These slimes ain’t gonna ranch themselves || Slime Rancher

In case you didn’t know, the “Ranch” in “Slime Rancher” does not refer to ranch dressing. Learn from my mistakes, I guess.
Originally streamed on December 23, 2024.
In case you didn’t know, the “Ranch” in “Slime Rancher” does not refer to ranch dressing. Learn from my mistakes, I guess.
Originally streamed on December 23, 2024.
Checking this out because it’s been repeatedly recommended to me by upwards of two people. What is the spire? How do we slay it? We’ll find out, I guess!
Originally streamed on December 7, 2024.
Anyone can build a microgame. It takes real resolve, spirit, and courage to just play the stuff that the game comes with.
Originally streamed on November 9, 2024.
I saw this game and it looked neat, so I had to play it. I guess this counts as Fangame Frenzy, eh?
Originally streamed on October 28, 2024.
Happy Sims-Tember! The Sims 3 was the first Sims game I bought with my own money. I remember how excited I was for it.
Originally streamed on September 23, 2024.
Happy Sims-Tember! Today we continue our journey with the series’ second entry. Despite many people saying this is the best one, it’s also the one I’ve played the least, since I didn’t buy it until well after 3 came out.
Originally streamed on September 16, 2024.
Happy Sims-Tember! Going through the main entries in the franchise one per week, with a special bonus at the end that probably isn’t worth it. Today we begin our journey where the series started.
Originally streamed on September 9, 2024.
I dream of a world where you can trap your guests upside-down on a loop on a ride without the little bars that hold you in place, and they fall out and then go buy a hot dog. Featuring a bonus of a cool Mario ROM hack I found.
Originally streamed on August 24, 2024.
Sometimes on the lobby TV at my day job we have house flipping shows on. There’s like six hundred of these things, and they’re all pretty much the same. I can’t really see or hear them from my office, but when I go out there for coffee or something they never fail to distract me for a minute or so.
Originally streamed on August 19, 2024.
Yeah, yeah, I know. Everyone else played this over a month ago. That’s the downside of scheduling my streams so far out in advance; sometimes it means I can’t play something while it’s still hot and fresh. But oh well.
Originally streamed on June 29, 2024.