridge Racer 64Nintendo 64Ridge Racer
RiftWindowsgamigo group
Rime BertaWindows
Ring of PainWindows
Riot: Civil UnrestWindows
Ripped Pants at WorkWindows
Rise of IndustryWindows
Rise of the PhoenixSNES
Rise of the Tomb RaiderWindowsTomb Raider
Rise of the TriadWindowsRise of the Triad
Risen 2: Dark WatersWindowsRisen
Rising HellWindows
Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 (Multiplayer)Windows
Risk of Rain 2WindowsRisk of Rain
Rival Turf!SNESRushing Beat
River City RansomNESKunio-Kun, Nekketsu High School, River City Ransom
River City Ransom EXGame Boy AdvanceKunio-Kun, River City Ransom
Riviera: the Promised LandGame Boy AdvanceDept. Heaven
Road FighterNES
Road RashGame Boy ColorRoad Rash
Road RashGame BoyRoad Rash
Road Rash 64Nintendo 64Road Rash
Road Rash: JailbreakGame Boy AdvanceRoad Rash
Road Trip: EuropeWindowsRoad Trip
Road Trip: USAWindowsRoad Trip
Road Trip: USA 2 WestWindowsRoad Trip
RoadstersGame Boy Color
Robin Hood: Prince of ThievesNES
Robo ArmyWindows
Robo WarriorNES
RobocopGame Boy
RoboCop Versus the TerminatorSNESRoboCop, Terminator
Robopon 2: Cross VersionGame Boy AdvanceRobopon
Robopon 2: Ring VersionGame Boy AdvanceRobopon
Robopon: Sun VersionGame Boy ColorRobopon
Robot RobertWindows
Robotech: The Macross SagaGame Boy AdvanceRobotech
Robotron 64Nintendo 64Robotron
Rock 'n' BallNES
Rock N' Roll RacingSNES
Rock 'N Roll RacingGame Boy Advance
Rocket ArenaWindows
Rocket LeagueWindowsSupersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars
Rocket Mania! DeluxeWindows
Rocket: Robot on WheelsNintendo 64
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled ChickenWindowsRocketbirds
Rockin' KatsNES
Rocksmith 2014Windows
Rocky RodentSNES
Rod LandNES
RodlandGame Boy
Rogue CompanyWindows
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of TasosWindows
Rogue LegacyWindowsrogue legacy
Rogue LordsWindows
Rolan's CurseGame BoyRolan's Curse
Rolan's Curse 2Game BoyRolan's Curse
Roller Coaster RampageWindows
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2Windows
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3WindowsRollerCoaster Tycoon
Romance of the Three KingdomsNESRomance of the Three Kingdoms
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IISNESRomance of the Three Kingdoms
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IINESRomance of the Three Kingdoms
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of DestinySNESRomance of the Three Kingdoms
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of FireSNESRomance of the Three Kingdoms
Room Explorer 2010: Deluxe Lover's PaqueWindows
Root Double -Before Crime * After DaysWindows
Rose Riddle 2: Werewolf ShadowWindows
Rose Riddle: Fairy Tale DetectiveWindows
Rosette and WordsWindows
Rover Mechanic SimulatorWindows
Royal DefenseWindowsRoyal Defense
Royal Quest OnlineWindows
RPG in a BoxWindows
RPG Maker MVWindowsRPG Maker
RPG Maker VX AceWindowsRPG Maker
RPG Maker XPWindowsRPG Maker
R-TypeGame BoyR-Type
R-Type DXGame Boy ColorR-Type
R-Type IIGame BoyR-Type
R-Type III: The Third LightningGame Boy AdvanceR-Type
Rubber BanditsWindows
Rube WorksWindows
Rubies in SpaceWindows
Rugrats: Adventures in GamelandNES
Rugrats: Adventures in GamelandWindowsRugrats
Rumble ClubWindows
Run SaberSNES
Run! Grandpa! Run!Windows
Rush 2: Extreme Racing USANintendo 64Rush
Rush'n AttackNESRush'n Attack
Rusty Lake HotelWindowsRusty Lake
Rusty's RetirementWindowsHaiku
S.C.A.T.: Special Cybernetic Attack TeamNES
S.O.S: Sink or SwimSNES
Sabre WulfGame Boy AdvanceSabreman
Sacred 2WindowsSacred
Sacred CitadelWindowsSacred
Safari ZoneWindows
Sail ForthWindows
Saints RowWindowsSaints Row
Saints Row 2WindowsSaints Row
Saints Row IVWindowsSaints Row
Saints Row: Gat out of HellWindowsSaints Row
Saints Row: The ThirdWindowsSaints Row
Sakura ClickerWindowsSakura
Salt and SanctuaryWindows
Sam & Max 101: Culture ShockWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 102: Situation: ComedyWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 103: The Mole, the Mob and the MeatballWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 104: Abe Lincoln Must Die!WindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 105: Reality 2.0WindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 106: Bright Side of the MoonWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 201: Ice Station SantaWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 202: Moai Better BluesWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 203: Night of the Raving DeadWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 204: Chariots of the DogsWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 205: What's New Beelzebub?WindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 301: The Penal ZoneWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 302: The Tomb of Sammun-MakWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 303: They Stole Max's Brain!WindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 304: Beyond the Alley of the DollsWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max 305: The City that Dares not SleepWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max Hit the RoadWindowsSam & Max
Sam & Max Save the WorldWindowsSam & Max
Samorost 1WindowsSamorost
Samorost 2WindowsSamorost
Samurai BringerWindows
Samurai Deeper KyoGame Boy Advance
Samurai Jack: The Amulet of TimeGame Boy AdvanceSamurai Jack
Samurai ShodownSNESSamurai Shodown
Samurai ShodownGame BoySamurai Shodown
Samurai Shodown IIWindowsSamurai Shodown
Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's RevengeWindowsSamurai Shodown
Samurai Shodown VWindowsSamurai Shodown
Samurai SwordFamicom Disk System
San Francisco Rush 2049Nintendo 64Rush
San Francisco Rush: Extreme RacingNintendo 64Rush
Sanctum 2WindowsSanctum
Sands of AuraWindows
Sang-Froid: Tales of WerewolvesWindows
Sanrio CarnivalGame BoySanrio, Sanrio Carnival
Santa RockstarWindows
Saturday Morning RPGWindows
Saturday Night Slam MastersSNESSaturday Night Slam Masters
Savant: AscentWindows
Savant: Ascent RemixWindows
Save JesusWindows
Save the DodosWindows
Scooby-Doo MysterySNESScooby-Doo!
Scooby-Doo!: Classic Creep CapersGame Boy ColorScooby-Doo!
Scooby-Doo!: Mystery MayhemGame Boy AdvanceScooby-Doo!
Scrap GardenWindows
Scribblenauts UnlimitedWindowsScribblenauts
Scribblenauts UnmaskedWindowsScribblenauts
Scurge: HiveGame Boy Advance
SD Gundam ForceGame Boy AdvanceGundam, SD Gundam
SD Gundam World: Gachapon Senshi - Scramble WarsFamicom Disk SystemSD Gundam
Sea BattleGame Boy
SeaOrama: World of ShippingWindows
Second ExtinctionWindows
Secret Files 2: Puritas CordisWindowsSecret Files
Secret Files 3WindowsSecret Files
Secret Files: Sam PetersWindowsSecret Files
Secret Files: TunguskaWindowsSecret Files
Secret of EvermoreSNES
Secret of ManaSNESMana
Secrets of Magic 2: Witches and WizardsWindowsSecrets of Magic
Secrets of Magic: The Book of SpellsWindowsSecrets of Magic
Sega Arcade GalleryGame Boy Advance
SEGA Bass FishingWindowsSega Bass Fishing
SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis ClassicsWindows
Sega Smash PackGame Boy AdvanceSega Smash Pack
Seiken Psycho Calibur: Majuu no Mori DensetsuFamicom Disk System
Sengoku 2WindowsSengoku
Sengoku 3WindowsACA NEOGEO
Sensible Soccer: European ChampionsGame BoySensible Soccer
Serial CleanerWindowsSerial Cleaner
Serious Sam Classic: The First EncounterWindows
Serious Sam Classic: The Second EncounterWindows
Serious Sam Classics: RevolutionWindowsSerious Sam
Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta)WindowsSerious Sam
Serious Sam HD: The First EncounterWindowsSerious Sam
Serious Sam HD: The Second EncounterWindowsSerious Sam
SerpentGame Boy
SEUM: Speedrunners from HellWindows
Severed SteelWindows
Shadow ComplexWindows
Shadow ManNintendo 64Shadow Man
Shadow of the NinjaNES
Shadow of the Tomb RaiderWindowsTomb Raider
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the ShogunWindows
Shadow the HedgehogGameCubeSonic the Hedgehog
Shadow WarriorWindowsShadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior 2WindowsShadow Warrior
Shadow Warrior ClassicWindowsShadow Warrior
Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four TowersNintendo 64Shadowgate
Shadowgate ClassicGame Boy ColorShadowgate
Shadowgrounds: SurvivorWindowsShadowgrounds
Shadowrun ReturnsWindowsShadowrun
Shadowrun: DragonfallWindowsShadowrun
Shadowrun: Hong KongWindowsShadowrun
Shadows: AwakeningWindowsHeretic Kingdoms
Shaman King: Legacy of the Spirits Soaring HawkGame Boy AdvanceShaman King
Shaman King: Legacy of the Spirits Sprinting WolfGame Boy AdvanceShaman King
Shaman King: Master of SpiritsGame Boy AdvanceShaman King
Shaman King: Master of Spirits 2Game Boy AdvanceShaman King
ShanghaiGame Boy
Shanghai II: Dragon's EyeSNESShanghai
Shank 2WindowsShank
ShantaeGame Boy ColorShantae
Shantae and the Pirate's CurseWindowsShantae
Shantae: Risky's RevengeWindows
Shaq FuGame BoyShaq Fu
Shaq Fu: A Legend RebornWindowsShaq Fu
Shaq-FuSNESShaq Fu
Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten KingWindows
Shenmue I & IIWindowsShenmue
Shenmue IIIWindowsShenmue
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and PunishmentsWindowsAdventures of Sherlock Holmes
Shien's RevengeSNES
Shift 2 UnleashedWindowsNeed for Speed: Shift
Shifting Gears: Road TripGame Boy AdvanceChoro Q, Road Trip
Shingen the RulerNES
Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark DragonGame Boy AdvanceShining Force
Shining Resonance RefrainWindows
Shining SoulGame Boy AdvanceShining Force
Shining Soul IIGame Boy AdvanceShining Force
Shinobi ShiftWindows
Ship Graveyard Simulator 2Windows
Shock TroopersWindowsShock Troopers
Shock Troopers: 2nd SquadWindows
Shogun ShowdownWindows
Shooting RangeNES
Shovel Knight ShowdownWindows
Shovel Knight: Treasure TroveWindowsShovel Knight
Showdown BanditWindows
Shrek 2Game Boy AdvanceShrek
Shufflepuck Cantina DeluxeWindows
Sid Meier's CivilizationSNESCivilization
Sid Meier's Civilization IIIWindowsCivilization
Sid Meier's Civilization IVWindowsCivilization
Sid Meier's Civilization VWindowsSid Meier's Civilization
Sid Meier's Civilization VIWindowsSid Meier's Civilization
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond EarthWindowsSid Meier's Civilization
Side PocketSNES
Side PocketNESSide Pocket
Side PocketGame BoySide Pocket
Sigma Star SagaGame Boy Advance
Sigma Theory: Global Cold WarWindows
SIlenceWindowsThe Whispered World
Silent ScopeGame Boy Advance
Silk WormNES
Silver ChainsWindows
SimAnt: The Electronic Ant ColonySNESSim
SimCitySNESSim City
SimCityNESSim City
SimCity (2013)WindowsSim City
SimCity 2000SNESSim City
SimCity 2000Game Boy AdvanceSim City
SimCity 2000WindowsSim City
SimCity 4WindowsSim City
Simple Story: AlexWindows
Simply ChessWindows
Sine Mora ExWindowsSine Mora
Sins of a Solar Empire: RebellionWindowsSins of a Solar Empire
Sir Whoopass: Immortal DeathWindows
Six Sides of the WorldWindows
Skate or DieNESSkate or Die
Skate or Die 2: The Search for Double TroubleNESSkate or Die
Skate or Die: Bad 'N RadGame BoySkate or Die
Skull RogueWindows
Skullgirls 2nd EncoreWindowsSkullgirls
Skullgirls ∞Endless Beta∞WindowsSkullgirls
Skulls of the ShogunWindows
Sky KidNESSky Kid
Sky SharkNESFlying Shark
Sky: Children of the LightWindows
SkyDrift InfinityWindows
Skyward CollapseWindowsArcen Strategy
Slain: Back From HellWindows
Slam Bolt ScrappersWindows
Slap CityWindows
Slay the SpireWindowsSlay the Spire
Sleeping DogsWindowsSleeping Dogs
Sleeping ValleyWindows
Slime RancherWindowsSlime Rancher
Sludge LifeWindowsSludge Life
Smart BallSNESSmart Ball
Smash T.V.NESSmash T.V.
Smash TennisSNESFamily Tennis
Smashing DriveGame Boy Advance
Smile For MeWindows
Smoke and SacrificeWindows
Snack ScofferWindows
Snake PassWindows
Snake Rattle n RollNES
Snake's RevengeNESMetal Gear
Sniper EliteWindowsSniper Elite
Sniper Elite V2WindowsSniper Elite
Sniper Ghost Warrior ContractsWindowsSniper: Ghost Warrior
SNK 40th Anniversary CollectionWindows
SnoodGame Boy AdvanceSnood
Snood 2: On VacationGame Boy AdvanceSnood
Snoopy TennisGame Boy ColorPeanuts
Snoopy's Magic ShowGame BoyPeanuts
Snotty's SewerWindows
Snow BrothersNESSnow Bros.
Snow BrothersGame Boy
Snow White in Happily Ever AfterSNESHappily Ever After
SnowballWindowsSilicon Dreams
Snowboard KidsNintendo 64Snowboard Kids
Snowboard Kids 2Nintendo 64Snowboard Kids
Snuggle TruckWindows
Soccer BrawlWindows
Soccer Kids AlphaWindows
Solar 2WindowsSolar
Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden WarpshipNESJetman
Solar ShowdownWindows
SolarstrikerGame Boy
Solas 128Windows
Soldiers Lost Forever (1914-1918)Windows
Soldiers of FortuneSNESThe Chaos Engine
Solitaire FunpakGame BoyFun Pak
Solomon's ClubGame BoySolomon's Key
Solomon's KeyNESSolomon's Key
Solstice: The Quest for the Staff of DemnosNES
Song of HorrorWindows
Song of Horror Episode 3Windows
Sonic & All-Stars Racing TransformedWindowsSega Superstars, Sonic Racing, Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic & SEGA All Stars RacingWindowsSega Superstars, Sonic Racing, Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic 3 AIRWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic 3 CompleteGenesisSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic 3 CompleteGenesisSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceSonic Advance, Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Advance 2Game Boy AdvanceSonic Advance, Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Advance 3Game Boy AdvanceSonic Advance, Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Adventure 2WindowsSonic Adventure, Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Adventure DXWindowsSonic Adventure, Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic BattleGame Boy AdvanceSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Blast ManSNESSonic Blast Man
Sonic Blast Man IISNESSonic Blast Man
Sonic Boom: Rise of LyricWii USonic Boom, Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Boom: Rise of LyricWii USonic Boom, Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic CDWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic ColorsWiiSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Colors DXWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Colors: UltimateWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic ForcesWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic FrontiersWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic GenerationsWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Lost WorldWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic ManiaWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic OriginsWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Pinball PartyGame Boy AdvanceSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic SuperstarsWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the HedgehogGenesisSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic The HedgehogGenesisSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)Xbox 360Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2GenesisSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2GenesisSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & KnucklesGenesisSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & KnucklesGenesisSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode IWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode IIWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog GenesisGame Boy AdvanceSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic UnleashedWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sonic X Shadow GenerationsWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
Sophie's Safecracking SimulatorWindows
Soul BlazerSNES
Soul ValleyWindows
Soulcalibur IIGameCubeSoulCalibur
SoulCalibur VIWindowsSoulCalibur
Source FilmmakerWindows
South of the CircleWindows
South ParkNintendo 64South Park
South Park RallyNintendo 64South Park
South Park: The Fractured But WholeWindowsSouth Park
South Park: The Stick of TruthWindowsSouth Park
South Scrimshaw Part OneWindows
Space Beast Terror FrightWindows
Space Channel 5: Part 2WindowsSpace Channel 5
Space Channel 5: Ulala's Cosmic AttackGame Boy AdvanceSpace Channel 5
Space CodexWindows
Space CrewWindows
Space FarmersWindows
Space GiraffeWindows
Space Hulk: DeathwingWindows
Space InvadersSNESSpace Invaders
Space InvadersNintendo 64Space Invaders
Space InvadersGame Boy ColorSpace Invaders
Space InvadersGame Boy AdvanceSpace Invaders
Space InvadersGame BoySpace Invaders
Space MegaforceSNESAleste
Space Pirates and ZombiesWindowsSpace Pirates and Zombies
Space Quest CollectionWindowsSpace Quest
Space Shuttle ProjectNES
Space Warlord Organ Trading SimulatorWindows
Spaceport HopeWindows
Spacestation Silicon ValleyGame Boy ColorSpace Station Silicon Valley
SpaceStation Silicon ValleyNintendo 64Space Station Silicon Valley
Spandex Force: Champion RisingWindows
Spanky's QuestSNES
Spanky's QuestGame Boy
Spark the Electric JesterWindows
Sparky MarkyWindowsSparky Marky
Sparky Marky: Episode 2WindowsSparky Marky
SpawnGame Boy ColorSpawn
Spec Ops: The LineWindowsSpec Ops
Speed BrawlWindows
Speedy GonzalesGame BoyLooney Tunes
Spellcaster UniversityWindows
Spells & SecretsWindows
SpelunkyPlayStation VitaSpelunky
Spider-ManSNESMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-ManNintendo 64Marvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-ManGame Boy ColorMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-ManGame Boy AdvanceMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man & Venom Maximum CarnageSNESMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man 2GameCubeMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man 2Game Boy AdvanceMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man 2: The Sinister SixGame Boy ColorMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man 3Game Boy AdvanceMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man and the X-Men: Arcade's RevengeSNESMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man, X-Men
Spider-Man: Battle for New YorkGame Boy AdvanceMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man: Mysterio's MenaceGame Boy AdvanceMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Spindizzy WorldsSNESSpindizzy
Spiral KnightsWindows
Spirit City: Lofi SessionsWindows
Spirit MancerWindows
Spirit of the NorthWindowsSpirit of the North
Spirit SwapWindows
Spirits & SpellsGame Boy Advance
Spirits of Mystery: Whisper of the PastWindows
Splinter CellGame Boy AdvanceSplinter Cell, Tom Clancy
Splinter CellWindowsSplinter Cell
Splinter Cell: Pandora TomorrowGame Boy AdvanceSplinter Cell, Tom Clancy
Spoiler AlertWindows
Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini BottomGame Boy AdvanceSpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom RehydratedWindowsSpongeBob SquarePants
Sports Illustrated: Championship Football & BaseballSNES
Sports Illustrated: Championship Football & BaseballGame Boy
Sports Illustrated: Golf ClassicGame Boy
Spot: The Video GameNESSpot
Spring BonusWindows
Sprite LampWindows
Spriter ProWindows
SPY Fox 2: Some Assembly RequiredWindowsSpy Fox
SPY Fox 3: Operation OzoneWindowsSpy Fox
SPY Fox in: Cheese ChaseWindowsSpy Fox
SPY Fox in: Dry CerealWindowsSpy Fox
Spy Fox In: Hold the MustardWindowsSpy Fox
Spy HunterNESSpy Hunter
Spy HunterGame Boy AdvanceSpy Hunter
Spy vs SpyNESSpy vs Spy
Spy Vs SpyGame Boy ColorSpy vs Spy
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!PlayStationSpyro the Dragon
Spyro 2: Season of FlameGame Boy AdvanceSpyro the Dragon
Spyro Orange: the Cortex ConspiracyGame Boy AdvanceSpyro the Dragon
Spyro Reignited TrilogyWindowsSpyro the Dragon
Spyro the DragonPlayStationSpyro the Dragon
Spyro: Attack of the RhynocsGame Boy AdvanceSpyro the Dragon
Spyro: Season of IceGame Boy AdvanceSpyro the Dragon
Spyro: Year of the DragonPlayStationSpyro the Dragon
Squishy the Suicidal PigWindows
SSX 3GameCubeSSX
Stack-UpNESRobot Series
Stadium EventsNESFamily Trainer
Stanley: The Search for Dr. LivingstonNES
Star ForceNESStar Force
Star FoxSNESStar Fox
Star Fox 2SNESStar Fox
Star Fox 64Nintendo 64Star Fox
Star Fox AdventuresGameCubeStar Fox
Star Fox: Super WeekendSNESStar Fox
Star Ocean: Blue SphereGame Boy ColorStar Ocean
Star of ProvidenceWindows
Star SoldierNESStar Soldier
Star Soldier: Vanishing EarthNintendo 64Star Soldier
Star StuffWindows
Star Trek: 25th AnniversaryNESStar Trek
Star Trek: 25th AnniversaryGame BoyStar Trek
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Crossroads of TimeSNESStar Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy: Starship Bridge SimulatorSNES
Star Trek: The Next GenerationNESStar Trek
Star Trek: The Next GenerationGame BoyStar Trek
Star WarsNESStar Wars
Star WarsGame BoyStar Wars
Star Wars Episode I: Battle for NabooNintendo 64Star Wars, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars Episode I: RacerNintendo 64Star Wars, Star Wars: Racer
Star Wars Episode I: RacerGame Boy ColorStar Wars, Star Wars: Racer
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the ClonesGame Boy AdvanceStar Wars
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the SithGame Boy AdvanceStar Wars
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi OutcastWindowsStar Wars, Star Wars: Jedi Knight
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi AcademyWindowsStar Wars, Star Wars: Jedi Knight
Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the ForceGame Boy AdvanceStar Wars
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)WindowsStar Wars, Star Wars: Battlefront
Star Wars: Bounty HunterWindowsStar Wars
Star Wars: Dark ForcesWindowsStar Wars
Star Wars: Empire at WarWindowsStar Wars
Star Wars: Jedi Power BattlesGame Boy AdvanceStar Wars
Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen OrderWindowsStar Wars
Star Wars: Knights of the Old RepublicWindowsStar Wars, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith LordsWindowsStar Wars, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Republic CommandoWindowsStar Wars
Star Wars: Rogue SquadronNintendo 64Star Wars, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Rogue SquadronWindowsStar Wars, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Shadows of the EmpireNintendo 64Star Wars
Star Wars: SquadronsWindowsStar Wars
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes BackNESStar Wars
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes BackGame BoyStar Wars
Star Wars: The Force UnleashedWindowsStar Wars, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed IIWindowsStar Wars, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The New Droid ArmyGame Boy AdvanceStar Wars
Star Wars: The Old RepublicWindowsStar Wars
Star XGame Boy Advance
StarCraft 64Nintendo 64StarCraft
Stardew ValleyWindows
StarHawkGame Boy
Starpoint Gemini 2WindowsStarpoint Gemini
Starseed PilgrimWindows
Starship HectorNES
Stasis: Bone TotemWindowsSTASIS
Station to StationWindows
Stealth BastardWindowsStealth Bastard
Stealth Inc 2WindowsStealth Bastard
Steam MarinesWindowsSteam Marines
Steam Marines 2WindowsSteam Marines
SteamWorld DigWindowsSteamWorld
SteamWorld Dig 2WindowsSteamWorld
SteamWorld HeistWindowsSteamWorld, SteamWorld Heist
SteamWorld Quest: Hand of GilgamechWindowsSteamWorld
Steel EmpireGame Boy Advance
Steel Storm: Burning RetributionWindows
Steins;GateWindowsScience Adventure, Steins;Gate
Steins;Gate 0WindowsScience Adventure, Steins;Gate
Steins;Gate EliteWindowsScience Adventure, Steins;Gate
Steins;Gate: 8-bit AdventureNESScience Adventure, Steins;Gate
Steins;Gate: Linear Bounded PhenogramWindowsScience Adventure, Steins;Gate
Steins;Gate: My Darling's EmbraceWindowsScience Adventure, Steins;Gate
Stellar InterfaceWindows
Stellar Mess: The Princess Conundrum (Chapter 1)WindowsStellar Mess
Stick it to the ManWindows
Still LifeWindowsStill Life
Still Life 2WindowsStill Life
Still ThereWindows
Stone ProtectorsSNESTrolls
Stop That Roach!Game Boy
Stories UntoldWindows
Stories: The Path of DestiniesWindows
Stranded In TimeWindows
Strange BrigadeWindows
Stranger Things 3Windows
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying MusicalWindows
Street Fighter 2010: The Final FightNESStreet Fighter
Street Fighter Alpha 2SNESStreet Fighter, Street Fighter Alpha
Street Fighter Alpha 3Game Boy AdvanceStreet Fighter
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' DreamsGame Boy ColorStreet Fighter
Street Fighter IISNESStreet Fighter, Street Fighter II
Street Fighter IIGame BoyStreet Fighter, Street Fighter II
Street Fighter II TurboSNESStreet Fighter, Street Fighter II
Street RacerSNES
Street RacerGame Boy
Street Racing SyndicateWindows
Street Sense 2Windows
Streets Of KamurochoWindowsYakuza
Strike Gunner S.T.GSNES
Strong Bad: Ep 1 - Homestar RuinerWindowsHomestar Runner, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Strong Bad: Ep 2 - Strong Badia the FreeWindowsHomestar Runner, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Strong Bad: Ep 3 - Baddest of the BandsWindowsHomestar Runner, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Strong Bad: Ep 4 - Dangeresque 3WindowsHomestar Runner, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Strong Bad: Ep 5 - 8-Bit Is EnoughWindowsHomestar Runner, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Stronghold HDWindowsStronghold
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a PulseWindows
Stumble GuysWindows
Stunt Kite PartyWindows
Stunt Race FXSNES
Stunt Racer 64Nintendo 64
StuntmanGame Boy AdvanceStuntman
Styx: Master of ShadowsWindowsOf Orcs and Men
Styx: Shards of DarknessWindowsOf Orcs and Men
Submerged Hidden DepthsWindowsSubmerged
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice LeagueWindowsBatman: Arkham, DC Universe, Justice League
Suishou no DragonFamicom Disk System
Summertime MadnessWindows
Summon Night: Swordcraft StoryGame Boy AdvanceSummon Night
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2Game Boy AdvanceSummon Night
Sumo FighterGame Boy
Sun HavenWindows
Sunless SeaWindows
Sunless SkiesWindows
Sunless Skies: Sovereign EditionWindows
Sunrider AcademyWindowsSunrider
Sunrider: Liberation DayWindowsSunrider
Sunrider: Mask of ArcadiusWindowsSunrider
Sunset RidersSNES
Super Adventure HandWindows
Super Adventure IslandSNESAdventure Island, Super Adventure Island
Super Adventure Island IISNESAdventure Island, Super Adventure Island
Super Army WarGame Boy AdvanceGlory Days
Super Baseball Simulator 1.000SNESBaseball Simulator 1.000
Super Bases LoadedSNESBases Loaded
Super Bases Loaded 2SNESBases Loaded
Super Bases Loaded 3: License to StealSNESBases Loaded
Super Batter UpSNESSuper Famista
Super BattletankGame BoyBattletank
Super Battletank 2SNESBattletank
Super Battletank: War in the GulfSNESBattletank
Super Bikkuriman: Densetsu No SekibanGame BoyBikkuriman
Super Black BassSNESBlack Bass
Super Black BassGame Boy
Super BombermanSNESBomberman, Super Bomberman
Super Bomberman 2SNESBomberman, Super Bomberman
Super Bomberman 3SNESBomberman, Super Bomberman
Super Bomberman 4SNESBomberman, Super Bomberman
Super Bomberman 5SNESBomberman, Super Bomberman
Super BonkSNESSuper Bonk
Super BotWindows
Super Breakout!Game Boy ColorBreakout
Super Bust-A-MoveGame Boy AdvanceBust-a-Move, Puzzle Bobble
Super Buster Bros.SNESBuster Bros.
Super CNESContra
Super Castlevania IVSNESCastlevania
Super Chase H.Q.SNESChase H.Q.
Super Chase H.Q.Game BoyChase HQ
Super Chinese Fighter ExGame Boy Color
Super ConflictSNESConflict.
Super Crate BoxWindows
Super Crazy Rhythm CastleWindows
Super Dodge BallNESKunio-Kun, Nekketsu High School, Super Dodge Ball
Super Dodge Ball AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceSuper Dodge Ball
Super Double DragonSNESDouble Dragon
Super Famicom WarsSNESFamicom Wars
Super Ghouls 'N GhostsSNESGhosts 'n Goblins
Super Ghouls 'N GhostsGame Boy AdvanceGhosts 'n Goblins
Super GodzillaSNESGodzilla
Super HexagonWindows
Super HunchbackGame Boy
Super International CricketSNES
Super Mario 3D LandNintendo 3DSMario, Super Mario, Super Mario 3D
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's FurySwitchMario, Super Mario, Super Mario 3D
Super Mario 64Nintendo 64Mario, Super Mario
Super Mario 64 DSNintendo DSMario, Super Mario
Super Mario AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Advance
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario WorldGame Boy AdvanceMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Advance
Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's IslandGame Boy AdvanceMario, Super Mario Advance, Yoshi
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3Game Boy AdvanceMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Advance
Super Mario All-StarsSNESMario, Super Mario
Super Mario Bros.NESMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 2NESMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 3NESMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. DeluxeGame Boy ColorMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. MakerSNES
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost LevelsFamicom Disk SystemMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario KartSNESMario, Mario Kart
Super Mario LandGame Boy ColorMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Land
Super Mario LandGame BoyMario, Super Mario Land
Super Mario Land 2Game Boy ColorMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Land
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden CoinsGame BoyMario, Super Mario Land
Super Mario MakerWii UMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Maker
Super Mario MakerWii UMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Maker
Super Mario Maker 2SwitchMario, Super Mario, Super Mario Maker
Super Mario RPGSwitchMario, Mario RPG, Super Mario
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven StarsSNESMario, Super Mario RPG
Super Mario StrikersGameCubeMario, Mario Strikers
Super Mario SunshineGameCubeMario, Super Mario
Super Mario WorldSNESMario, Super Mario, Super Mario World
Super Mario World (Widescreen)SNESMario, Super Mario
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's IslandSNESMario, Super Mario World, Yoshi, Yoshi's Island
Super Meat BoyWindowsSuper Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy ForeverWindowsSuper Meat Boy
Super MetroidSNESMetroid
Super Metroid (MSU-1)SNESMetroid
Super Monkey BallGameCubeSuper Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball 2GameCubeSuper Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball AdventureGameCubeSuper Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball Jr.Game Boy AdvanceSuper Monkey Ball
Super Ninja BoySNESSuper Chinese World
Super NovaSNESDarius
Super Off RoadSNES
Super Off RoadNES
Super Off RoadGame Boy
Super Pinball: Behind the MaskSNES
Super Punch-Out!!SNESPunch-Out!!
Super PuttySNES
Super Puzzle Fighter IIGame Boy AdvancePuzzle Fighter
Super R.B.I. BaseballSNESR.B.I. Baseball
Super R.C. Pro-AmGame BoyR.C. Pro-Am
Super Rad RaygunWindows
Super Robot TaisenGame BoySuper Robot Wars
Super Robot Taisen: Original GenerationGame Boy AdvanceSuper Robot Wars
Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2Game Boy AdvanceSuper Robot Wars
Super R-TypeSNESR-Type
Super ScrabbleGame BoyScrabble
Super SidekicksWindowsSuper Sidekicks
Super Smash Bros.Nintendo 64Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros. BrawlWiiSuper Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros. MeleeGameCubeSuper Smash Bros.
Super Smash T.V.SNESSmash T.V.
Super SoccerSNES
Super Soccer ChampSNES
Super Spike V'BallNESV'Ball
Super Spy HunterNESSpy Hunter
Super Star WarsSNESStar Wars, Super Star Wars
Super Star Wars: Return of the JediSNESStar Wars, Super Star Wars
Super Star Wars: Return of the JediGame BoyStar Wars, Super Star Wars
Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes BackSNESStar Wars, Super Star Wars
Super Street Fighter IISNESStreet Fighter, Street Fighter II
Super Street Fighter II Turbo RevivalGame Boy AdvanceStreet Fighter
Super Strike EagleSNESF-15 Strike Eagle
Super SwitchWindows
Super TennisSNES
Super Toy CarsWindows
Super Troll IslandsSNESTrolls
Super TurricanSNESTurrican
Super TurricanNESTurrican
Super Turrican 2SNESTurrican
Super Valis IVSNESValis
Super WidgetSNES
Super Win the GameWindows
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EPWindows
Superhot: Mind Control DeleteWindowsSuperhot
Supermarket TogetherWindows
Surf World SeriesWindows
Surgeon SimulatorWindowsSurgeon Simulator
Survival KidsGame Boy ColorSurvival Kids
Survival Kids 2: Dasshutsu! Futago Shima!Game Boy ColorSurvival Kids
Surviving MarsWindows
Surviving the AftermathWindowsSurviving
Swat Kats: The Radical SquadronSNES
Sweet Lily DreamsWindows
Switch 'N' ShootWindows
SwivGame Boy Color
Sword Legacy OmenWindows
Sword MasterNES
Sword of ConvallariaWindows
Sword of ManaGame Boy AdvanceMana
Swords & SoldiersWindowsSwords & Soldiers
Swords and SerpentsNES
Syberia 2WindowsSyberia
Syder ArcadeWindows
Sylvanian Families: Otogi No Kuni No PendantGame Boy ColorSylvanian Families
Sylviana: Ai Ippai no BoukenshaFamicom Disk System
Syndicate WarsWindowsSyndicate
System Shock 2WindowsSystem Shock
TabalugaGame Boy Color
Table MannersWindows
Tabletop PlaygroundWindows
Tabletop SimulatorWindows
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of LodisGame Boy AdvanceOgre Battle
Tadpole TrebleWindows
Taiku MansionWindows
Tail 'GatorGame Boy
Tails Noir: PrologueWindowsTails Noir
Taiyou No Tenshi Marlowe: Ohanabatake Wa Dai-Panic!Game Boy
Taiyou No Yuusha Fighbird GBGame Boy
Tak 2: The Staff of DreamsGame Boy AdvanceTak
Tak and the Power of JujuGame Boy AdvanceTak
Tak: The Great Juju ChallengeGame Boy AdvanceTak
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of AnnihilationWindowsDungeons & Dragons
Tales from the BorderlandsWindowsBorderlands, Tales from the Borderlands
Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 1WindowsMonkey Island
Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 2WindowsMonkey Island
Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 3WindowsMonkey Island
Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 4WindowsMonkey Island
Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 5WindowsMonkey Island
Tales of PhantasiaGame Boy AdvanceTales
Tales of SymphoniaGameCubeTales
Tales of SymphoniaWindowsTales
Tales of the Neon SeaWindows
TaleSpinGame Boy
Talismania DeluxeWindows
TamagotchiGame BoyGame de Hakken!! Tamagotchi
Tandem: A Tale of ShadowsWindows
Tang TangGame Boy Advance
TannenbergWindows1914-1918 WW1 Game
Target: RenegadeNESRenegade
TarzanNintendo 64
TarzanGame Boy Color
Tarzan: Return to the JungleGame Boy Advance
Taxi CopterWindows
Taz-ManiaGame BoyLooney Tunes
TCG Card Shop SimulatorWindows
Team Fortress 2WindowsTeam Fortress
Team Fortress ClassicWindowsTeam Fortress
Team Sonic RacingWindowsSonic Racing, Sonic the Hedgehog
Tearstone: Thieves of the HeartWindows
Tecmo BaseballNES
Tecmo BowlNESTecmo Bowl
Tecmo BowlGame BoyTecmo Bowl
Tecmo Cup: Soccer GameNESCaptain Tsubasa, Tecmo World Cup
Tecmo NBA BasketballNESNBA
Tecmo Secret of the StarsSNES
Tecmo Super BaseballSNESTecmo Baseball
Tecmo Super BowlSNESTecmo Bowl, Tecmo Super Bowl
Tecmo Super BowlNESTecmo Bowl
Tecmo Super Bowl II: Special EditionSNESTecmo Bowl, Tecmo Super Bowl
Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final EditionSNESTecmo Bowl, Tecmo Super Bowl
Tecmo Super NBA BasketballSNESNBA
Tecmo World Cup SoccerNESTecmo World Cup
Tecmo World WrestlingNES
Teen TitansGame Boy AdvanceTeen Titans
Teen Titans 2Game Boy AdvanceDC Universe, Teen Titans
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesNESTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesGame Boy AdvanceTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle NexusGame Boy AdvanceTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the SewersGame BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade GameNESTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical RescueGame BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan ProjectNESTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in TimeSNESTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot ClanGame BoyTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's RevengeWindowsTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament FightersSNESTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament FightersNESTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Tekken AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceTekken
Tell Me WhyWindows
Tempest 4000WindowsTempest
TennisGame BoyNintendo Sports
Terminator 2: Judgment DayNESTerminator
Terminator 3: Rise of the MachinesGame Boy AdvanceTerminator
Terra CrestaNESCresta
Terra LanderWindows
Terraforming MarsWindows
TesseraeGame Boy
Test Drive Le MansGame Boy ColorTest Drive
TetrisGame BoyTetris
Tetris & Dr. MarioSNESDr. Mario, Tetris
Tetris (Nintendo)NESTetris
Tetris (Tengen)NESTetris
Tetris 2SNESTetris
Tetris 2NESTetris
Tetris 2Game BoyTetris
Tetris AttackSNESPanel de Pon, Puzzle League, Tetris, Yoshi's Island
Tetris AttackGame BoyPanel de Pon, Puzzle League, Tetris
Tetris BlastGame BoyBombliss, Tetris
Tetris DXGame Boy ColorTetris
Tetris PlusGame BoyTetris, Tetris Plus
Tetris WorldsGame Boy AdvanceTetris
TetrisphereNintendo 64Tetris
TGV Voyages Train SimulatorWindows
Thank Goodness You're Here!Windows
The 7th SagaSNESElnard
The Academy: First RiddleWindows
The Addams FamilySNESThe Addams Family
The Adventures of Batman & RobinSNESBatman, DC Universe, The Adventures of Batman & Robin
The Adventures of Rad GravityNES
The Adventures of Star SaverGame Boy
The Adventures of TreeWindows
The Almost GoneWindows
The Alto CollectionWindows
The Amazing American CircusWindowsRevolution Titles
The Ambassador: Fractured TimelinesWindows
The Arcade TowerWindows
The Art: MetamorphosisWindows
The AscentWindows
The Average Everyday Adventures of Samantha BrowneWindows
The Banner SagaWindowsThe Banner Saga
The Banner Saga 2WindowsThe Banner Saga
The Bard's TaleNESThe Bard's Tale
The Bard's TaleWindowsThe Bard's Tale
The Basement CollectionWindowsMeat Boy
The Battle of OlympusNES
The Battle of OlympusGame Boy
The Beast InsideWindows
The Beginner's GuideWindows
The Big ConWindows
The Binding of IsaacWindowsThe Binding of Isaac
The Binding of Isaac: RebirthWindowsThe Binding of Isaac
The Black BassNESBlack Bass
The Blind ProphetWindows
The Blue MarlinNESBlack Bass, Blue Marlin
The Book of Unwritten TalesWindowsThe Book of Unwritten Tales
The BookwalkerWindows
The BridgeWindows
The Broadside ExpressWindows
The Bugs Bunny Birthday BlowoutNESLooney Tunes
The Bugs Bunny Crazy CastleNESCrazy Castle, Looney Tunes
The Bugs Bunny Crazy CastleGame BoyCrazy Castle
The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2Game BoyCrazy Castle
The Bureau: XCOM DeclassifiedWindowsX-COM
The Callisto ProtocolWindows
The CaptainWindows
The ChessmasterNESChessmaster
The Code Zone Retro PackWindows
The Collage AtlasWindows
The ColonistsWindows
The Coma 2: Vicious SistersWindowsThe Coma
The Coma: RecutWindowsThe Coma
The CombatribesSNES
The CorridorWindows
The Count of Monte CarloWindows
The CrewWindowsThe Crew
The Crow's EyeWindows
The Culling Of The CowsWindows
The Curse of Monkey IslandWindowsMonkey Island
The Cycle: FrontierWindows
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance TacticsWindows
The Dark Eye: Chains of SatinavWindowsChains of Satinav
The Darkness IIWindowsThe Darkness
The Darkside DetectiveWindows
The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the DarkWindowsThe Darkside Detective
The Death and Return of SupermanSNESDC Universe, Superman
The DeedWindowsThe Deed
The Desolate HopeWindows
The DigWindows
The Dope GameWindows
The Dream MachineWindows
The Drone Racing League SimulatorWindows
The Duel: Test Drive IISNESTest Drive
The DwarvesWindows
The Elder Scrolls II: DaggerfallWindowsThe Elder Scrolls
The Elder Scrolls III: MorrowindWindowsThe Elder Scrolls
The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionWindowsThe Elder Scrolls
The Elder Scrolls OnlineWindowsThe Elder Scrolls
The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimWindowsThe Elder Scrolls
The Elder Scrolls: ArenaWindowsThe Elder Scrolls
The Emperor's New GrooveGame Boy Color
The End is NighWindows
The EscapistsWindowsThe Escapists
The Escapists 2WindowsThe Escapists
The Eternal CylinderWindows
The Evil WithinWindowsThe Evil Within
The Evil Within 2WindowsThe Evil Within
The FalconeerWindows
The FallWindowsThe Fall
The Final StationWindows
The FiremenSNESThe Firemen
The First TemplarWindows
The First TreeWindows
The Flame in the FloodWindows
The FlashGame BoyDC Universe, The Flash
The Flintstones: King Rock Treasure IslandGame BoyThe Flintstones
The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & HoppyNESThe Flintstones
The Flintstones: The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak!NESThe Flintstones
The Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra MadrockSNESThe Flintstones
The Floor is JellyWindows
The Forest QuartetWindows
The Forgotten CityWindows
The GapWindows
The Getaway: High Speed IIGame BoyHigh Speed
The Goonies IINESGoonies
The Great Circus MysterySNESDisney's Magical Quest
The Great Geometric Multiverse TourWindows
The GrinchGame Boy ColorDr. Seuss
The Guardian LegendNES
The GunkWindows
The Hat Man: Shadow WardWindows
The Henry Stickmin CollectionWindowsInnersloth
The HexWindows
The Hobbit: The Prelude to the Lord of the RingsGame Boy AdvanceThe Lord of the Rings
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: 5 Foolishly Fun Topsy Turvy GamesGame Boy
The Hunt for Red OctoberGame Boy
The Ignition FactorSNES
The ImmortalNES
The Incredible Adventures of Van HelsingWindowsThe Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing IIWindowsThe Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Crash DummiesNES
The Incredible HulkSNESMarvel, The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible HulkGame Boy AdvanceMarvel, The Incredible Hulk
The IncrediblesGame Boy Advance
The Inner WorldWindowsThe Inner World
The InvincibleWindows
The Invincible Iron ManGame Boy AdvanceIron Man, Marvel
The Invisible HandWindows
The Jackbox MegapickerWindows
The Jackbox Party PackWindowsThe Jackbox Party Pack, You Don't Know Jack
The Jackbox Party Pack 2WindowsThe Jackbox Party Pack
The Jackbox Party Pack 3WindowsThe Jackbox Party Pack
The Jetsons: Cogswell's CaperNES
The Jetsons: Invasion of the Planet PiratesSNES
The Jetsons: Robot PanicGame BoyJetsons
The Jungle BookSNESThe Jungle Book
The Jungle BookNESThe Jungle Book
The Jungle BookGame Boy AdvanceThe Jungle Book
The Jungle BookGame BoyThe Jungle Book
The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Wild AdventureGame Boy ColorThe Jungle Book
The King of Fighters 2000WindowsThe King of Fighters
THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2002WindowsThe King of Fighters
The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited MatchWindowsThe King of Fighters
The King of Fighters 2003WindowsACA NEOGEO
The King of Fighters '95Game BoyThe King of Fighters
The King of Fighters '96Game BoyThe King of Fighters
The King of Fighters '97: Global MatchWindowsThe King of Fighters
The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate MatchWindowsThe King of Fighters
The King of Fighters Ex 2: Howling BloodGame Boy AdvanceThe King of Fighters
The King of Fighters EX: NeobloodGame Boy AdvanceThe King of Fighters
The King of Fighters XIIIWindowsThe King of Fighters
The King's BirdWindows
The Krion ConquestNES
The LabWindows
The Lamplighters LeagueWindowsThe Lamplighters League
The Last BladeWindowsThe Last Blade
The Last Blade 2WindowsThe Last Blade
The Last HopeWindows
The Last Hope: Atomic Bomb Crypto WarWindows
The Last Hope: Trump vs MafiaWindowsThe Last Hope
The Last LibrarianWindows
The Last RemnantWindows
The Last Stand: AftermathWindowsThe Last Stand
The Last TimeWindows
The Last TinkerWindows
The Legend of KageNESThe Legend of Kage
The Legend of Spyro: A New BeginningGame Boy AdvanceSpyro the Dragon
The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal NightGame Boy AdvanceSpyro the Dragon
The Legend of the Mystical NinjaSNESMystical Ninja
The Legend of ZeldaNESThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda 2: Link no BoukenFamicom Disk SystemThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between WorldsNintendo 3DSThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastSNESThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastWindowsThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four SwordsGame Boy AdvanceThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildWii UThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildWii UThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Dungeons of InfinityWindowsThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords AdventuresGameCubeThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Links AwakeningSwitchThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Link's AwakeningGame BoyThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DXGame Boy ColorThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening ReduxGame Boy ColorThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's MaskNintendo 64The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3DNintendo 3DSThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeNintendo 64The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeWindowsThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master QuestNintendo 64The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of AgesGame Boy ColorThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of SeasonsGame Boy ColorThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward SwordWiiThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish CapGame Boy AdvanceThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind WakerGameCubeThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HDWii UThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HDWii UThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessWiiThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessGameCubeThe Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HDWii UThe Legend of Zelda
The LEGO Ninjago Movie Video GameWindowsLEGO
The Lion KingSNESThe Lion King
The Lion KingNESThe Lion King
The Lion KingGame BoyThe Lion King
The Lion King 1 1/2Game Boy AdvanceThe Lion King
The Lion King: Simba's Mighty AdventureGame Boy ColorThe Lion King
The Lion's SongWindows
The Little AcreWindows
The Little MermaidNES
The Little MermaidGame Boy
The Lone RangerNES
The Long DarkWindows
The LookerWindows
The Lord of the Rings OnlineWindowsThe Lord of the Rings, The Lord of the Rings Online
The Lord of the Rings: Return to MoriaWindowsThe Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the RingGame Boy AdvanceThe Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the KingGame Boy AdvanceThe Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings: The Third AgeGame Boy AdvanceThe Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings: The Two TowersGame Boy AdvanceThe Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings: War in the NorthWindowsThe Lord of the Rings
The Lords of MidnightWindowsLords of Midnight
The Lost VikingsSNESThe Lost Vikings
The Lost VikingsGame Boy AdvanceThe Lost Vikings
The Lost World: Jurassic ParkGame Boy
The Lullaby of LifeWindows
The Mafat ConspiracyNESGolgo 13
The Magic of ScheherazadeNES
The Magical QuestSNESDisney's Magical Quest, Mickey Mouse
The MaskSNES
The MessengerWindows
The MetronomiconWindows
The Mims BeginningWindows
The Misadventures of Tron BonnePlayStationMega Man Legends
The MummyGame Boy Color
The Murder of Sonic the HedgehogWindowsSonic the Hedgehog
The New TetrisNintendo 64Tetris
The Night of the RabbitWindows
The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin KingGame Boy Advance
The OccupationWindows
The Oil BlueWindows
The Outer WorldsWindowsThe Outer Worlds
The Pale BeyondWindows
The Peace KeepersSNESRushing Beat
The Pinball of the DeadGame Boy AdvanceHouse of the Dead
The Pirates of Dark WaterSNES
The Planet CrafterWindows
The PolynomialWindowsThe Polynomial
The PunisherNESMarvel
The RampWindows
The Ranch of RivershineWindows
The Real GhostbustersGame BoyCrazy Castle
The Real TexasWindows
The Red SolsticeWindowsThe Red Solstice
The Red Strings ClubWindows
The Rescue of Princess BlobetteGame BoyA Boy and His Blob
The Revenge of ShinobiGame Boy AdvanceShinobi
The Scorpion King: Sword of OsirisGame Boy AdvanceThe Mummy
The SearchWindows
The Secret of Monkey IslandWindowsMonkey Island Franchise
The SeekerWindows
The Shadow Over CyberspaceWindows
The Shapeshifting DetectiveWindows
The ShipWindows
The Ship Single PlayerWindowsThe Ship
The ShivahWindows
The Silent AgeWindows
The Simpsons: Bart's NightmareSNESThe Simpsons
The Simpsons: Road RageGame Boy AdvanceThe Simpsons
The SimsWindowsThe Sims
The Sims 2Game Boy AdvanceThe Sims
The Sims 2WindowsThe Sims
The Sims 2: PetsGame Boy AdvanceThe Sims
The Sims 3WindowsThe Sims
The Sims 4WindowsThe Sims
The Sims: Bustin' OutGame Boy AdvanceThe Sims
The SmurfsSNESThe Smurfs
The SmurfsGame Boy
The Smurfs 2: The Prisoner of the Green StoneWindows
The Smurfs NightmareGame Boy ColorSmurfs
The Smurfs Travel the WorldSNESThe Smurfs
The Smurfs Travel the WorldGame BoyThe Smurfs
The Spectrum RetreatWindows
The Spirit and the MouseWindows
The Stanley ParableWindowsThe Stanley Parable
The Stillness of the WindWindows
The Stranded TravelerWindowsThe Stranded Traveler
The Suicide of Rachel FosterWindows
The Super SpyWindows
The SurvivalistsWindowsTeam17
The SwapperWindows
The Sword of HopeGame BoyThe Sword of Hope
The Sword of Hope IIGame BoyThe Sword of Hope
The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's CurseWindows
The Talos PrincipleWindows
The Testimony of Trixie Glimmer SmithWindowsBluehills County Stories
The TextorcistWindows
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray BibbiaWindows
The Three StoogesNESThe Three Stooges
The Tiny Bang StoryWindows
The Tower SPGame Boy AdvanceSimTower
The Town of LightWindows
The Trolls in CrazylandNESTrolls
The Twisted Tales of Spike McfangSNESSpike McFang
The Typing of The Dead: OverkillWindowsThe Typing of the Dead
The Uncertain: Last Quiet DayWindowsThe Uncertain
The UntouchablesSNES
The Urbz: Sims in the CityGame Boy AdvanceThe Sims
The Vanishing of Ethan CarterWindows
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter ReduxWindows
The Walking Dead: MichonneWindowsThe Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series
The Walking Dead: Season OneWindowsThe Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series
The Walking Dead: Season TwoWindowsThe Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series
The Wanderer: Frankenstein's CreatureWindows
The Way of Life Free EditionWindows
The Whispered WorldWindows
The WhispererWindows
The White DoorWindowsRusty Lake
The Wild CaseWindows
The WitcherWindowsTHE WITCHER®
The Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsWindowsTHE WITCHER®
The Witcher 3: Wild HuntWindowsThe Witcher
The WitnessWindows
The Wizard's PenWindows
The Wolf Among UsWindowsThe Wolf Among Us
The World Begins With YouWindows
The World Next DoorWindows
The Young Indiana Jones ChroniclesNESIndiana Jones
The Zombie SmasherWindows
Thea 2: The ShatteringWindows
Their LandWindows
Theme HospitalWindows
Theme ParkSNESTheme Park
Them's Fightin' HerdsWindows
Thief (2014)WindowsThief
Thief GoldWindowsThief
Thief: Deadly ShadowsWindowsThief
Thimbleweed ParkWindows
Thirty Flights of LovingWindowsGravity Bone
This War of MineWindows
Thomas Was AloneWindows
Through The Darkest of TimesWindows
Through the MirrorWindows
Throw Cubes into Brick Towers To Collapse ThemWindows
Thunder & LightningNES
Thunder SpiritsSNESThunder Force
Ticket to RideWindows
Ticket to Ride: First JourneyWindows
Tigger's Honey HuntNintendo 64Winnie the Pooh
Time Gentlemen, Please!WindowsBen & Dan
Time LordNES
Times of LoreNES
TimeSplitters 2GameCubeTimeSplitters
Tin StarSNES
Tintin in TibetSNESThe Adventures of Tintin, Tintin
Tintin in TibetGame BoyTintin
Tintin: Prisoners of the SunSNESThe Adventures of Tintin, Tintin
Tintin: Prisoners of the SunGame BoyTintin
Tiny & Big: Grandpa's LeftoversWindows
Tiny Robots RechargedWindows
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot AdventureWindowsWonderlands
Tiny Toon AdventuresNESTiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Montana's Movie MadnessGame BoyTiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Trouble in WackylandNESTiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big BreakGame BoyTiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose!SNESTiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Saves the DayGame Boy ColorTiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures: Scary DreamsGame Boy AdvanceTiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky SportsGame BoyTiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports ChallengeSNESTiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky StackersGame Boy AdvanceTiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Troopers Joint OpsWindows
Titan QuestWindows
Titan SoulsWindows
TMNTGame Boy AdvanceTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
To the MoonWindowsTo the Moon Series
To The Rescue!Windows
Todd Mcfarlane's Spawn: The Video GameSNESSpawn
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove!Windows
TohuWindowsThe Irregular Corporation
Toki ToriGame Boy ColorToki Tori
Toki ToriWindowsToki Tori
Tokyo Xtreme Racer AdvanceGame Boy AdvanceTokyo Xtreme Racer
Tom & JerryNESTom and Jerry
Tom & JerryGame BoyTom and Jerry
Tom and JerryGame Boy ColorTom and Jerry
Tom and Jerry in: Mouse Attacks!Game Boy ColorTom and Jerry
Tom and Jerry: Frantic Antics!Game BoyTom and Jerry
Tomato JonesWindowsTomato Jones
Tomato Jones 2WindowsTomato Jones
Tomb RaiderGame Boy ColorTomb Raider
Tomb RaiderPlayStationTomb Raider
Tomb Raider (2013)WindowsTomb Raider
Tomb Raider ChroniclesWindowsTomb Raider
Tomb Raider ChroniclesPlayStationTomb Raider
Tomb Raider IIPlayStationTomb Raider
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara CroftPlayStationTomb Raider
Tomb Raider: AnniversaryWindowsTomb Raider: Legend
Tomb Raider: Curse of the SwordGame Boy ColorTomb Raider
Tomb Raider: LegendWindowsTomb Raider, Tomb Raider: Legend
Tomb Raider: LegendGame Boy AdvanceTomb Raider
Tomb Raider: The Angel of DarknessWindowsTomb Raider
Tomb Raider: The Last RevelationWindowsTomb Raider
Tomb Raider: The Last RevelationPlayStationTomb Raider
Tomb Raider: The ProphecyGame Boy AdvanceTomb Raider
Tomb Raider: UnderworldWindowsTomb Raider, Tomb Raider: Legend
Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine ReturnPlayStationTomba!
Tombs & TreasureNESAsteka
Tombstone TallyWindows
Tonic TroubleNintendo 64
Tonight We RiotWindows
Tony Hawk's American Sk8landGame Boy AdvanceTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Downhill JamGame Boy AdvanceTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro SkaterNintendo 64Tony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro SkaterGame Boy ColorTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2Nintendo 64Tony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2Game Boy ColorTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2Game Boy AdvanceTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2PlayStationTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3GameCubeTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3Nintendo 64Tony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3Game Boy ColorTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3Game Boy AdvanceTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4GameCubeTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4Game Boy AdvanceTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's UndergroundGameCubeTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's UndergroundGame Boy AdvanceTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Underground 2GameCubeTony Hawk's
Tony Hawk's Underground 2Game Boy AdvanceTony Hawk's
Tools Up!Windows
Tooth and TailWindows
Top BurgerWindows
Top GearSNESTop Gear
Top Gear 2SNESTop Gear
Top Gear 3000SNESTop Gear
Top Gear Hyper-BikeNintendo 64Top Gear
Top Gear OverdriveNintendo 64Top Gear
Top Gear PocketGame Boy ColorTop Gear, Top Gear Pocket
Top Gear Pocket 2Game Boy ColorTop Gear, Top Gear Pocket
Top Gear RallyNintendo 64Top Gear, Top Gear Rally
Top Gear RallyGame Boy AdvanceTop Gear, Top Gear Rally
Top Gear Rally 2Nintendo 64Top Gear, Top Gear Rally
Top Hunter: Roddy & CathyWindows
Top Players' TennisNES
Top Rank TennisGame Boy
Torchlight IIWindowsTorchlight
Toree 2WindowsToree
Toree 3DWindows
Torment: Tides of NumeneraWindowsTorment
Tormentor X PunisherWindows
Total CarnageSNES
Total Tank SimulatorWindows
Total War: EmpireWindowsTotal War
Total War: Shogun 2WindowsTotal War, Total War: Shogun
Total War: WarhammerWindowsTotal War, Total War: Warhammer
Total War: Warhammer IIWindowsTotal War, Total War: Warhammer
Totally Accurate Battle SimulatorWindowsTotally Accurate
Totally Accurate BattlegroundsWindowsTotally Accurate
Totally RadNES
Totally Reliable Delivery ServiceWindows
Tower of TimeWindows
Tower SongWindows
Tower WarsWindows
TowerFall AscensionWindows
TowerFall AscensionPlayStation Vita
Towerfall: Dark WorldWindows
Town & Country Surf Designs: Thrilla's SurfariNESTown & Country
Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water RageNESTown & Country
Town of Salem 2WindowsTown of Salem
Townsmen: A Kingdom RebuiltWindows
Toy StorySNESToy Story
Toy StoryGame BoyToy Story
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!Nintendo 64Toy Story
Toy Story RacerGame Boy ColorToy Story
Track & FieldNESTrack & Field
Track & FieldGame BoyTrack & Field
Track & Field IINESTrack & Field
TrackMania² CanyonWindowsTrackMania
Train Sim World 2WindowsTrain Sim World
Train SimulatorWindowsTrain Simulator Classic
Train Valley 2Windows
Trainpunk RunWindows
TraxGame Boy
Treachery In Beatdown CityWindows
Treasure Adventure GameWindowsTreasure Adventure
Trek to YomiWindows
Trials EvolutionWindows
Trials FusionWindowsTrials
Trials of ManaSNESMana
Trine 2WindowsTrine
Trip WorldGame Boy
Triple Play 2000Nintendo 64Triple Play
Trombone ChampWindows
Tron 2.0: Killer AppGame Boy AdvanceTron
Tropico 3WindowsTropico
Tropico 3 - Steam Special EditionWindows
Tropico 4WindowsTropico
Tropico 6WindowsTropico
True Golf Classics: Pebble Beach Golf LinksSNESTrue Golf Classics
True Golf Classics: Waialae Country ClubSNESTrue Golf Classics
True Golf Classics: Wicked 18SNESTrue Golf Classics
True LiesSNES
True LiesGame Boy
Tuff E NuffSNES
Tuk Tuk Extreme SimulatorWindows
Tumble PopGame Boy
Turbo DismountWindows
Turbo Pug DXWindows
Turbo Turtle AdventureGame Boy Advance
Turn and Burn: No-Fly ZoneSNES
Turnip Boy Commits Tax EvasionWindowsTurnip Boy
Turok 2: Seeds of EvilNintendo 64Turok
Turok 2: Seeds of EvilGame Boy ColorTurok
Turok 3: Shadow of OblivionNintendo 64Turok
Turok 3: Shadow of OblivionGame Boy ColorTurok
Turok: Battle of the BionosaursGame BoyTurok
Turok: Dinosaur HunterNintendo 64Turok
Turok: EvolutionGame Boy AdvanceTurok
Turok: Rage WarsNintendo 64Turok
Turok: Rage WarsGame Boy ColorTurok
TurricanGame BoyTurrican
Tweety and the Magic GemsGame Boy AdvanceLooney Tunes
Twin CobraNESTiger-Heli
Twin EagleNESTwin Eagle
Twinkle Star SpritesWindows
Two Point HospitalWindows
Typer Shark! DeluxeWindows
TyranoBuilder Visual Novel StudioWindows
Tyrian 2000WindowsTyrian
U.N. SquadronSNES
UFO 50Windows
Ufouria: The SagaNESHebereke, Ufouria: The Saga
Ultima IV: Quest of the AvatarWindowsUltima
Ultima VIIWindowsUltima
Ultima VIIIWindowsUltima
Ultima: ExodusNESUltima
Ultima: Quest of the AvatarNESUltima
Ultima: Runes of VirtueGame BoyUltima
Ultima: Runes of Virtue IISNESUltima
Ultima: Runes of Virtue IIGame BoyUltima
Ultima: The Black GateSNESUltima
Ultima: The False ProphetSNESUltima
Ultima: UnderworldWindowsUltima
Ultima: Underworld IIWindowsUltima
Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian DreamsWindowsWorlds of Ultima
Ultimate Air CombatNES
Ultimate Brain GamesGame Boy Advance
Ultimate Card GamesGame Boy Advance
Ultimate Chicken HorseWindows
Ultimate Epic Battle SimulatorWindows
Ultimate Flash SonicAdobe FlashSonic the Hedgehog
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3SNESMortal Kombat
Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy the Path of the SuperheroGame Boy Advance
Ultimate Spider-ManGame Boy AdvanceMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
Ultraman BallGame BoyUltraman
Ultraman: Chou Toushi GekidenGame BoyUltraman
Umihara KawaseSNESUmihara Kawase
Uncanny ValleyWindows
Uncharted WatersSNESUncharted Waters
Uncharted WatersNESUncharted Waters
Under The MoonWindows
Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1Windows
Unity of CommandWindowsUnity of Command
Universal SoldierGame Boy
Universe Sandbox LegacyWindowsUniverse Sandbox
UnoGame Boy Color
UNO & FriendsWindowsUno
Uno 52Game Boy AdvanceUno
Uno Free FallGame Boy AdvanceUno
Unreal TournamentWindowsUnreal
Untamed Tactics: The BeginningWindows
Untitled Goose GameWindows
Up Left OutWindows
Urban ChampionNESUrban Champion
Urban StrikeSNESStrike
Urban StrikeGame BoyStrike
Urban Trial PlaygroundWindows
Utopia: The Creation of a NationSNESUtopia
Uurnog UurnlimitedWindows
Valkyria ChroniclesWindowsValkyria Chronicles
Vambrace: Cold SoulWindows
Vampire SurvivorsWindows
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New YorkWindowsVampire: The Masquerade
Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New YorkWindowsVampire: The Masquerade
Vanguard PrincessWindows
vApe EscapeWindows
VCB: Why City 4kWindows
Vegas DreamNES
Vegas StakesSNESVegas Stakes
Vegas StakesGame BoyVegas Stakes
Vektor 2089Windows
Velocity 2XWindowsVelocity
Velvet AssassinWindows
Venom & Spider-Man: Separation AnxietySNESMarvel, Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man
VerdunWindows1914-1918 WW1 Game
Vertiginous GolfWindows
Vice: Project DoomNES
Victor VranWindowsVictor Vran
Vienna Automobile SocietyWindows
Viewtiful JoeGameCubeViewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2GameCubeViewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot RumbleGameCubeViewtiful Joe
Vigilante 8Nintendo 64Vigilante 8
Vigilante 8Game Boy ColorVigilante 8
Vigilante 8: 2nd OffenseNintendo 64Vigilante 8
Viking: Battle for AsgardWindows
Viral ReloadWindows
Virtua TennisGame Boy AdvanceVirtua Tennis
Virtual KasparovGame Boy Advance
Virtual Pool 64Nintendo 64Virtual Pool
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow WarriorWindowsViscera Cleanup Detail
Vlad Circus: Descend Into MadnessWindows
Void BastardsWindows
Void WispWindows
Volgarr the VikingWindows
Volk-san: Egg&CatchWindows
Vorax AlphaWindows
Vostok Inc.Windows
V-Rally 3Game Boy AdvanceV-Rally
V-Rally: Championship EditionGame Boy ColorV-Rally
V-Rally: Championship EditionGame BoyV-Rally
Wacky RacesNES
Wacky RacesGame Boy Color
Wade Hixton's Counter PunchGame Boy Advance
Waking MarsWindows
Walking Simulator 2020Windows
Wall WorldWindows
Wallace & Gromit: Ep 1 - Fright of the BumblebeesWindowsWallace & Gromit
Wallace & Gromit: Ep 2 - The Last ResortWindowsWallace & Gromit
Wallace & Gromit: Ep 3 - Muzzled!WindowsWallace & Gromit
Wallace & Gromit: Ep 4 - The Bogey ManWindowsWallace & Gromit
Wallpaper EngineWindows
Wanba WarriorsWindows
Wanderlust: TranssiberianWindowsWalkabout
War 2410SNES
War 3010: The RevolutionSNES
War ThunderWindows
War WindWindowsWar Wind
Wargame: Red DragonWindowsWargame
Warhammer 40,000: BattlesectorWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - DaemonhuntersWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron - Flyboyz EditionWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: DarktideWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of WarWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark CrusadeWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - SoulstormWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Winter AssaultWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War IIWindows
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of WarWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - MartyrWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - ProphecyWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: MechanicusWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Rogue TraderWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & TeefWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer 40,000: Space MarineWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer Underworlds: OnlineWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Realms of RuinWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer: ChaosbaneWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned RatWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer: VermintideWindowsWarhammer
Warhammer: Vermintide 2WindowsWarhammer
Wario Blast Featuring Bomberman!Game BoyBomberman, Bomberman GB
Wario Land 3Game Boy ColorWario, Wario Land
Wario Land 4Game Boy AdvanceWario, Wario Land
Wario Land IIGame Boy ColorWario, Wario Land
Wario Land IIGame BoyWario Land
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3Game BoyMario, Super Mario Land, Wario Land
Wario WorldGameCubeWario, Wario Land
Wario's WoodsSNESMario, Wario, Wario's Woods
Wario's WoodsNESMario, Wario, Wario's Woods
WarioWare D.I.Y.Nintendo DSWario, WarioWare
Warioware Twisted!Game Boy AdvanceWario, WarioWare
Warioware, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!Game Boy AdvanceWario, WarioWare
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$!GameCubeWario, WarioWare
WarlockedGame Boy Color
Warriors of Might and MagicGame Boy ColorMight and Magic
Warstone TDWindows
Wasteland 2WindowsWasteland
Wasteland KingsWindows
Watch_DogsWindowsWatch Dogs
Watch_Dogs 2WindowsWatch Dogs
Water's FineWindows
Wave RaceGame BoyWave Race
Wave Race 64: Kawasaki Jet SkiNintendo 64Wave Race
Wave Race: Blue StormGameCubeWave Race
Way to Go!Windows
Wayne Gretzky's 3D HockeyNintendo 64Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98Nintendo 64Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey
WCW Backstage AssaultNintendo 64WCW
WCW MayhemNintendo 64WCW
WCW MayhemGame Boy ColorWCW
WCW NitroNintendo 64WCW
WCW Super Brawl WrestlingSNESWCW
WCW vs. nWo: World TourNintendo 64nWo, WCW, WCW/nWo
WCW/nWo RevengeNintendo 64nWo, WCW, WCW/nWo
WCW: The Main EventGame BoyWCW
WCW: World Championship WrestlingNESWCW
We Happy FewWindowsWe Happy Few
We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShipWindowsWe Were Here Series
We Were Here TogetherWindowsWe Were Here
We Were Here TooWindowsWe Were Here Series
We. The RevolutionWindows
Weapon of ChoiceWindows
Web SpiceWindows
Weird WestWindows
Welcome Back To 2007 2Windows
Wendy: Every Witch WayGame Boy Color
Werewolf: The Last WarriorNES
WetrixNintendo 64Wetrix
What Remains of Edith FinchWindows
Wheel of FortuneNintendo 64Wheel of Fortune
Wheels of AureliaWindows
When Ski Lifts Go WrongWindows
Where in the World Is Carmen SandiegoSNESCarmen Sandiego
Where in Time Is Carmen SandiegoNESCarmen Sandiego
Where The Water Tastes Like WineWindows
Where's My Helmet?Windows
while True: learn()Windows
WhirloSNESLegend of Valkyrie
Whiskey & Zombies: Great Southern Zombie EscapeWindows
Whisper of a RoseWindows
Whispered Secrets: Everburning CandleWindows
Whispering WillowsWindows
Who Framed Roger RabbitNES
Who Framed Roger RabbitGame Boy
Whomp 'EmNES
Who's Your Daddy?!Windows
Wild Card FootballWindows
Wild GunmanNES
Wild GunsSNESWild Guns
WildC.A.T.S: Covert-Action-TeamsSNES
Wildcat Gun MachineWindows
WildSnakeGame Boy
Will Glow the WispWindows
Williams Arcade's Greatest HitsSNESArcade's Greatest Hits
Wilmot's WarehouseWindows
WinBack: Covert OperationsNintendo 64WinBack
Wing CommanderSNESWing Commander
Wing Commander III: Heart of the TigerWindowsWing Commander
Wing Commander IV: The Price of FreedomWindowsWing Commander
Wing Commander: ProphecyGame Boy AdvanceWing Commander
Wing Commander: The Secret MissionsSNESWing Commander
WingsGame Boy Advance
Winter GoldSNESOlympic Games
Winter Olympic Games: Lillehammer '94SNESOlympic Games
Wipeout 64Nintendo 64Wipeout
Witch ItWindows
Wizard of LegendWindows
Wizard WizardWindows
Wizardry EmpireGame Boy ColorWizardry, Wizardry Empire
Wizardry Empire: Fukkatsu No TsueGame Boy ColorWizardry, Wizardry Empire
Wizardry Gaiden 2: Curse of the Ancient EmperorGame BoyWizardry, Wizardry Gaiden
Wizardry Gaiden 3: Scripture of the DarkGame BoyWizardry, Wizardry Gaiden
Wizardry Gaiden I: Suffering of the QueenGame BoyWizardry, Wizardry Gaiden
Wizardry II: Diamond No KishiGame Boy ColorWizardry
Wizardry III: Llylgamyn No IsanGame Boy ColorWizardry
Wizardry V: Heart of the MaelstromSNESWizardry
Wizardry: Knight of Diamonds - The Second ScenarioNESWizardry
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad OverlordNESWizardry
Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad OverlordGame Boy ColorWizardry
Wizards & WarriorsNESWizards & Warriors
Wizards & Warriors III: Kuros... Visions of PowerNESWizards & Warriors
Wizards & Warriors X: The Fortress of FearGame BoyWizards & Warriors
Wolfenstein 3DGame Boy AdvanceWolfenstein
Wolfenstein 3-DSNESWolfenstein
Wolfenstein: The New OrderWindowsWolfenstein
WolverineNESMarvel, X-Men
Wolverine: Adamantium RageSNESMarvel, X-Men
Wonder Boy: The Dragons TrapWindowsWonder Boy
Woody Two-Legs Attack of the Zombie PiratesWindows
Woody Woodpecker in Crazy Castle 5Game Boy AdvanceCrazy Castle
Woody Woodpecker RacingGame Boy ColorWoody Woodpecker
WordtrisGame BoyTetris
WordzapGame Boy
World Champ: Super Boxing Great FightNES
World Cup 98Nintendo 64FIFA
World Cup 98Game BoyFIFA
World Cup USA 94SNES
World Driver ChampionshipNintendo 64
World HeroesSNESWorld Heroes
World Heroes 2SNESWorld Heroes
World Heroes 2 JetGame BoyWorld Heroes
World In ConflictWindowsWorld in Conflict
World of GooWindows
World of TanksWindowsWorld of Tanks
World of WarshipsWindows
World Soccer 94: Road to GlorySNESStriker
World War ZWindows
World's DawnWindows
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage EmpireWindowsUltima, Worlds of Ultima
Wormhole CityWindows
WormsGame BoyWorms
Worms ArmageddonNintendo 64Worms
Worms ArmageddonGame Boy ColorWorms
Worms BlastGame Boy AdvanceWorms
Worms Forts: Under SiegeWindowsWorms
Worms ReloadedWindowsWorms
Worms RevolutionWindowsWorms
Worms World PartyGame Boy AdvanceWorms
WRC 7WindowsWorld Rally Championship
WRC 8WindowsWorld Rally Championship
WRC 9WindowsWorld Rally Championship
Wrecking CrewNESMario, Wrecking Crew
Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth!NES
Wuthering WavesWindows
WWE: Road to Wrestlemania X8Game Boy AdvanceWWE
WWE: Survivor SeriesGame Boy AdvanceWWE
WWF AttitudeNintendo 64WWF
WWF AttitudeGame Boy ColorWWF
WWF BetrayalGame Boy ColorWWE, WWF
WWF No MercyNintendo 64WWF
WWF Super WrestlemaniaSNESWrestleMania, WWE, WWF
WWF SuperstarsGame BoyWWF
WWF Superstars 2Game BoyWWE, WWF
WWF War ZoneNintendo 64WWF
WWF War ZoneGame BoyWWF
WWF WrestlemaniaNESWrestleMania, WWF
WWF Wrestlemania 2000Game Boy ColorWWF
WWF WrestleMania 2000Nintendo 64WWF
WWF Wrestlemania ChallengeNESWrestleMania, WWF
WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage ChallengeNESWrestleMania, WWF
WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade GameSNESWrestleMania, WWF
WWF: King of the RingNESWWF
WWF: King of the RingGame BoyWWE, WWF
WWF: Road to WrestlemaniaGame Boy AdvanceWWF
XGame BoyX
X2: Wolverine's RevengeGame Boy AdvanceMarvel, X-Men
Xanadu LandWindows
XCOM 2WindowsX-COM
X-COM: ApocalypseWindowsX-COM
XCOM: Enemy UnknownWindowsX-COM
X-COM: EnforcerWindowsX-COM
X-COM: InterceptorWindowsX-COM
X-COM: Terror from the DeepWindowsX-COM
X-COM: UFO DefenseWindowsX-COM
Xenoblade ChroniclesWiiXenoblade Chronicles
Xenon 2Game BoyXenon
Xevious: The AvengerNESXevious
X-Kaliber 2097SNES
X-Men: Mutant AcademyGame Boy ColorMarvel, X-Men, X-Men: Mutant Academy
X-Men: Mutant ApocalypseSNESMarvel, X-Men
X-Men: Mutant WarsGame Boy ColorMarvel, X-Men
X-Men: Reign of ApocalypseGame Boy AdvanceMarvel, X-Men
X-Men: The Official GameGame Boy AdvanceMarvel, X-Men
X-Men: Wolverine's RageGame Boy ColorMarvel, X-Men
X-Morph: DefenseWindows
Xtreme SportsGame Boy Color
Yakuza 0WindowsYakuza
Yakuza KiwamiWindowsYakuza
Yakuza Kiwami 2WindowsYakuza
Yakuza: Like a DragonWindowsYakuza
Yars' RevengeGame Boy ColorYars' Revenge
Yesterday OriginsWindowsYesterday
Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight AloneGame Boy AdvanceDept. Heaven
Yo! NoidNESYo! Noid
Yoku's Island ExpressWindows
Yono and the Celestial ElephantsWindows
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible LairWindowsYooka-Laylee
YoshiNESMario, Yoshi
YoshiGame BoyYoshi, Yoshi's Cookie
Yoshi Topsy-TurvyGame Boy AdvanceYoshi
Yoshi's CookieSNESMario, Yoshi, Yoshi's Cookie
Yoshi's CookieNESMario, Yoshi, Yoshi's Cookie
Yoshi's CookieGame BoyYoshi, Yoshi's Cookie
Yoshi's SafariSNESYoshi
Yoshi's StoryNintendo 64Yoshi
Yoshi's Woolly WorldWii UYoshi
Yoshi's Woolly WorldWii UMario, Yoshi
You Don't Know Jack Vol. 1 XLWindowsYou Don't Know Jack
You Don't Know Jack Vol. 2WindowsYou Don't Know Jack
You Don't Know Jack Vol. 3WindowsYou Don't Know Jack
You Don't Know Jack Vol. 4: The RideWindowsYou Don't Know Jack
You Don't Know Jack: Head RushWindowsYou Don't Know Jack
You Don't Know Jack: MoviesWindowsYou Don't Know Jack
You Don't Know Jack: SportsWindowsYou Don't Know Jack
You Don't Know Jack: TelevisionWindowsYou Don't Know Jack
Youkai YashikiFamicom Disk System
Young MerlinSNES
Young SoulsWindows
Youtubers LifeWindowsYoutubers Life
Youtubers Life 2WindowsYoutubers Life
Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished - The Final ChapterNESYs
Ys III: Wanderers from YsSNESYs
Ys III: Wanderers from YsNESYs
Ys: Ancient Ys VanishedNESYs
Yu Yu Hakusho: Spirit DetectiveGame Boy AdvanceYu Yu Hakusho
Yu Yu Hakusho: Tournament TacticsGame Boy AdvanceYu Yu Hakusho
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Duel AcademyGame Boy AdvanceYu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound KingdomGameCubeYu-Gi-Oh!
Yu-Gi-Oh!: 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005Game Boy AdvanceYu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Dark Duel StoriesGame Boy ColorYu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Destiny Board TravelerGame Boy AdvanceYu-Gi-Oh!
Yu-Gi-Oh!: DungeonDice MonstersGame Boy AdvanceYu-Gi-Oh!
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Reshef of DestructionGame Boy AdvanceYu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Eternal Duelist SoulGame Boy AdvanceYu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Sacred CardsGame Boy AdvanceYu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006Game Boy AdvanceYu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship
Yu-Gi-Oh!: World Championship Tournament 2004Game Boy AdvanceYu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined DuelGame Boy AdvanceYu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Yume Koujou: Doki Doki PanicFamicom Disk System
Zak McKracken and the Alien MindbendersWindows
Zatch Bell!: Electric ArenaGame Boy AdvanceZatch Bell!
Zelda II: The Adventure of LinkNESThe Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of LinkWindowsThe Legend of Zelda
Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule FantasyFamicom Disk SystemThe Legend of Zelda
Zen Bound 2WindowsZen Bound
Zen: Intergalactic NinjaNES
Zen: Intergalactic NinjaGame Boy
Zenless Zone ZeroWindows
Zeno ClashWindowsZeno Clash
Zero the Kamikaze SquirrelSNESAero the Acro-Bat
Zettai Muteki Raijin-OhGame BoyEldran
Zoda's Revenge - StarTropics IINESStarTropics
Zodiac XXWindows
Zoids DensetsuGame BoyZoids
Zoids LegacyGame Boy AdvanceZoids
Zombie Army 4 Dead WarWindowsZombie Army
Zombie Army TrilogyWindowsSniper Elite
Zombie NationNES
Zombies Ate My NeighborsSNESZombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul PatrolWindowsZombies Ate My Neighbors
Zombies Killer MachineWindows
Zone of the Enders: The Fist of MarsGame Boy AdvanceZone of the Enders
ZoocubeGame Boy Advance
Zool: Ninja of the 'Nth' DimensionSNESZool
Zool: Ninja of the 'Nth' DimensionGame BoyZool
Zooo: Action Puzzle GameGame Boy Advance
ZoopGame Boy
Zuma DeluxeWindowsZuma
Zuma's RevengeWindowsZuma
Zwei: The Arges AdventureWindows
Zwei: The Ilvard InsurrectionWindowsZwei
三国群英传WindowsHeroes of the Three Kingdoms, 三國群英傳

Last updated March 3, 2025.