Making an Unsolvable Level || Super Mario Maker 2

This level is so cryptic, if I’ve done my job right it should be literally impossible without resorting to a level viewer.
Originally streamed on September 7, 2024.
This level is so cryptic, if I’ve done my job right it should be literally impossible without resorting to a level viewer.
Originally streamed on September 7, 2024.
Yeah, yeah, I know. Everyone else played this over a month ago. That’s the downside of scheduling my streams so far out in advance; sometimes it means I can’t play something while it’s still hot and fresh. But oh well.
Originally streamed on June 29, 2024.
Why do I always succumb to peer pressure? I know Bingobo wanted me to do a viewer maps stream, but that didn’t mean I actually had to.
Originally streamed on May 4, 2024.
Are you happy now bingobo?
Originally streamed on March 9, 2024.
I pity whoever has to play this crap. In two parts because the stream dropped. Also played part of a troll level someone submitted near the end.
Originally streamed on October 7, 2023.
In which I attempted, and failed, to use a level submission tool for YouTube.
Originally streamed July 15, 2023.